
Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

author:Lucky to eat

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

After it's cold, many people want to lie in bed. However, over time, many people may have gastrointestinal problems because they forgot to eat breakfast. In fact, at any time, we still have to maintain a regular schedule and eating habits, only in this way, everyone has sufficient energy and physical strength to cope with the challenges of life.

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

If you are usually in a hurry, and it is too late to sit down and drink a bowl of hot porridge, at this time, you may wish to make a few pieces of chives and pork loose sandwich cake in advance, packed in a sealed bag, so that you can eat and take it as you like, it is really convenient. In terms of taste, compared to ordinary bread, this chives pork floss sandwich cake has a more delicate and fluffy taste. One bite down, the salty and delicious meat pine and chives have long been sunk. Overall, the overall taste of this cake is very rich, really better than what you bought outside!

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

【Cuisine】: Chives pork floss sandwich cake

【Cooking Ingredients】: 5 eggs, 60g corn oil, 65g caster sugar, 12g pork floss, 3g sesame seeds, minced bacon to taste, appropriate amount of green onion, a few drops of lemon juice or white vinegar, 8 grams of salad dressing, 70 grams of high-calcium milk, 90 grams of low-gluten wheat flour.

【Cooking steps】:

1: Use a knife to cut the shallots into small shallots. In addition, the whole piece of bacon also needs to be chopped with a knife and set aside for later. If you don't like to put bacon, it is also possible to replace it with crumbed sausages. Also, take two clean containers and beat in the egg yolks and egg whites separately.

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

2. Meanwhile, place the milk and corn oil in another bowl, whisk with a blender for a while, sift in an appropriate amount of low gluten flour and whisk into a delicate batter.

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

3: Add the egg yolks you beat before, beat again, cover with plastic wrap and set aside.

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

4, drop two drops of lemon juice into the egg white or put two drops of white vinegar, beat with an electric whisk to the state of whitening and foaming, pour 1/3 of the fine granulated sugar, and beat it again until it becomes a viscous paste.

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

5: Add 1/3 of the fine white sugar, beat until it begins to bubble, then put the last 1/3 of the protein paste into the egg yolk paste, and smooth the surface with a silicone spatula.

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

6: Put a layer of oil paper on the baking sheet, pour the cake paste into it, shake it a few times, shake out the bubbles, scrape the surface flat again, sprinkle the appropriate amount of minced bacon, green onions, pork floss and white sesame seeds, and send it to the oven that has been preheated in advance. People who like to eat salty can put more meat floss.

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

7: At 145 degrees Celsius, heat on high and low, bake for 30 minutes. When the time comes, take it out and see if the cake is baked. If you don't bake well, you can also extend the baking time.

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

8. When de-molding the cake, gently shake it twice, wait for it to cool slightly, and cut it into small pieces with a knife. Cut it through the middle, spread a layer of salad dressings or peanut butter, garnish with fresh blueberries or mint leaves, and you're good to eat.

Eat the chives and pork loose sandwich cake, salty and delicious, one of the essential snacks for office workers

【Cooking Tips】:

1, want to make homemade meat floss at home deterioration, just need to buy a few pounds of lean meat, cooked, tear into small strips, and then stir-fry over low heat until it dries, put some salt and MSG, and then put into the mixer to beat for a while, after returning to the pot to fry dry, put in the cooked sesame seeds, after cooling, the delicious meat floss will be ready.

2, in the process of baking the cake, it is best not to open the oven door casually, so as not to retract the cake and affect the final taste of the cake. In addition, we only need the green part of the green onion leaves, not the somewhat spicy green onion white.

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