
Remembering history, patriotism begins with family education

Today is the 8th National Day of Commemoration for the Victims of the Nanjing Massacre. In the morning, while coaxing the baby, I watched the live broadcast of CCTV News's "In the name of the country, pay tribute to more than 300,000 compatriots killed in the Nanjing Massacre".

Remembering history, patriotism begins with family education

As the saying goes, "Show the past, and let the future generations go." The memory has never faded, history still echoes, and only by remembering history, cherishing peace, defending justice, and forging ahead is the best remembrance and tribute to the martyrs.

Remembering history, patriotism begins with family education

Children are the future of the motherland and the hope of the nation, so we say that the spirit of patriotism should be rooted in the young hearts of children from an early age. So in addition to the patriotic education of children in schools, what can we parents do?

Remembering history, patriotism begins with family education

First, tell the story of history

Most children have the habit of loving to listen to stories, so we can tell our children about the history of the country and the deeds of our revolutionary ancestors, and through the infiltration of language, let the children know that every inch of the motherland is earned by the revolutionary ancestors, and we must cherish the hard-won stable life today;

You can also let grandparents tell their children about the past, and use what they have personally experienced and known to plant a patriotic seed in their hearts.

Remembering history, patriotism begins with family education

Second, look at relevant literature or film and television works

Literature and film and television works related to the development of history or the development of the motherland are suitable for children of all ages to watch, so we can consciously show them to children every three or five minutes, especially film and television dramas, which are vividly interpreted, and children not only like to watch, but also have a more profound impression and feeling after watching it. If the child can also explain one or two from the side when he watches, over time the child will naturally understand the history and the strength of the motherland, thus enhancing the patriotic consciousness.

Remembering history, patriotism begins with family education

Third, seize the opportunities in life

In life, when encountering related things or scenes, you can also seize the opportunity to let children learn more about history and better understand that today's happy life is bought with the blood of the martyrs, which is not easy to come by and must be cherished.

Families with conditions can take their children out to travel, let their children see the great rivers and mountains of the motherland, understand the vastness and pride of our country, and let the children personally feel the prosperity of the motherland.

At the same time, parents should also lead by example, teach our children to respect the red scarf, respect the national flag, let the children understand the story of the red scarf and the national flag, and educate the children to cherish their own red scarf.

Remembering history, patriotism begins with family education

On this day when the whole country is commemorating the martyrs and mourning the compatriots in silence, what I want to say most is: Do not forget history, defend peace, and strive for self-improvement and progress of our generation.

Remembering history, patriotism begins with family education

Regarding patriotic education in family education, I don't know if there are other better proposals for small partners, welcome to discuss and leave a message below.

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