
Oniguzi teaches you a trick to know people's wisdom, learn to watch people cook dishes, be smart people, and do things clearly!

Oniguzi teaches you a trick to know people's wisdom, learn to watch people cook dishes, be smart people, and do things clearly!

I don't know if you have ever encountered such an embarrassing situation: sometimes, there is no word to say, but it is better not to say, because it is wrong to say it.


Among the strategists under Cao Cao, Xun Yu was very important. Before Xun Yu appeared, most of Cao Cao's think tanks could not be on the table, and it was a dream think tank established by Xun Yu to help Cao Cao, and its achievements were outstanding.

He is basically equivalent to Cao Cao's "Zhuge Liang".

But such a cattle man did not end well, why is this? It turned out that he had said the wrong thing and offended Cao Cao.

In the seventeenth year of Jian'an, Cao Cao wanted to "go to a higher level" and enjoy the treatment of the emperor and seal the nine tins. He decided to ask the old think tank Xun Yu's opinion. Only to see Xun Yu Dayi say awe-inspiringly, "I oppose." The reason is that we should learn from gentlemen and be loyal to the Big Han. ”

Cao Cao realized at this time that Xun Yu was not wearing a pair of pants with himself. So you know, it goes.

Xun Yu, inexplicably dead.

The question is, is Xun Yu's way appropriate? It is appropriate to be a Hanchen, but it is not appropriate to be a strategist. In this regard, Zhuge Liang, who also talked about the "Kuangfu Han Room", did a good job and actively suggested that Liu Bei be called emperor.

So was Xun Yu a courtier of the Han Dynasty or a strategist of Cao Cao?

Cao Cao called him "My Son's Room".

Companions are like companions, talking is still very important, if you are not careful, your life will be gone.

Oniguzi teaches you a trick to know people's wisdom, learn to watch people cook dishes, be smart people, and do things clearly!


Jia Xu was deeply impressed by this.

When Cao Cao asked him whether he should make Cao Pi or Cao Zhi the crown prince, Jia Xu, the old fox, was initially silent and did not open his mouth. Until Cao Cao urged: "When I ask you something, why don't you squeak?"

At this time, Jia Xucai was on his own, and seemed to answer the question and said, "I was thinking about Yuan Shao and Liu Biao." ”

It seems to have been said, but the answer given after careful consideration.


Isn't this what Oniguzi said about "wanting to open up and regurgitate"?

How to understand it? Convergence is a strategy, but it does not represent silence. The essence of what we often say about "watching people get off the plate" is not "getting off the dish", but "watching people".

"Down" means, "look" is the premise. If there is no premise, there is no means. Or, in other words, the premise was skipped and the means were used. Then the result is that it is wrong to say it.

Lao Tzu said, "The Tao gives birth to one, life to two, two to three...", one, two, three, is the order, if you skip the "two" and go straight to the "three", then you can't give birth to "all things".

Interestingly, in our time, people tend to make this fatal mistake, understanding impatience as efficiency.

We say yes because the strategy of wanting to be open and retraction is right, and if you want to be open, you must first converge.

However, we need to pay attention to the fact that convergence does not mean shutting up, but also means "seeing", that is, observing. How to "see" is a problem.

Oniguzi teaches you a trick to know people's wisdom, learn to watch people cook dishes, be smart people, and do things clearly!


How should we "see"? Of course, we can generally understand that it is to see with eyes, which is correct. But this is not enough, at least Oniguzi thinks that it is also necessary to activate the ear to listen, that is, "the eyes are clear, the ears are expensive", what is the use of eyes and ears? That's how we often say smart comes from.

So is that enough? Does it always feel like something is missing? Yes, think. What needs to be made clear is that the ancient Chinese believed that the heart not only represents the heart, but also has the function of the brain to think. So the mind here mainly refers to thinking. Yes, that is, what Oniguko said about "mind precious wisdom".

Is it okay to come to it? Let's do an addition and subtraction: Mu Guiming + Ear Guicong + Heart Guizhi = ?

The answer is obvious: Ci Guiqi.

Now you get the idea? Oniguko's lobbying technique is actually very scientific, in the science of transverse, the eyes and ears are the input organs, the heart is the transformation organ, and the mouth is the output organ.

This is the solution to watching people get off the plate. ??????

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