
#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

Purple potato is rich in nutrients, contains anthocyanins, is a natural pigment, no matter what desserts are made, pastries are good-looking, today do purple potato sandwich cake, baked cake sandwich into the purple potato filling, not only high value, but also delicious and nutritious! Today's cake is 8 inch cake square, round mold, square mold can be, when making the cake added coconut paste, increase the coconut milk flavor.

By Qiu Qiu's kitchen diary

5 eggs

Low gluten flour 105 g

Milk 80 ml

Corn oil 50 g

Caster sugar 65 g

20 g minced coconut

Lemon juice a few drops

Purple potato filling:

Purple potato one

Caster sugar 15 g

Milk to taste

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

1. Prepare the ingredients for later use

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

2, prepare two clean oil-free and anhydrous basins, separate the egg whites and egg yolks, the egg whites can not fall into the egg yolks, otherwise the egg whites cannot be beaten, and then find an anhydrous and oil-free basin, add corn oil milk, stir until the emulsified state, that is, you can't see the oil star, and then sift the low gluten flour, draw the z-shaped and stir until there is no dry powder particles

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

3: Add egg yolks, draw z-shaped and stir well, add coconut paste, draw Z again and stir until there are no dry powder granules

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

4, egg white drops a few drops of lemon juice, electric whisk high-speed whisk to fish eye coarse foam, add the first white sugar, whisk until the foam becomes delicate, then add the second white sugar, continue to beat until there is obvious lines, add the third white sugar, continue to beat until the egg head has an upright small sharp corner and dry foam

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

5, take 1/3 of the meringue into the egg yolk paste, stir well by mixing + cutting and mixing methods, can not be stirred in a circle, and then poured back into the remaining meringue, the same method is mixed evenly, the mixed batter is delicate and smooth

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

6, pour into the eight-inch square mold a few times, shake out the large bubbles, send into the preheated oven on the heat of 150 degrees, bake at 165 degrees for 60 minutes, the cake is good to take out the mold and put it on the baking net to cool, after cooling, cut off the four sides

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

7, when baking the cake, you can come to make purple potato filling, purple potato peeling and cutting into thin slices on the pot steaming, pressing into puree, adding white sugar and adding milk in parts to stir until the thick paste, into the mounting bag

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

8: Divide the cake in two, cut it from the bottom and squeeze in the purple potato filling

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

9: Cover with another slice of cake

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

10. Cut into triangles, cut off where the corners are not neat

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

11, fluffy and sweet cake with soft sticky sweet purple potato, super delicious Oh

#Learn quickly with the dish #Coconut Purple Potato Sandwich Cake

12. Finished product map!

1: The basin containing egg whites and egg yolks must be a clean basin without water and oil. 2: Whisk the egg white must be added sugar three times, beat until dry foaming, lift the whisk has an upright small sharp corner. 3: When mixing the cake paste, pay attention to the stirring, can not draw a circle to stir, will make the protein defoamer.

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