
Minced meat and beans are super simple home cooking, mixed with rice can eat three bowls, huge delicious

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Minced meat and beans are super simple home cooking, mixed with rice can eat three bowls, huge delicious

Minced meat and beans are a super home-cooked dish that the whole family loves to eat, and bibimbap and noodles are invincible and delicious! Simple and delicious next meal, let's try it together!

By Joe Mai Food


1 handful of beans

Minced meat 250 g

3 dried chili peppers

1 green onion

3 cloves of garlic

Ginger to taste

1 scoop of carved wine

Light soy sauce 2 scoops

1 scoop of dark soy sauce

1 scoop of oyster sauce

1 teaspoon sugar

Salt to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Minced meat and beans are super simple home cooking, mixed with rice can eat three bowls, huge delicious

1: Wash and dice the beans, then cut some chopped green onion, ginger, garlic and dried chili peppers

Minced meat and beans are super simple home cooking, mixed with rice can eat three bowls, huge delicious

2: Minced meat, lean meat and fatty meat cut separately, minced lean meat with soy sauce, flower carving wine, pepper, salt and a little oil mix well and marinate for 10 minutes.

Minced meat and beans are super simple home cooking, mixed with rice can eat three bowls, huge delicious

3: Add the diced hot fat meat to the pot and stir-fry until the oil comes out, add the onion, ginger and garlic to fry until fragrant, add the minced lean meat to the pot and stir-fry until it changes color, add a spoonful of oyster sauce, and stir-fry evenly with a spoonful of old soy sauce.

Minced meat and beans are super simple home cooking, mixed with rice can eat three bowls, huge delicious

4: Add beans and dried chili peppers to the pot and stir-fry evenly, add an appropriate amount of sugar, and stir-fry with half a bowl of starch water. (Stir with 1 scoop of starch and 1/2 bowl of water)

Minced meat and beans are super simple home cooking, mixed with rice can eat three bowls, huge delicious

5: Cook for a few minutes until the soup is thick and season with salt.

Minced meat and beans are super simple home cooking, mixed with rice can eat three bowls, huge delicious

6, super cooking home cooking minced meat and beans are ready!


When the minced meat is marinated, a little cooking oil is added so that it will not stick together when stir-frying. The beans must be cooked, raw poisonous can not be eaten.

<h2>Nutritional benefits of carob</h2>

The four seasons of beans are sweet, light, slightly warm, return to the spleen, stomach meridian; wet but not dry, healthy spleen without stagnation, for the spleen deficiency and wet stop commonly used products; there are harmonious organs, nourishing the spirit, healthy spleen, cooling the humidity and water to reduce swelling effect; the main treatment of spleen deficiency and wetness, less stool, wet bets, women with too much, can also be used in the summer wet injury, vomiting and tendons and other evidence.

Carob is rich in vitamin b, C and plant proteins, which can calm the mind. Regulates the digestive system and eliminates chest swelling. It can prevent acute gastroenteritis, vomiting and diarrhea. It has the effect of quenching thirst and strengthening the spleen, toning the kidneys and relieving drainage, and improving qi and vitality.

<h2>Dietary contraindications to carob</h2>

Be sure to blanch the beans thoroughly to prevent poisoning. Because carob, like other legume vegetables, contains soap horn and phytoclutins, these two substances have a strong stimulating effect on the gastrointestinal mucosa, and have a destructive and hemolytic effect on cells, and severe hemorrhagic inflammation will occur. Patients may have epigastric pain after poisoning. Fullness, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, etc. Severe patients may have symptoms such as hematemesis and numbness in the limbs. These two poisoning substances are not heat-resistant, and after adequate heating, the toxic substances can be destroyed. The main way to prevent carob poisoning is to thoroughly fry and cook the beans before eating.

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