
What are the differences between Chinese archaeology and Western archaeology?

Chinese archaeology and Western archaeology are actually very different. I'm sure a lot of people who follow archaeological news and exhibits of artifacts have noticed this.

What are the differences between Chinese and Western archaeology:

1. Composition of archaeologists.

The Chinese archaeological team is generally composed of professional archaeologists, historical experts and administrative officials with archaeological expertise, and the salaries are paid by the state, and the cultural relics excavated by archaeology are all owned by the state. There is no commercial background.

The archaeological team in the West is generally composed of cultural relics merchants, adventurers and archaeologists, who take the money of investors and go to the country with a relatively long history to archaeologize, which is first of all a commercial act, followed by the plundering and smuggling of cultural relics. They go to archaeology with a thirst for wealth, and they have to find artifacts or they will lose everything they and their investors have.

Of course, they will also accept funding from their own governments to collect intelligence for the government while archaeology. This was basically the case with foreign explorers who came to northwest China at the end of the Qing Dynasty.

2. Exploration and search before archaeology.

What are the differences between Chinese archaeology and Western archaeology?

Ancient tombs and cultural relics in China are generally discovered by accident, such as the Terracotta Warriors and Horses, which were discovered by farmers when digging wells, the tombs of the King of Nanyue that were discovered when building buildings and digging foundations, and tomb robbers who stole them. There are too many ancient tombs and ancient cultural relics under the land of China, and in recent years, there has been a great deal of construction across the country, and ancient tombs are often inadvertently found, and there is no need to deliberately look for them.

Britain, France, Germany, the United States and other countries in the West have no cultural relics because their own history is too short, and there are no cultural relics in digging three feet, so they have to send many expeditions to other countries to find cultural relics and enrich their own history museums. Western archaeological teams not only deliberately searched, but also according to the Bible, Homeric and ancient Greek mythology.

Under the guidance of this idea, Western archaeologists found a pile of rocks in the Turkish wilderness, daring to say that this is the ruins of the legendary ancient city of Troy, and finding a mass grave in Greece dare to say that this is the tomb of Aristotle.

3. The location where the cultural relics were unearthed.

After Chinese discover an ancient tomb or site, it is generally continued to excavate for several years, and the cultural relics that can be found are basically cleaned up at once, the cultural relics and sites are protected, and then experts and scholars are sent to study. The next time the tomb is found elsewhere, it is still operated like this. China is a shot for a place, and a large number of cultural relics have been unearthed in each place.

What about western countries?

There are so few heritage sites in the West that it's too difficult to discover new ones. In order to maintain the popularity of Western archaeological news and create an illusion for the people of the world that the West excavates cultural relics every year, Westerners excavate a small number of "cultural relics" at fixed archaeological sites every year, and never excavate them at one time.

For example, the ruins of Pompeii unearth several murals, shell currency, sculptures, etc. every year, excavated for hundreds of years, and new things can be unearthed every year. The same is true of archaeological sites in Egypt and Greece, where some mummies, bronzes, frescoes, etc. are unearthed every year.

4. Quantity and quality of excavated cultural relics.

There are many kinds of cultural relics unearthed from ancient Chinese tombs, and all the things used in life are available, including large bronzes, gold and silver products, bamboo jane, wooden jane, traditional Chinese medicine, wine, currency, etc. More than ten tons of five-baht coins were unearthed from the tomb of Hai Xiahou, amounting to millions of pieces, and 115 kilograms of gold products. The number of cultural relics excavated from other ancient tombs is also large and of high quality. The Simu Pengding excavated from the Yin Ruins in Anyang weighed 800 kilograms.

What are the differences between Chinese archaeology and Western archaeology?

In contrast, the cultural relics unearthed in the West are miserable, not only the number of excavations is small, but also the quality is low. The excavated cultural relics are mainly frescoes, sculptures, pottery, papyrus, clay books, mummies, and small bronzes, and the number is pitifully small.

There are almost no large bronze excavations in the West, of course, there is no porcelain, which means that they were very backward in ancient times, and the so-called science and democracy are just pulling the banner and pulling the tiger skin.

5. The cost of counterfeiting is not the same.

The cultural relics in ancient Chinese tombs are absolutely impossible to counterfeit. Even if they are rich and enemy of the country, it is impossible to build a tomb of the Marquis of Haidu, the tomb of Mawangdui, and the tomb of King Jing of Zhongshan, the cost is too high, and the scientific and technological content is too high.

It is much easier to counterfeit ancient tombs and cultural relics in the West, which are nothing more than some roughly made murals, stone tablets, small bronzes, sculptures, etc. The cost of counterfeiting is much lower, and the average cultural relics dealer can do it.

6. The interpretation of cultural relics is different.

There are many cultural relics unearthed in China, and the quality is high, but Chinese's interpretation of cultural relics and sites is very conservative, very low-key, and never compared with foreign cultural relics. Dig it out often, protect it, and there is no following. Never again in the news.

Westerners' interpretation of artifacts and sites is strong. A Roman ancient road can interpret the strength of ancient Rome, and a Roman bath can explain the democracy of ancient Rome and the strength of Rome.

What are the differences between Chinese archaeology and Western archaeology?

150,000 pieces of oracle bones have been unearthed in China, and many oracle bone scripts have not been recognized. A teenage French teenager, Shang Borian, can decipher the ancient Egyptian Rosetta inscription and solve the mystery of ancient Egyptian writing.

In short, China is afraid that the people will know how anti-heavenly Chinese cultural relics are, and the West is afraid that Western cultural relics will not be known by others, and they will fight for their lives to publicize, so as to prove that Western history is very cattle.

7. Valuable and worthless.

Items are generally scarce and expensive. Although there are many Chinese cultural relics unearthed, each one is very valuable, and the auction value has repeatedly reached new highs.

Western artifacts are also exceptions. Although few Western artifacts have been unearthed, they are not valuable. Westerners worship Western religion, but they don't worship Western artifacts at all.

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