
Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

Before the birthday of the good friend gave me the electric egg beater of my heart successfully completed the first attempt to bake the cake Now catch the birthday of the good friend Must arrange a grateful birthday cake Ah ~ double cheese Double cream ~ To the little girl who and I are green plum bamboo horse ~ # Glad to meet you early on the long road To witness each other's youth # Gratitude is willing to accompany me to hold me when I am frustrated, and face it with tears together # Look forward to the quiet years when the face is still a teenager

By Lost Boy


Cheesecake embryos

Low gluten flour 150g

Cheese 250g

Milk 50ml

Butter 50 g

6 eggs

Sugar 30 g

Lemon juice 6 drops

Cream coating

Light cream 500ml

Matcha powder 20 g

Granulated sugar 15 g

Rose sea salt 5g

1 mango

2 figs

Sunshine grapes 12

Seedless pomegranate grains to taste

<h2>Practice steps</h2>

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

1, Main ingredients large set

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

2. Pour milk into the cheese

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

3. Stir well

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

4. Heat and mix well with water

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

5: Add butter and stir well

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

6: Beat the eggs into a deep basin without oil or water

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

7: Scoop out all the egg yolks with a spoon and add them to the cheese liquid in turn

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

8. Stir well

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

9: Sift in low gluten flour

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

10. Mix well with one-word pressing method to a fine state without particles

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

11, add lemon juice to the egg white, add 10 grams of granulated sugar, beat the egg whites with an electric whisk, and send them three times each time, add 10 grams of granulated sugar for a total of 30 grams

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

12. The protein can be whisked to a clear line that can pull out a stiff little tip

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

13, egg white mixed into the cheese liquid is also used in a word mixing method, pay attention not to stir in circles to defoam

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

14, 8 inch mold inner wall brush a small amount of butter mixed cake liquid into the mold The bottom pad towel vibrates out obvious bubbles

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

15, into the oven up and down the fire for 30 minutes Baking pan can put a small amount of water My oven is fierce, the fire is fierce, covered with a layer of tin foil After baking, it is still in the oven for 30 minutes to slowly cool down to avoid the severe retraction of the cold

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

16, take out the mold to cool the surface color is still slightly darker

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

17. Use a knife to split the cake embryo from the middle slice into two layers

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

18, light cream add 15 grams of sugar and 5 grams of sea salt Divided into 3-4 times to whisk the cream to the state of having obvious feather lines can be mounted In 1/3 of the cream, add matcha powder and mix well The rest of the white cream is put into the framed bag and put in the refrigerator for later

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

19: Spread a layer of matcha cream on the bottom cake and spread the chopped grapes and mango cubes

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

20: Apply a layer of matcha cream to cover the fruit grains Cover the cake blank on the upper layer

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

21, take out the flower bag from the cold room, feel free to mount the flowers according to your own preferences, the flower setting technology still needs to be improved, and the feeling of the urban-rural combination (̄∇ ̄)

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

22. Decorate with a variety of favorite fruits

Cheese sandwich cake ~ thanks for having you ^^

23, plug in the birthday card ~ can go out to open ~ ~


1, add a little sea salt to the cream to bring out a little salty taste not greasy increase the layering of taste 2, prepare the cream can be put into the flower bag first refrigerated Finally when the flower is mounted, it is easy to take out the room temperature is high 3, lemon in order to reduce the fishy smell of the egg with no white vinegar can be used to replace the general egg corresponding to 1-2 drops 4, the first picture center / line of sight

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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