
There were 54 new confirmed cases, and the air membrane square cabin laboratory was activated in Zhejiang Province

Recently, the domestic epidemic situation has shown a situation of multiple transmission chains, local sporadic and small-scale clustering. In Inner Mongolia, Heilongjiang, Shanghai, Shaanxi, Yunnan, Zhejiang and other places, there have been local confirmed cases of COVID-19.

Sun Liming, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission, said at a press conference held in Zhejiang Province on December 12 that the recent local epidemic in zhejiang has the characteristics of fast virus transmission, strong contagiousness and clustering, and the epidemic prevention and control situation is severe and complex.

From 3 p.m. on December 12 to 4 p.m. on December 13, 54 new confirmed cases were reported in Ningbo, Shaoxing and Hangzhou, Zhejiang Province, including 7 cases in Ningbo, 46 cases in Shaoxing and 1 case in Hangzhou.

As of 4:00 p.m. on December 13, the cumulative number of confirmed cases and 1 asymptomatic infected person in Zhejiang Province in this round of epidemic has been reported, and the virological research results of the National Health and Health Commission have determined that the local cases in Zhejiang are highly homologous to the viral genome sequences of the epidemic cases in Shanghai and Jiangsu, and are related to the same epidemic situation.

On December 5, a positive case occurred in Zhenhai District, Ningbo City, and the first case spread within the family, which was transmitted from family members to colleagues, who then caused multiple infections through the "Sunshine of Life" Moxibustion Care Center in Zhenhai District, Ningbo City.

People gathering management requirements

Sun Liming said that the situation of epidemic prevention and control in Zhejiang is still severe and complex. It is necessary to continue to adhere to the overall prevention and control strategy of "external prevention of import and internal prevention and rebound", strengthen problem-oriented and effect-oriented, strictly and tightly compact the "four-party responsibility", maintain efficient coordination of the command system and work system, seize time, quickly investigate and control, prevent loopholes, and firmly grasp the initiative of epidemic prevention and control.

The number of confirmed cases in the three places in Zhejiang is mostly caused by the gathering of people. Previously, there were two new cases of asymptomatic infection in Hangzhou, and the trajectory of action involved chess and card rooms, mahjong halls, etc. Among the newly confirmed cases in Shaoxing, many people also went to funeral homes.

On December 12, Sun Liming proposed at a press conference that all parts of Zhejiang Province should strictly and strictly implement the requirements of the Provincial Prevention and Control Office for the gathering and management of personnel, mainly including "five strict".

Strict control of meeting activities. In accordance with the principle of "non-essential not to hold, can be online and not offline", the number and scale of conference activities are strictly controlled.

Strictly manage party activities. Promote the trend of economy, advocate "postponement of happy events, simple handling of funerals, and no banquets", try not to hold large-scale gathering activities, and really need to hold as small a scale as possible. Advocate no more than 10 people such as family dinner parties.

Strictly manage cultural and recreational activities. During the local epidemic in the province, all localities can temporarily close indoor closed public places such as chess and card rooms, bars, KTV, mahjong rooms, board game rooms, and swimming pools in combination with the epidemic prevention and control situation; tourist attractions strictly implement the requirements of "flow restriction, reservation, and staggered peaks".

Strict management of public places. In accordance with the requirements of the "health code" and the linkage verification of the itinerary card, we strictly abide by the "middle gate" of the interprovincial transportation hub, strictly manage the "small door" of accommodation registration, community access, and strictly control the "key door" of medical institutions.

Strict management of key places. During the local epidemic in the province, welfare institutions, elderly care service institutions, and mental health institutions implemented fully enclosed management, and suspended the entry and exit of visiting personnel.

Control upgrade a number of listed companies announced the suspension of production

According to the statistics of Securities Times, as of now, there are 17 listed companies that have stopped production due to the announcement of the epidemic in Zhejiang, and most of them are companies with registered places or subsidiaries in Shaoxing.

As early as December 8, according to the current needs of the prevention and control of the epidemic in Shangyu, Shangyu District has launched a Level I emergency response, and many areas have temporarily implemented closed management. In addition to epidemic prevention needs and people's livelihood protection, other types of enterprises in the region have temporarily suspended work.

Previously, Harbin's prevention and control measures were tightened, and prevention and control measures such as suspension of business and sale were also launched. The epidemic control and control upgrade in Zhejiang has temporarily stopped production within one day.

On the evening of December 12, Jingsheng Electromechanical issued an announcement that the Leading Group for the Prevention and Control of the Novel Coronavirus Pneumonia Epidemic in Shangyu District, Shaoxing City, issued the Notice on Comprehensively Strengthening Control Measures in the Whole District, requiring the region: "Except for the needs of epidemic prevention and people's livelihood protection, all other enterprises will stop work." Dangerous chemical enterprises should stop production in an orderly manner to ensure safety." The company actively responded to the government's epidemic prevention policy, and began to temporarily suspend production in an orderly manner according to the spirit of the document on the afternoon of December 9, fully cooperating with the government's epidemic prevention work to curb the spread and spread of the epidemic. The specific resumption of normal production time will be arranged according to the requirements of the local government.

Sunshine Lighting issued an announcement because of the suspension of production of Shangyu subsidiary. In addition to the above two listed companies, Fenglong Shares, Jindun Shares, Chunhui Intelligent Holdings, Zhongxin Fluorine Materials, and Jialian Technology also issued an announcement of temporary suspension of production due to the epidemic on the evening of December 12.

The "sentinel" role of retail pharmacies

Zhejiang's epidemic prevention and control is facing a severe and complex situation, and retail pharmacies, as "monitoring sentinels", are an important link to achieve "the whole process of drug purchase and sale is controlled, and no one is missed".

With the escalation of epidemic prevention and control, many places in Zhejiang have suspended the sale of four major types of drugs such as antipyretic and cough, and symptomatic citizens can only go to the hospital for treatment.

The daily monitoring information reporting and abnormal situation feedback of retail pharmacies on the "Retail Pharmacy Epidemic Prevention and Control Monitoring and Vigilance System" have made more than 20,000 retail pharmacies in Zhejiang Province weave a "sentinel network" with full coverage and full monitoring of epidemic prevention and control.

Chen Kui, deputy director of the Zhejiang Provincial Food and Drug Administration, told China News Network that since the beginning of this year, the epidemic prevention and control monitoring and vigilance system has monitored more than 45.47 million drug purchases. For the abnormal personnel found, they are reported to the local street (community) and relevant departments in accordance with the regulations for timely disposal, and the monitoring role of the "sentinel point" of retail pharmacies is further stimulated.

For some retail pharmacies with weak awareness of epidemic prevention and control, inadequate implementation of the main responsibility, and lack of strict implementation of the registration and reporting system, the local market supervision departments will take disposal measures such as interviews, order corrections, suspension of business for rectification, and credit downgrade in accordance with laws and regulations to achieve the effect of "disposing of a batch and deterring one".

Enable the Air Membrane Square Chamber Lab

Since December 7, Shaoxing has opened the urban nucleic acid testing base and dispatched more than 100 personnel to undertake nucleic acid testing. Since the 11th, the Zhejiang Provincial Health Commission has urgently allocated and assembled 3 air membrane cabin laboratories, and put into operation at 3 a.m. on the 13th, and the first samples also showed results at 6 a.m.

Taking a group of Falcon air membrane laboratories as an example, the maximum nucleic acid detection capacity can reach 80,000 tubes per day, and according to the 10 mix 1 sampling method, up to 800,000 nucleic acid testing tasks can be completed per day.

According to reports, the three groups of air membrane square cabin laboratories in full operation, the maximum daily nucleic acid detection capacity of up to 280,000 tubes, according to the 10 mix 1 sampling method, can complete up to 2.8 million nucleic acid testing tasks per day.

The source | released by the health community

Comprehensive self-| Zhejiang Release, China News Network, Securities Times, Voice of Zhejiang, etc

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