
Some women are reluctant to spend men's money, in fact, there are reasons, don't be happy too soon

Some women are reluctant to spend men's money, in fact, there are reasons, don't be happy too soon

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Did you find out? In the process of male and female interaction, some women are not willing to spend men's money, whether the man has money or not, and whether she needs to spend man's money, she will take this as a bottom line, no matter what, will not spend him a penny.

Some people may feel that this is not necessary, after all, they are in love and have established a romantic relationship, that is, the two people who are closest should not be so clearly divided into everything.

If you spend a man's money, it is okay to go back and return it to him in another form, and even enhance your feelings.

However, some women do not think so, they have clear principles and clear boundaries for people, whether the feelings are good or bad, they will not involve money in the feelings.

Men may think that such women are rare, after all, many people are relatively material and gold-worshipping.

But in fact, women are not willing to spend your money is not a good thing, in general there are three reasons. The first of these shows that her love for you is not so firm.

Some women are reluctant to spend men's money, in fact, there are reasons, don't be happy too soon

One: Be wary of men and don't have 100% trust

Zweig said: All the gifts of fate are secretly marked with prices.

Some women have broken this sentence apart and crushed it, and it is firmly remembered in their hearts. They are always sensible and sober, and they are wary of men's gifts because they are worried and do not know what to repay them.

This type of woman, most of whom is sensitive and suspicious, is wary of men and does not have much confidence in the relationship between the two. This stage is generally in the stage when the two have just begun to communicate.

They also don't know how far the two of them will be able to go in the end, and how long they can accompany them. In the case of everything is uncertain, it is too irrational to rush to spend a man's money.

If the woman you love is still at this stage for you, then the road between you and her is a long way to go.

Because she did not trust you at all, full of guard and wariness for you, at this time, you did not enter her heart at all, and she also did not open the door of her heart to you.

You're just an option for her out of the understanding phase, and once you make him feel uneasy, she won't hesitate to leave.

So don't be glad she's well-behaved and doesn't spend your money, she just doesn't put you at ease at all. What you think is sensible is only her protective color, and you are still a long way from her heart.

Some women are reluctant to spend men's money, in fact, there are reasons, don't be happy too soon

Two: Afraid that men will look down on her, always maintain independence and pursue equality

If the relationship between two people has entered a stable period, but the woman is still unwilling to spend the man's money and accept the man's expensive gifts, this is actually a good phenomenon, proving that the woman cares about you very much.

As the saying goes: "Eat people's mouths short, take people's hands short." ”

If a person uses another person's money and takes another person's things, then when these two people get along, they will always unconsciously have a little weak heart, as if they are inferior, and they can't lift their heads.

This is also the case in the relationship between men and women, if a woman uses a man's money, on the one hand, she will worry that the man will look down on her and think that she is a gold worshipper who pursues materialistic enjoyment.

On the other hand, he is also worried that after using his money, he will lose his status and self, and he will no longer be able to stand on an equal footing in the relationship between the two.

Marx told us that the economic base determines the superstructure.

Spending men's money will eventually make people unable to stand up straight, and the days of palms up are not good. And many women are too self-respecting to reduce themselves to this.

Some women are reluctant to spend men's money, in fact, there are reasons, don't be happy too soon

Three: Feel sorry for your hard work in making money, sincerely understand you, and understand you

There is a joke in society: to judge whether a man is around a wife or a lover, look at their state when they go to the mall.

Seeing everything you want to buy, it must be a lover; picking up a dress and looking at the price of the tag first, but also looking around, it must be the wife. Because the lover will only ask, and the wife will be distressed about the husband's difficulty in making money.

A woman who truly loves you, you must have been in a relationship for a long time, the relationship tends to be stable, and even will enter the palace of marriage, but you still feel that she is very outward to you, never accepts your valuable gifts, and is not willing to spend your money, you even have some complaints, think that she does not treat you as her own.

When you meet such a woman, you must firmly grasp her, because she is not outward to you, but really loves you.

Everyone else cares about whether you fly high or not, only she cares if you are tired or not. Similarly, others only see the beautiful side of your making money, but she is sad that it is not easy for you to make money and is not willing to waste.

Some women are reluctant to spend men's money, in fact, there are reasons, don't be happy too soon

To sum up, there is a reason why a woman is reluctant to spend a man's money, don't be happy too soon, first distinguish whether she really loves you.

In the relationship between two people, money can only express the heart, not measure value. To know whether a woman loves you or not, you can't judge by spending money, you can only ask your own heart.

After all, love is perceptible, and if a woman really loves you, your heart will tell you.


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