
Nanjing Tianyou Children's Hospital: The 5 major symptoms of ADHD, has your child been recruited?

In the process of children's growth, parents sometimes feel distressed by their children's naughtiness and naughtiness, and even some parents will doubt whether their children are suffering from ADHD. What are the symptoms of so many motility disorders?

Nanjing Tianyou Children's Hospital: The 5 major symptoms of ADHD, has your child been recruited?

The main manifestation of ADHD

1. Difficulty concentrating

Difficulty concentrating is the most important manifestation of ADHD. Children with ADHD are less able to focus and follow through than children of the average age, and they are easily distracted by the influence of the environment. In the light, they can also concentrate on listening to or watching the things they are interested in; the heavy ones cannot attract attention to anything, and one thing is not done and then another thing is done, so they often appear to be doing things without a beginning and an end, and they are lost.

2. Hyperactivity

Children with ADHD seem to have an inexhaustible amount of energy and are constantly active. Some children have the characteristics of excessive activity from infancy, love to cry, difficult to sleep, feeding difficulties, often run instead of walking, usually always rummage through boxes and cabinets, either to open toys or overturn bowls. After school, in the need for quiet occasions, show significant overactivity, a lot of small movements, always can not sit still in the classroom, the butt is always twisted in the seat, serious and even unauthorized departure from the seat, walking around in the classroom, like to talk to people, jokes, play clowns, often provoke trouble.

3. Emotional instability and impulsive willfulness

Children with ADHD often act before they think, never thinking about the consequences before acting. For example, they will suddenly shout in class, even run away from their seats, grab things from classmates or attack others, lack patience in line, and some children often destroy things. But they did not appear out of deliberate troublemaking, but did not consider the consequences of their actions and did whatever they thought.

Nanjing Tianyou Children's Hospital: The 5 major symptoms of ADHD, has your child been recruited?

Some children show boldness and are not afraid of danger than the average child of the same age. For example, they can't swim but jump into the pool; they run down the street regardless of whether there is a car in front of them; they dare to jump from a height, sometimes even walking on the roof; and some often perform difficult actions, such as performing fire jumping rings. Such children sometimes appear to be emotionally unstable, difficult to control when excited, which is inexplicable; when they are unhappy, they even have aggressive behavior, and some children are angry when they are not satisfied, and even kick and bite people.

4. Learning difficulties, cognitive impairment

Most children with ADHD have normal or near-normal intelligence. However, lack of concentration has a certain impact on their learning, resulting in poor academic performance, often failing, or grades up and down, fluctuating greatly. A small number of children have cognitive deficits, mainly manifested as audiovisual or visual motor dysfunction, resulting in uncoordinated movements, resulting in difficulties in reading, calculating, writing, drawing, and analyzing graphics.

5. Behavioral problems, conduct disorders

Almost 80% of children with ADHD have a variety of bad behaviors, such as: good fighting, good resistance, disobedience, stubbornness, domineering, bullying, temper tantrums, poor discipline and so on. Many times these bad behaviors do not occur because of bad character, but because they really can't control themselves, but if they don't pay attention to education, they may develop into character problems.

Tips: If parents find that their children have symptoms such as attention deficits, excessive activities or emotional impulsiveness, and suspect ADHD, they need to take their children to a professional hospital in time.

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