
Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

In this article, I will talk to you about this topic.

When everyone heard Lü Yan, the first thing that came to mind was often a vicious, poisonous, and power-playing poisonous woman; but what came to Yu Ji's mind was a beautiful woman who was delicate and beautiful, and who did not care about herself for love. A Han Gaozu's wife, the founding empress of the Han Dynasty, who also made important contributions to the Han Dynasty during his reign, why does it feel that his reputation is inferior to that of a concubine of Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu?

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

The reason why Lü Yan's reputation is inferior to Yu Ji is mainly because:

First, in the patriarchal era"

A woman who has no talent is virtue

", the little woman is more likeable;

Second, the killing of heroes and the torture of Lady Qi made Lü Yan leave behind the ancient infamy;

Third, it is influenced by later film and television dramas.

Influenced by Confucianism, authoritarian women were not welcome in feudal society

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

In the feudal society of thousands of years in ancient times, all positions of authority were reserved for men, whether it was political, economic, legal or military. Women have no social dominance. As long as women obey men and take good care of men, they are virtuous, and they will be promoted by society. Once women ascend to political status, they will be attacked for affecting men's dominance. Lü Yan was such a person.

Confucianism officially became the orthodoxy of feudal society during the Han Dynasty. During the reign of Emperor Wu of the Han Dynasty,"

Depose hundreds of families and respect Confucianism alone

”。 Confucianism is exquisite"

Three principles and five constants, three from four virtues


Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

Three principles and five constants

- The father is the son, and the husband is the wife.

Five Constants"

: Benevolence, righteousness, courtesy, wisdom, faith.

Three from four virtues

- The feudal society's constraints on women. “

Three from

"Means that a woman is not married to her father, married to her husband, and dies from her son;"

Four Virtues

"Refers to women's morality, women's speech, women's appearance, and women's skills."

"Rituals, Funeral Dresses, and Zixia Biography": "A woman has three subordinate righteousnesses, and there is no special way. Therefore, he did not marry the father, but married the husband, and the husband died from the son. "Zhou Li Tianguan Nine Concubines": "The nine concubines are in charge of the method of women's studies, and teach the emperor with nine teachings: women's morality, women's speech, women's appearance, and women's skills." ”

It can be seen that the status of women in feudal society is very low, and their whole lives are served by reigning men. Therefore, the ancients believed that if women grasped political power, it would be equivalent to turning things upside down, and there would be great chaos.

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

During the period of Emperor Wu of Han, Liu Che, the Emperor of The Han Dynasty, was precisely because he learned the lesson of Lü Yan's interference in the government of the Gaozu era that he proposed that the harem should not interfere in politics. He once said, "Since ancient times, the reason why there has been turmoil in the country is because the monarch is young and the mother is strong, the heroine is arrogant and arrogant, lascivious and wanton, and no one can control it."

King Wu of Zhou also said when he was cutting the silk, "The chicken has no morning, the morning of the chicken, but the family's rope." A hen is a hen, which means that the hen cannot crow until dawn. Otherwise the family will be finished. By extension, it means that women are not allowed to interfere in politics, and the king's "only women's words are used" is pronounced as a crime.

In the Ninth Year of the Duke of Guliang, the league text of the Duke of Qi Huan reads: "Do not make women and state affairs".

Therefore, it is unreasonable for women to intervene in politics in feudal society, and even if Lü Yan made any contributions to the country during his reign, it will not be praised and promoted by the ruling class in later generations, after all, this will affect their dominance.

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

Yu Ji is different, she is just Xiang Yu's concubine, serving Xiang Yu wholeheartedly, only Xiang Yu is from, dancing before Xiang Yu goes out to cheer xiang Yu up, and suppressing her inner worries, patiently waiting for the return of her lover. As a woman of that era, she met the requirements of feudal society for women to be virtuous.

Second, he cursed the heroes and tortured the concubines to leave a curse, while Yu Ji was kind and devoted to love and was sought after by the world

(1) Lü Yan also made many important contributions to the country during his administration

Political initiatives:

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

Lü Yan inherited Liu Bang's "Xiao Zhi Cao".

Nothing can be done

"Recuperate, save national strength, for later"

The reign of Wenjing

"And Han Wu hegemony, lay a good foundation."

Encourage production. For example, in 191 BC, the edict ordered the county to "raise the people to filial piety and restore the people to their bodies", exempted the people from servitude, so as to encourage the people to engage in production, and "reduce the rent of the land, restore fifteen taxes and one", so that the people can rest and recuperate.

Amend the Han Law to reduce the punishment. For example, in 187 B.C., she decreed "the removal of the sins of the three tribes, the order of demon speech"; not only that, but also "commutation of sentences, the promulgation of the law of atonement"; the formulation of the system of "changing the age of the pawns"; and the elimination of the law of the book.

Rectify the national style. For example, she advocates thrifty governance, strict management of extravagance and waste, and so on.

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

Economic initiatives:

First, attach importance to agricultural production and gradually relax business policies.

In the later period of his reign, Liu Bang issued commercial decrees to punish illegal merchants.

"The world has been peaceful, and Gao Zu has ordered the Jia people not to wear silk and ride in the car, and to pay heavy taxes to humiliate them."

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

But this move is too big because the impact is too large, resulting in businessmen losing the enthusiasm to do business,"

The descendants of the city are also not allowed to serve as eunuchs

This has also intensified social contradictions. During the reign of Lü Yan, it was proposed that "

For the beginning of the world, the law of the merchant Jia is restored

”。 This relieved the economic burden on businessmen, alleviated discrimination against businessmen, and promoted the economic development of the country.

Second, from Chang'an West City.

In 189 BC, Chang'an City became the center of economic activity at that time, laying the foundation for Chang'an City to become a prosperous capital. Take separately"

Line eight baht money


Line five cents

"The measures stabilized the balance of monetary values and prices and promoted the smooth circulation of commodities.

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

Sima Qian had a very high evaluation of Lü Yan:

"History of Empress Lü Benji": "Taishi Gongyi: When Emperor Xiaohui and Empress Gao were in power, Li Min had to leave the suffering of the Warring States, and the monarchs and subjects wanted to rest and do nothing, so Emperor Hui arched, and the empress dowager called the system, and the government did not leave the house, and the world was in a state of tranquility. Punishment is rare, and sinners are Hee. The people are well fed, clothed, fed and fed. ”

It can be seen from this that during the reign of Lü Yan, the Han Dynasty was still developing in a positive trend.

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

(2) The reason why Lü Yan left a sinister and vicious crime in history is mainly two things

Heroes of the Curse:

Killing Han Xin - Han Xin was one of the most important heroes of Liu Bang's unification of the Han Dynasty, and fearing that he had different intentions from the Lord of Gao gai, he and Xiao He designed to kill him for the crime of rebellion.

Kill Peng Yue – Peng Yue, the king of Liang, had already been reduced to a commoner by Liu Bang, but Lü Yan advised Liu Bang to "let the tiger return to the mountains and suffer endless troubles", so Liu Bang ordered Peng Yue to be brutally killed.

Make Lady Qi an adult:

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

After Liu Bang's death, Lü Yan hated Liu Bang's favored concubine Lady Qi and made her an adult, cruel to the extreme.

彘 (zhì) is also a pig, and the human body is to chop off the limbs of the human body, dig out the eyeballs, inject copper water into the ears, make it deaf (deaf), and then pour the drug into the throat, cut off the tongue, destroy the vocal cords, make it impossible to speak, and then throw it into the toilet. In addition, the hair should be removed and the eyebrows shaved off.

The cruelty of the means could not be seen by his own son. He thinks that his mother and queen are inhumane and frightened and have no intention of handling government affairs.

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

Compared with Lü Yan's poisonous spicyness, Yu Ji is only the image of an infatuated woman who is short-lived in history. Moreover, Yu Ji was very kind and advised Xiang Yu to love the people when Xiang Yu was victorious. Therefore, in the cognition of later generations, Yu Ji seems to have only a beautiful side left. And Lü Yan's ferocity is remembered by everyone, which is one of the reasons why Lü Yan's reputation is not as good as Yu Ji's.

Third, after Lü Yan and Yu Ji were interpreted, it was easier for posterity to remember Lü Yan's poisonous spicy and Yu Ji's beauty

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

Most of our knowledge of Yu Ji comes from"

Overlord Farewell

History has not described Yu Ji in detail, and even the full name has not been left.

Sima Qian's "History of Xiang Yu Benji" only records: "There are beautiful people with names. ”

We only know that Yu Ji is a beautiful woman, a beauty of Xiang Yu, the king of Western Chu. She still did not abandon Xiang Yu in the embattled situation. On the Wujiang River, he staged a farewell between beauty and hero, which was praised by future generations. The scene of "Farewell to the Overlord" has been adapted and staged by countless stage plays, film and television dramas, which has further enhanced people's good impression of Yu Ji.

Lü Yan made outstanding contributions to the Han Dynasty, why is his reputation still inferior to that of Yu Ji, a servant of Israel?

Compared with Yu Ji's ephemeral flash in history, Lü Yan appeared on the stage of history in its entirety, from a gentle and virtuous woman to a vicious and vicious woman to a power trick. She was also beautiful, gentle and kind, and made many contributions to the Han Dynasty. But everything is more eye-catching and eye-catching than her viciousness and cruelty.

Therefore, the reason why Lü Yan's reputation is not as good as Yu Ji is not that Lü Yan is inferior to Yu Ji. On the contrary, as a woman who has stepped on the historical and political stage and had a positive impact on the development of history, Yu Ji cannot be compared with her. It's just that the same woman who is the king is often compared.

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