
Your attitude determines your height


Attitude determines behavior, and behavior determines everything.

The world is like a mirror, you treat it as you treat it.

No one can change the world on their own, but they can change themselves.

Therefore, the fool desperately tries to change the world, and the wise man strives to change himself.

Understand that your attitude determines your height.

Your attitude determines your height


The attitude of doing things determines whether it is successful or not.

Carnegie told the story in The Psychology of Interpersonal Communication: Marshall was a partner at a new York bank, and his wife, Merlin, was the editor-in-chief of Art Auction.

Their family is very happy, with a beautiful apartment and a villa, children studying in private schools with good grades.

To make more money, Marshall began investing in entrepreneurship. However, he had no interest in investing at all, tossed and turned many times, and became a person with a lot of debt.

In order to pay off the debt, he sold the villa and was depressed.

Merlin said everything would be fine, although there was no villa, but they still had the apartment and the family could still be together.

Marshall returned to his profession and his work quickly picked up. At the same time, he realized – a positive attitude is important.

Actively do something, half successful at the beginning, no matter how tired you are, you will not have bad emotions, but adjust your mentality and continue to work hard.

As the saying goes, "Do a line, love a line." ”

As long as it is something you like, you will be able to stick to it, and you can cultivate in this industry and become a top figure.


Your attitude towards people determines your connections.

There is an insulting saying in the countryside: "Dog eyes look down on people." ”

If you underestimate others, then you cannot become noble because of this, but you have offended others because of it.

Everyone likes to see a smiling face, not a bitter face.

In ancient times, when a group of disciples went on a pilgrimage, the old Zen master took out a bitter melon and said, Take the bitter melon with you, and whenever you go to a holy river, you will put it in and soak it. And place it on a holy table, enshrine it, and worship it sincerely.

The disciples did so.

When he came back, the old Zen master arranged for the chef to fry the bitter melon so that everyone could taste it.

The disciples said that it was still very bitter.

The old Zen master went on to say, why is it that the bitter melon is soaked in holy water and enshrined in the temple, but it has not yet become sweet?

A word awakens the dreamer.

Something that is bitter in nature does not become sweet. If you want to be sweet, you have to turn yourself into a "melon".

If you want to change relationships, you can't count on others, you can't rely on circles, you can only rely on yourself. You smile at everyone, not necessarily everyone smiles at you, but there are many people who smile at you.

When you treat people all over the world as family, you go everywhere, like at home, everywhere there are people who are good to you.

Even if it is a villain, there is something worth learning, you find his shining point, you can treat him kindly, you can also use the sun to infect him. Maybe, I can walk together.

Your attitude determines your height


The attitude toward home determines whether you are happy or not.

When Obama was running for president, he took the time to buy a bouquet of white roses, took a special plane to his wife, and the two celebrated their 16th wedding anniversary together.

Once, Obama's wife went to buy flowers. The florist owner said enviously, "You are so lucky to be married to a president." ”

She replied, "I marry you, and you're also president." ”

In a happy family, the family is confident and will burn.

Happiness is not about waiting for the other party to reward something, but about taking the initiative to do something.

If you actively face the difficulties of the family, when you go home, give your family a hug, when you go out, take the initiative to report safety, and always keep smiling, then the family will be very harmonious.

You don't have to put your happiness on others, you have to dominate on your own.


Your attitude toward life determines how far you can go.

The ancients said: "One foot in the life, it is difficult to seek a foot." ”

Some people take this sentence as a reasonable saying, and always keep it in mind. When difficulties come, take a step back, think that this is invincible, it is better to give up; when love is lost, it is dead hearted, thinking that you are destined to be single in this life.

In fact, the ancients told you to see the fate clearly, and then go with the flow. We must accept the existing results calmly and must not lose a positive attitude.

In a mature person, we will find a "humble, low-key" attitude, he is always accumulating strength. One day in the future, one leap up.

Without accumulating steps, there are no thousands of miles. If you admit your fate, your attitude becomes negative, and fate will bully you. If you keep going, even if it's slow, you'll outdo others.

Your attitude determines your height



The theory of self-perception states that when asked about a person's attitude toward something, the individual first recalls their behavior in relation to that thing and then infers an attitude toward that thing based on past behavior.

Only by unabashedly expressing your views and facing everything frankly can you live your life.

Society is complex, everyone is affected by the words and deeds of others, and if you can't maintain your nature, you will be lost.

In the beginning of man, nature is good.

In the beginning, everyone was kind, innocent and lovely. This is a positive attitude towards being a human being. When we grow up, troubles ensue, complaining, blaming, arguing, anger... Then came our attitudes getting worse and worse.

Shakespeare said, "In the dark days, do not let the cold fate sneak in; since fate has come to humiliate us, it should retaliate with a calm attitude." ”

When we feel bad, look back at the road, relax, think about what the future holds, learn to be self-motivated, and respond positively to anything and people.

For the current ending, don't complain, don't be complacent, but accept it with the best attitude and don't make senseless struggles.

In this life, people are destined to be ups and downs, accumulating strength when they are low, climbing when they are on the mountainside, and looking at the scenery when they are at the top, each with their own attitude.

Author: Cloth coarse food.

Follow my words and go into your heart.

The illustrations in this article come from the Internet.

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