
History records that he was "faint and without a way", but in the tomb he found a thousand ancient strange books, experts: he will be returned to justice

In the history of china's development for thousands of years, there have been many emperors and generals, the emperor is the most honorable person in a country, but also the leader of the country, should have been respected, but in the history of our country, there is such an emperor who has been recorded as absurd and non-toxic, addicted to beauty, and acting recklessly, committing more than a thousand crimes in just 27 days, and later being pulled down from the throne and becoming the emperor who reigned for the shortest time in the history of our country, this emperor is the famous Han emperor Liu He in history. Originally, everyone thought that Liu He was the one recorded in history, until the discovery of Liu He's ancient tomb was discovered, and experts learned that Liu He was probably not the same as recorded in history.

History records that he was "faint and without a way", but in the tomb he found a thousand ancient strange books, experts: he will be returned to justice

In 2011, the Cultural Relics Bureau of Nanchang City, Jiangxi Province, received a call from a villager in Guanxi Village, Datangping Township, a newly built district, who said that an ancient tomb had been dug up by thieves on a hill near the village, and hoped that archaeologists would hurry up and not let go of these hateful tomb robbers. After receiving the call, the experts rushed to the scene to protect the tomb. After the investigation, experts judged the tomb to be a mausoleum of the Western Han Dynasty, and in order to protect the cultural relics in the tomb, experts carried out rescue excavations of the tomb. After 5 years of history, experts have finally excavated the entire structure of this ancient tomb.

History records that he was "faint and without a way", but in the tomb he found a thousand ancient strange books, experts: he will be returned to justice

This is a very magnificent structure of the ancient tomb, the entire tomb is composed of two main tombs, seven funerary tombs, a funerary pit, garden wall, etc., is China's archaeological process found in the largest area, the best preservation, the richest connotation of the Han Dynasty mausoleum, and later in 2015 was also included in China's top ten archaeological discoveries. The scale of this ancient tomb can be said to have shocked the entire archaeological community, in order to confirm who the owner of this ancient tomb is, experts have consulted various history books and finally learned that this ancient tomb is actually the mausoleum of Liu He, the famous Han Emperor in history. It is reasonable to say that Liu He, as the deposed emperor of thousands of years, has a reputation for tyranny second only to the King of Shangyi, but why is the scale of the ancient tomb so important? Not only is it included in this, but the cultural relics in the ancient tomb are also very rich.

History records that he was "faint and without a way", but in the tomb he found a thousand ancient strange books, experts: he will be returned to justice

In the past few years of excavation and research of ancient tombs, experts have unearthed tens of thousands of precious cultural relics from the tombs, and the value of these cultural relics is extremely high, which provides an important reference for China's study of the history of the Han Dynasty. Not only that, but also a lot of gold was found in the tomb, and the appearance of these artifacts shocked everyone and dazzled the experts. But these are not the most important, and later experts found a long-lost book of ancient qi during the final cleanup of the ancient tomb, which is the "Qi Analects" written by Confucius. It should be known that Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty at that time implemented the policy of "deposing a hundred families and respecting Confucianism alone", which carried forward the literature advocated by Confucius and set off a wave of Analects in the Western Han Dynasty at that time.

History records that he was "faint and without a way", but in the tomb he found a thousand ancient strange books, experts: he will be returned to justice

How could there be an Analects in the tomb of a notorious emperor? Could it be that Liu He, the deposed emperor of the Han Dynasty, also liked the knowledge in the Analects? This discovery excites experts, wondering how people who like analects can be tyrannical. This archaeological discovery directly subverted the world's influence on Liu He, even experts feel that it is likely to be a mistake in the history of the right history, a person who loves to study Analects literature does not look like a person who can do such a thing, experts bluntly said: must pay him a fair deal!

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