
In ancient times, there was no language between various places, so what language did Zhuge Liang use in the battle group Confucianism?

As a classical masterpiece, the topic of "Romance of the Three Kingdoms" is that it is impossible to finish. In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, the author Luo Guanzhong successfully created hundreds of characters. Among them, the most successful were Zhuge Liang, Cao Cao, Guan Yu, Liu Bei and others. Especially Zhuge Liang, as a strategist, he developed his function to the maximum: not only to help the monarch fight the world while he was alive, but even if he had died, he also had to use his funeral to seek benefits for the Shu state. Such a conscientious strategist is really worthy of Liu Bei's three Gu Maolu.

In ancient times, there was no language between various places, so what language did Zhuge Liang use in the battle group Confucianism?

In the Romance of the Three Kingdoms, Zhuge Liang's life is extremely impressive, and the Confucians in Eastern Wu are definitely a stunning scene: at that time, Liu Bei was suppressed by Cao Cao's army, and Liu Bei, who was unable to save himself, could only hope to get help from Eastern Wu and then tide over the difficulties together. However, this rescue call also scores in a way that, if too weak, will make Eastern Wu look down on, if it is too strong, it will appear that Liu Bei is proud. The pinch between these dimensions, then, depends on the power of the messenger. Of course, Zhuge Liang, as an emissary, did not live up to Liu Bei's trust.

In ancient times, there was no language between various places, so what language did Zhuge Liang use in the battle group Confucianism?

Zhuge Liang used his superhuman courage to engage in a war of words with eastern Wu's courtiers, and with his outstanding eloquence, he made all the eastern Wu courtiers become his own "mouth" subordinate generals, and persuaded Sun Quan, which formed a situation in which Sun Liu allied against Cao Cao. Then, there is a problem, Zhuge Liang was originally from Shandong, and later married his wife when he was living in seclusion in Longzhong (located in Xiangyang City, Hubei Province), and after Liu Bei was born, he encountered the Battle of Chibi not long after. That is to say, before this, Zhuge Liang should be good at Shandong dialect and Hubei dialect, and this is not on the same system as the language of Eastern Wu. So, what language did Zhuge Liang speak? You can't always convince a bunch of foreigners in your hometown dialect, can you?

In ancient times, there was no language between various places, so what language did Zhuge Liang use in the battle group Confucianism?

To explore this question, we must begin with the development of ancient languages. In ancient times, in order to facilitate communication, there was actually Ya dialect, that is, Mandarin, or ancient Mandarin. During the Xia, Shang, and Zhou dynasties, Luoyang Yayan, also known as the present-day Luoyang dialect, is often considered to be the earliest lingua franca in China. In the Qin Dynasty period, it still followed the general ya dialect of the previous dynasty, but on this basis, it changed a lot. The Han Dynasty was founded by Liu Bang, who was originally a Chu national, so the official dialect of the Han Dynasty was naturally the Chu dialect.

At that time, the great fusion of the people, the Mandarin of the Chu State was actually Hakka, that is to say, Zhuge Liang, as a strategist who was ready to be born at any time, he must master the Ya dialect used in the circulation of the country's upper class, that is, Hakka dialect. Therefore, it can be inferred from here that if Zhuge Liang wanted to use the advantages of literary style to overwhelm the Eastern Wu Qunchen, he had to speak the official language that the Eastern Wu Qunchen could also understand, that is, Hakka. However, this scene does not exist in history, but is just a fictional scene made by the author in order to make Zhuge Liang's image more full.

In ancient times, there was no language between various places, so what language did Zhuge Liang use in the battle group Confucianism?

You know, at that time, Sun Quan had absolute autonomy in Eastern Wu, how could he possibly be swayed by courtiers, and how could he rely on an outsider to persuade the courtiers and then let the courtiers change their minds? If this is the case, isn't Sun Quan too incompetent? Moreover, Sun Quan was not full of food and had nothing to do, he needed to find an outsider to punch his courtiers in the face, and he was not crazy, so why should he grow the ambition of others to extinguish his own prestige? Therefore, this scene is not real.

However, Zhuge Liang's talent is also obvious to all. During Liu Bei's lifetime, he helped Liu Bei resist Cao Cao and established the Shu state. After Liu Bei's death, Zhuge Liang helped Ah Dou stabilize the imperial program, while increasing the economic income of the Shu state, while abiding by Liu Bei's last wishes to continue the Northern Expedition, single-mindedly wanting to "restore the Han Dynasty and return to the old capital", hoping that the Shu state could pacify the world. Unfortunately, this wish was not satisfied in the end. Because until Zhuge Liang's death, the Shu state failed to unify the country. Moreover, the last Shu state, under the leadership of Ah Dou, even surrendered to the enemy country and completely disappeared.

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