
He was the commander-in-chief of the Whampoa Military Academy, the teachers of Xu Xiangqian and Chen Geng, and later became a monk

During the Republic of China period, there were three strange masters in the official field of Hubei Province: Yan Lisan, Shi Ying, and Zhang Nanxian.

These three people, because of their strange temperament, superhuman, lonely in the world, honest temperament, and uprightness, were regarded as "three monsters" by the people of the time.

Among the three monsters, Yan Lisan is a commendable figure. Although he held a high position, served as the chairman of Hubei Province, and held the rank of lieutenant general in the army, he was honest and honest in his life, did not engage in private property, lived a hard and simple life, and even after his death, his family could not even afford to pay for burial.

He was the commander-in-chief of the Whampoa Military Academy, the teachers of Xu Xiangqian and Chen Geng, and later became a monk

Yan Lisan, also known as Serious, was born in 1892 in Songbu Town, Macheng County.

Yan Lisan graduated from the Baoding Military Academy in his early years. In 1924, he came to work at the Whampoa Military Academy. Served as the captain of the first, second and third periods. In Huangpu, he was strict and protective of his students, and was known as the "Good Teacher of Huangpu", and many well-known Huangpu generals, such as Marshal Xu Qianqian, General Chen Geng, Zuo Quan, He Zhihan, Jiang Xianyun, Hu Zongnan, Du Yuming, Guan Linzheng and others, were all his students, and they all had to salute him upright when they saw him.

In 1926, Chiang Kai-shek swore to serve in the Northern Expedition, and Yan Lisan was appointed commander of the 21st Division and led his troops on the expedition.

Because of his strict military discipline and outstanding military achievements, Yan Lisan was known as a "famous general of the Northern Expedition".

When Yan Lisan was the commander of the 21st Division, Chen Cheng, known as the "small committee chairman", was under his command. Due to Yan Lisan's proper command, the 21st Division was bound to win almost every battle. Bai Chongxi admired him.

Yan Lisan was very attached to Chen Cheng, and within three months, he was promoted from regimental commander to deputy division commander. Later, Yan Lisan found Chiang Kai-shek again and recommended Chen Cheng to take over as the commander of the 21st Division, saying: "I have a stomach disease, Chen Cheng is very capable, please allow me to leave!" ”

He was the commander-in-chief of the Whampoa Military Academy, the teachers of Xu Xiangqian and Chen Geng, and later became a monk

In April 1927, Chiang Kai-shek launched the "April 12" incident. Yan Lisan was very dissatisfied with Old Chiang's move.

Later, because of disagreement with old Jiang, he was deeply disgusted by Chiang's exclusion of dissidents and indiscriminate killings, Yan Lisan resigned in anger, abandoned all military and political affairs, lived alone in Lushan, built a grass hut garden under Taiyi Peak, reclaimed wasteland, and supported himself.

Soon, Yan Lisan moved to The Tianzhu Temple in Hangzhou and changed into a monk's robe. The "Famous Generals of the Northern Expedition" and the "Huangpu Liangshi" entered the temple and became monks, which became a very sensational news at that time.

He was the commander-in-chief of the Whampoa Military Academy, the teachers of Xu Xiangqian and Chen Geng, and later became a monk

After the "918" incident, Chiang Kai-shek ordered "absolutely no resistance," which made Yan Lisan very indignant, and he was very worried about the future of the Chinese nation.

After the July 7 Incident broke out, Yan Lisan found Chiang Kai-shek and asked to go to the front line to resist the war. But Jiang did not agree, but let him go to E Province and serve as the director of the Civil Affairs Department.

In June 1938, Chiang Kai-shek sent Chen Cheng to be the chairman of E's province. However, at this time, Chen Cheng was also the commander of the Ninth Theater, busy with the military and had no time to take care of it, so the post of provincial chairman was acted by Yan Lisan.

During the period when E'an Province was in charge, Yan Lisan cleaned himself up, was honest and honest, strictly practiced economy, and straightened out the rule of officials.

Yan Lisan himself lived a simple life, coarse tea and light rice, cloth cloth shoes. When someone advised him to pay attention to nutrition, he always sighed and said: "At the moment of the great enemy, the people are displaced, and nine out of ten families are unable to feed themselves." Magistrates must not eat in fine clothes. ”

Dressing and traveling, Yan Lisan can be simple and simple, and can save the province. When he was the director of the department, he wore a cotton black Zhongshan suit in the winter, and after becoming the acting provincial chairman, he still wore this set of clothes, and the two sleeves were polished on the table until they were polished, and he still refused to change.

He was the commander-in-chief of the Whampoa Military Academy, the teachers of Xu Xiangqian and Chen Geng, and later became a monk

After becoming the chairman of the province, Yan Lisan believed that gasoline was too expensive and should not be consumed arbitrarily, so he ordered the staff to stop using cars. The driver quit his job to drive for the Highway Bureau because he didn't have to take a car and did nothing.

When Yan Lisan was busy with official duties, he often forgot to eat. Late at night, I was hungry, so I remembered that I had not eaten, so I poured cold rice with boiling water and ate it casually.

When the attendant saw this, he asked him, "Do you want to eat a snack?" Yan Lisan shook his head and said, "No need." ”

Every time Yan Lisan inspected various places, he did not give advance notice or was not allowed to greet and send them off. Always bring only a correspondent with a horse for carrying luggage. After arriving at the destination, I first find a stack house and a hostel to stay, and after eating, I will go to the local area to understand the situation and handle official business, and I will not be received by anyone.

In July 1940, after Yan Lisan stepped down, the savings from special office expenses amounted to tens of thousands of yuan. The province sent someone to send him, but he refused. Later, according to Yan Lisan's opinion, the province used this money to relieve the refugees.

After Yan Lisan left office, he neither participated in politics nor received the salaries of committee members. Later, he simply ran to Xuan'en County to cultivate his own land, supported himself, and lived a miserable life.

He was the commander-in-chief of the Whampoa Military Academy, the teachers of Xu Xiangqian and Chen Geng, and later became a monk

In 1943, Yan Lisan suffered from gastrointestinal disease. But he refused to go to the hospital because he had no money himself and was unwilling to spend public money.

At the beginning of 1944, under the compulsion of everyone, Yan Lisan was admitted to the hospital, but it was too late.

When Yan Lisan was dying, he wrote a will: "I am guilty and will be cremated." "He was only 52 years old when he died.

Yan Lisan was honest and incorruptible throughout his life, and had no family property, so that after his death, the family could not even get the burial fee.

Later, Wan Yaohuang transported Yan Lisan's body back to Hankou and buried him in Jiufeng Mountain on the outskirts of Wuchang.

He was the commander-in-chief of the Whampoa Military Academy, the teachers of Xu Xiangqian and Chen Geng, and later became a monk

After Yan Lisan's death, Dong Biwu was shocked to hear the bad news and specially wrote a pair of elegy to express his regret and condolences for Yan Lisan's death.

Bang Lian: Yi I have a book, the language is long, self-exploration of the founding of the country millennium Olympia; the three lords of the founding of the king, the shape is thin, it is difficult to complain about the depth of the nine curves of the intestines.

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