
Millions of Mercedes-Benz to paste, but directly dismantled? Merchant: Your car is leaking oil

Many people buy a car will choose 4S shop, 4S shop cars are directly supplied by the manufacturer, the quality of the car is also more guaranteed, if the vehicle has a problem, the owner can directly find the 4S shop after-sales maintenance. Ms. Hou of Beijing spent more than 1 million yuan to buy a Mercedes-Benz off-road vehicle, but when she sent the car to the store for film, the engine was inexplicably dismantled.

Millions of Mercedes-Benz to paste, but directly dismantled? Merchant: Your car is leaking oil

Ms. Hou only bought this car for more than a month, when she bought the car, the sales in the store promised Ms. Hou that she could apply film for free in the store. When Ms. Hou was driving, she found that the vehicle had a strange noise when the steering wheel was killed, so when she sent the car to the store to apply the film, she said a word in passing, and asked the other party to check it for herself to see if there was something wrong with the vehicle.

Millions of Mercedes-Benz to paste, but directly dismantled? Merchant: Your car is leaking oil

Ms. Hou left the car in the shop, but she waited at home for 4 days, and the other party did not call her to pick up the car. Ms. Hou was a little uneasy and came to the store by herself. Ms. Hou came to the workshop of the store and saw the scene in front of her, and her heart was cold.

Her Mercedes-Benz car had been dismantled by the other side, and the engine was placed on the ground, with many small parts next to it. Ms. Hou was very angry, and she felt that even if the other party wanted to dismantle the car for inspection, she should at least notify herself. However, the staff directly dismantled the car without informing.

Millions of Mercedes-Benz to paste, but directly dismantled? Merchant: Your car is leaking oil

Ms. Hou immediately found the person in charge of the store and asked the other party why he wanted to dismantle his car. The other party told Ms. Hou that there was an oil leak in her car and that the engine was removed to check what was wrong. But this explanation made Ms. Hou unacceptable, she did not find that the car had an oil leakage problem, even if there was an oil leakage problem, it should be informed in advance.

Millions of Mercedes-Benz to paste, but directly dismantled? Merchant: Your car is leaking oil

Now Ms. Hou is full of worries about this car, she does not know when the other party dismantled the engine, whether the other parts on the car were also removed, for herself to replace other accessories of the sub-factory. Her appeal is simple, either return the car and refund the money, or change herself to a new car of the same model.

However, the merchant said that their dismantling of the engine was carried out under the authorization of the owner, and Ms. Hou's situation did not meet the requirements of the national "three guarantees law" to change the car. The two sides did not reach an agreement on this issue, and Ms. Hou said that she would sue the relevant departments and resolve it through legal channels.

Millions of Mercedes-Benz to paste, but directly dismantled? Merchant: Your car is leaking oil

Consumers have the right to know, what problems have occurred in their cars have the right to know, and the merchant should greet the owner of the car before carrying out repairs. The owner of the car agrees to disassemble the inspection before dismantling, and the owner does not agree to disassemble the engine of others without permission, which will inevitably make people wonder whether there is a bad motive.

Before there have been many businesses secretly replace the owner of the original parts of the car owner, many car owners have produced a "once bitten by the snake" psychology, every time they go to the shop to repair the car they have to stand next to stare, even if the car is maintained, the owner does not dare to go away, worried that the other party will change the oil when they change the inferior oil to replace.

Millions of Mercedes-Benz to paste, but directly dismantled? Merchant: Your car is leaking oil

Mercedes-Benz owners just came to the store to apply film, by the way to check the problem of vehicle noise, the owner did not directly authorize the merchant to disassemble the vehicle. Merchants disassemble the engine without telling them, which is itself wrong. In such a situation, the owner can complain to the local industry and commerce bureau, the official department intervenes to solve, and the merchant should give the owner a satisfactory answer.

【The picture comes from the Internet, the infringing contact is deleted】

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