
Mini milk buns, small cute and tasty

author:Gentleman's baking
Mini milk buns, small cute and tasty

Come and have a relaxing pasta on holidays.

To make a delicious bun, kneading the dough is the key, and the softness and hardness of the dough is also the key.

Today this milk steamed bun, I made it into a very small look, very cute, more convenient to eat.

It uses a one-time fermentation method, which saves particularly time, but the taste is not inferior.

Like this little bun? Let's try it.

Milk steamed buns (30 pieces)

Ingredients: 300 g of medium gluten flour, 160 g of milk, 3 g of dried yeast, 30 g of caster sugar

(This recipe is a sugary bun, it is recommended to make it with high-sugar resistant dried yeast)

Production process

Mini milk buns, small cute and tasty

Mix flour, dried yeast and caster sugar, add milk and knead into a dough.

To make a delicious bun, kneading the dough is very, very important. To knead the dough thoroughly, knead until the dough is full of elasticity and shine.

But this dough doesn't need to be kneaded out of the film like bread (this dough is very hard and it is difficult to knead out the film).

Due to the different water absorption of flour, please adjust the amount of milk according to the actual situation, please refer to the right figure for the state of kneading the dough.

If you rub it by hand, be sure to knead it thoroughly.

If using junbake cooking machine, L1/G1 model 4 gear, A5/A6 model 1 gear, knead for 7 minutes.

Mini milk buns, small cute and tasty

Knead the dough, flatten, roll out with a rolling pin and cut into 4 portions.

Roll out each portion of the dough into a rectangle.

There is a cook machine that can be used with the cook machine's dough press (picture right) to finally press to the thickness of 4 stops.

If you roll out by hand, you may need to loosen the dough for about 10 minutes to easily roll it out, and if the dough retracts, you can extend the relaxation time.

Mini milk buns, small cute and tasty

Finally get a rectangular patch like the one on the left above.

Trim the corners of this dough neatly, then roll them up, to tighten them. When the roll is reached, dip a little water in the dough sheet to make it stick more firmly.

In the end, we got 4 long doughs.

Mini milk buns, small cute and tasty

Cut the rolled dough into small pieces with a knife. Uneven parts at both ends can be cut off.

When cutting, pay attention to cutting down with a light "saw" method (similar to the way the serrated knife cuts the toast slice, but do not use the serrated knife with a flat blade knife), which can avoid flattening the dough and obtain a clear three-dimensional cut surface.

The scraps can be kneaded again into balls, rolled out and rolled up and cut into small pieces.

This recipe can make about 30 small steamed buns in total.

Place the small cut dough in an oiled steamer or dish.

Mini milk buns, small cute and tasty

You can use a steamer or a steaming oven.

If you use a steamer, pour a small half pot of water in the steamer, heat it until the water starts to burn, turn off the heat, put the steaming drawer into the steamer, cover the pot lid, so that you can get a warm and moist environment in the pot. Leave on for about 35 minutes.

If using a Jun baking oven (pictured above is the fermentation map of the steaming oven), directly use the fermentation function of the steaming oven, 38 ° C, 35 minutes. The steaming oven automatically creates the humidity needed for fermentation.

Mini milk buns, small cute and tasty

After fermentation, the dough will become noticeably larger.

After that, it can be steamed.

If it is a steamer, put cold water on the drawer, and the water starts counting time, 10 minutes. If it is a jun baking oven, the large steam function first preheats for 5 minutes, and the steaming drawer is put in and steamed for 10 minutes.

Do not remove immediately after steaming, wait 3 minutes before uncovering the lid/opening the steaming oven. Avoid the steamed bun from collapsing due to drastic changes in heat and cold.

Mini milk buns, small cute and tasty

Steamed buns can be eaten. Eat hot, super fluffy and delicious!

Mini milk buns, small cute and tasty

Break open the bun and you can see the very delicate texture inside!


1. Again, kneading dough is very important! It is directly related to whether the steamed bun is soft and delicious. Dough should not be soft, it needs to be hard and hard texture, please adjust the amount of milk according to the water absorption of your flour.

2, this recipe is a fermentation method to make steamed buns, which is also my most commonly used method recently, only need to ferment once to steam, very fast and simple, but the taste is not inferior. If you have enough time, you can also use the secondary fermentation method (after kneading the dough, first ferment to 2 times the size, and then exhaust the dough for subsequent steps such as rolling, rolling, cutting, re-fermentation and steaming).

3, if you do not want to make small steamed buns, this recipe can also make 5-6 large steamed buns. The same step, the dough does not need to be divided into 4 parts, just roll out and roll out and cut into pieces. The fermentation time remains the same, and the steaming time needs to be extended by about 5 minutes.

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