
Recommendation: The little secret of children getting sick and not taking medicine, children's massage to do up

Anyone who has children in the family knows that before the child is eight or nine years old, he gets sick too often. Especially in the kindergarten stage, whenever a child is sick, it is easy to infect each other, and a group of children cannot hide.

My colleague said that when her baby first went to kindergarten last year, she often had to go home to isolate because she was sick (kindergarten regulations, in order not to infect other children, generally colds and fevers need to go home for isolation), counting down the two semesters last year, a total of not more than two months to kindergarten.

Recommendation: The little secret of children getting sick and not taking medicine, children's massage to do up

Children are sick is no way to do things, because their resistance is not strong, small diseases are a good thing, can enhance the body's immunity, improve resistance, but every time you see the child sick, food is not fragrant and sleep can not sleep, parents are very distressed.

Is there any way to help your child increase their resistance while getting sick less and not taking medicine?

Yes, the answer lies in our extensive and profound traditional Chinese medicine tuina.

In the book "Pediatric Tuina: Less Illness, No Medicine", the author Fan Yun summarized his nearly 20 years of pediatric massage experience into a book, which contains a condensed text of the "Sheep Daddy Master Class" and the dietary therapy and maintenance methods summarized by the bigwigs in the pediatric tuina industry.

Recommendation: The little secret of children getting sick and not taking medicine, children's massage to do up

Presumably, some parents have learned about and watched the Sheep Daddy Master Class, which is a video course for common diseases in children, and invited the masters of the pediatric massage industry to give special explanations, providing parents with practical and simple home conditioning suggestions.

Maybe you will feel that if you do massage for your child, will you not be able to pinch the strength, will you press the wrong acupuncture point, and the gain is not worth the loss.

In fact, this book is also suitable for parents who have no professional medical knowledge at all, because it covers the preparation and precautions of tuina from the most basic skills and techniques required for children's tuina.

Recommendation: The little secret of children getting sick and not taking medicine, children's massage to do up

Including the detailed explanation of children's common acupuncture points and the children's common problems of Traditional Chinese medicine dialectics, according to the children's common fever, cough, eczema, rhinitis and other 16 diseases.

Recommendation: The little secret of children getting sick and not taking medicine, children's massage to do up

Coupled with more than 100 color pictures of baby acupuncture points and massage techniques, hand in hand to teach parents how to help their children do daily massage, improve the body's immunity and resistance, and even if you are sick, you can relieve the pain well.

Recommendation: The little secret of children getting sick and not taking medicine, children's massage to do up
Recommendation: The little secret of children getting sick and not taking medicine, children's massage to do up

Parents can also use this book as a reference book, encounter any problems, and then find solutions to the symptoms. For example, after our children fall asleep at night, they often get wet on the back of their hair, and the book says that this is called night sweats.

Night sweats, as the name suggests, are secretly sweating. To put it simply, Xiao Qing sweats after falling asleep, but when he wakes up, he sweats less.

Chinese medicine believes that sweat and blood are homologous, which means that "sweat is produced by the liquefaction of the human body, and the jin liquid and blood are derived from the subtle water valley of the spleen and stomach, and the jin liquid is the main component of blood." When people sweat too much, there will be a shortage of qi and blood, and even a deficiency, even for children, their resistance itself is not strong, sweating too much will lead to more weak and sickly body.

Recommendation: The little secret of children getting sick and not taking medicine, children's massage to do up

Therefore, in daily life and nursing, for the situation of children sweating, the book suggests that we parents should help our children adjust their bodies in time.

The book divides the symptoms of children's hyperhidrosis into 4 types, namely qi deficiency self-sweating, hot sweating, yin deficiency night sweats and hot night sweats, each type has a corresponding pediatric massage technique.

Or take my child's night sweats as an example.

Recommendation: The little secret of children getting sick and not taking medicine, children's massage to do up

First observe the dialectic, whether it is yin deficiency night sweats or hot night sweats.

Children with yin deficiency night sweats will have several characteristics:

First, the child loves to sweat after falling asleep; second, the fifth is upset, that is, the child's hands, feet, heart and chest are hot to the touch; Third, with a burst of fever, the child may have a red tongue, less tongue moss, pale redness, and two foreheads of redness.

The main manifestations of Hot Night Sweats are:

First, the child's face is dark red and not bright; Second, the child will be very irritable, always love to kick the quilt when sleeping, and also love to cry at night; Third, the child's urine is short and yellow.

According to the guidance in the book, the former treatment idea is to supplement the kidney and stop sweating, because the yin deficiency night sweat is mainly the body's water and jin fluid is insufficient, Chinese medicine says "kidney main water", we can supplement the kidney to nourish the yin, increase the body's jin.

Because the hot night sweats are caused by the child's heart yang is too strong, the transpiration of the jin liquid is too much, so the latter treatment idea is to go to the heart fire. (Of course, if you can't be dialectical, you can go to the local Chinese medicine hospital and ask a doctor for guidance.) )

After accurate dialectics, follow the illustration of each symptom of hyperhidrosis in the book, such as:

Recommendation: The little secret of children getting sick and not taking medicine, children's massage to do up

These are all daily care means, in normal times, we help children push, knead, press when the child is in a happy mood, it can help the child inadvertently symptomatic care, improve daily resistance, but also can enhance the skin contact between parents and children, so that parent-child communication is more harmonious, it is simply a one-off move.

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