
Yue Fei passed by the Golden Mountain Temple, and the old Zen master gave him a life-saving poem, but unfortunately he did not understand it until he died

Buddhists often say: Karma repays each other. But why are the founding emperors often able to be rich and prosperous to death, and the ministers who can make meritorious achievements and defend their families and defend the country are often not allowed to die well? Either they died on the battlefield, or they were killed by the Ming Emperor, or they were killed by traitors, maybe this is history, and it has its own regular arrangement. But we sometimes lament that this history is unfair after all.

Yue Fei passed by the Golden Mountain Temple, and the old Zen master gave him a life-saving poem, but unfortunately he did not understand it until he died

In the dark and endless era of the Southern Song Dynasty, Xu was an era of heroes in the chaotic world, such as Xin Renjie and the protagonist of today's story: Yue Fei. But the chaotic world is a chaotic world after all, and the courtiers and the emperors are the background of the chaotic world. Because of these, Yue Fei's "loyalty" has become a "hot search" for thousands of years.

First, the reputation is dry, and the world is shocked

In his early years, Yue Fei studied under Zhou Tong to cultivate both literature and martial arts, and even forged the ambition of "serving the country with loyalty" to the death, perhaps "the times create heroes", or perhaps "create and create people", Yue Fei met the Southern Song Dynasty where mountains and rivers were broken. At this time, the Southern Song Dynasty needed a brave warrior to stabilize the situation, and history proved that this person was Yue Fei.

Yue Fei passed by the Golden Mountain Temple, and the old Zen master gave him a life-saving poem, but unfortunately he did not understand it until he died

Yue Fei's strong martial arts made him float to the level of all sentient beings, but Yue Fei was not Li Kui. If he were only brave, there would be no Yue Family Army that could only be cultivated by indoctrination and solemnity, there would be no name of permanent victory that can be achieved by both wisdom and courage, and there would be no sigh of difficulty for the Golden Soldier to shake the Yue Family Army! But it was his bravery that sent him to the brink of extinction.

Since then, Yue Fei, a military general, has quickly stepped onto the top of the empire, but because of this, everything has been planted as a curse. As we all know, the founding emperor of the Song Dynasty", "Yellow Robe Plus Body", took the throne, so he was afraid, even if a military general took this road like him, so the Song Dynasty's tradition of emphasizing literature and light martial arts began, and Yue Fei, a military general, soared all the way, it was definitely not OK, and the law of history would not change because of any one person.

Yue Fei passed by the Golden Mountain Temple, and the old Zen master gave him a life-saving poem, but unfortunately he did not understand it until he died

Second, when I met Daoyue by chance, I did not realize the poem

Legend has it that the abbot of Jinshan Temple, Daoyue Zen Master, the Buddhist Dao Dacheng, the level of poetry is also quite high, of course, it is famous. Not to mention Yue Fei's name, the two never met, but they had already regarded each other as confidants. In fact, the reason is very simple, the two can be said to be living each other's "yearning life". Yue Fei has been fighting on the battlefield for many years, living a life of tying his head to the waistband of his pants, and must have hoped to be able to calm down once in a while, let down his guard to recharge. And DaoYue Zen Master, seeing the destruction of the country, why didn't he hope that he could incarnate as a warrior to kill the enemy on the battlefield?

However, in the end, "the authorities are obsessed with bystanders", when Yue Fei proposed that he wanted Daoyue to give a poem, Daoyue said in one sentence: "The wind and wave pavilion are gushing, and we must be determined to keep the rudder firmly." Only fearing that his companions would be wrong, he pushed his body to the side of the waves. "For those of us who know the end of the story later, the meaning of the old Zen master is already very clear, Yue Fei, you are determined to change this turbulent chaotic world, and you will not give up, but why don't you be careful of the dark arrows above the hall?"

Yue Fei passed by the Golden Mountain Temple, and the old Zen master gave him a life-saving poem, but unfortunately he did not understand it until he died

Perhaps Yue Fei was proud of his life at that time and did not understand the deep meaning, or perhaps he was determined to change this world, and all obstacles were determined to be overcome. In the end, he only regarded this as a farewell poem, and then resolutely embarked on the journey, the road that was doomed to be fruitless.

Third, the hero fell, and the British name was circulated

In 1129 AD, Jin Wushu once again swung his sword south and captured Jiankang City with great speed. At this time, Yue Fei was ordered to lead the Yue family army to defeat the old opponent in one fell swoop, which was the strength of the Yue family army, but just when they were breaking through the bamboo and going all the way north, they were about to hit Zhu Xian Town, and the twelve gold medals summoned Yue Fei to return to the dynasty.

Yue Fei passed by the Golden Mountain Temple, and the old Zen master gave him a life-saving poem, but unfortunately he did not understand it until he died

Twelve years of merit in front of the emperor and the prime minister are nothing more than "false accusations". We may think that yue fei at this time will definitely think of the poem given by The Daoyue Zen Master. However, yue Fei's heart was not at most remorse, but worry, how could such a dynasty and a nation resist the Jin soldiers going south!

Facts have also given us the answer, and Yue Fei I's heroic name has been passed down forever, and unlike many heroes, he is a national hero who has struggled for national independence all his life. As for Qin Juniper, a poem tells us the result: "Qingshan has the honor of burying loyal bones, and white iron innocently casts servants." "History is merciless, but people have a temperature!

Yue Fei passed by the Golden Mountain Temple, and the old Zen master gave him a life-saving poem, but unfortunately he did not understand it until he died

If we stand, we should also stand from the perspective of a future generation, in fact, Yue Fei was doomed from the time of his fame, and there was such an ending. First of all, after the shame of Jing Kang, there was the Southern Song Dynasty, and Yue Fei advocated taking back the Second Emperor, which was obviously not possible. Secondly, Yue Fei was doomed to be a martial artist in the Song Dynasty, and letting him take off was just a temporary act of helplessness. Moreover, he had been fighting outside for many years, and the ministers of the Interior were really dissatisfied with his soaring, and he had no way of knowing.


The laws of history are often so, ruthless and laughable, killing loyal subjects and leaving them only the so-called heroic names. When you are alive, you really have all the credit, and you have nothing to gain! But there will always be people doing stupid things, past, present, future, and continuous history is proof!

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