
Inherit the family style and family education and promote the traditional virtues In 2024, the "Loving Parents" Zhongshan District Family Education Inclusive Project will be launched

author:Umeng's sight


In order to fully implement the work requirements of provinces, municipalities and districts on carrying out the protection of minors and family education guidance, and vigorously promote the concept of scientific family education, on May 15, the launching ceremony of the 2024 "Loving Parents" Zhongshan District Family Education Inclusive Project was held in Zhongshan District No. 2 Experimental Primary School.

Inherit the family style and family education and promote the traditional virtues In 2024, the "Loving Parents" Zhongshan District Family Education Inclusive Project will be launched

It is understood that in 2024, the "Huiai Parents" Zhongshan District Family Education Inclusive Project will serve teachers and parents of students in schools in the jurisdiction (combined with the actual situation of the school, key children and their parents or guardians such as single parents, lost relatives, left-behind, mobile, de facto unsupported, and emerging problems will be included in the scope of publicity), from May 15th to December 31st, 17 family education lectures will be carried out in Zhongshan District, providing scientific, practical and comprehensive family education guidance and services for parents to help children grow up healthily. Become a useful person.

Inherit the family style and family education and promote the traditional virtues In 2024, the "Loving Parents" Zhongshan District Family Education Inclusive Project will be launched

At the launching ceremony, the relevant person in charge of the Zhongshan District Family Education Inclusive Project issued letters of appointment to Liu Guangquan, Huang Juan, Tian Maoju, Deng Xinheng and Peng Yi, lecturers of Zhongshan District Family Education Association.

The launching ceremony pointed out that the Zhongshan District Family Education Inclusive Project will excavate advanced models such as "good father", "good mother" and "the most beautiful family" in family education from the aspects of family education model, display of educational achievements, scientific parenting methods, promotion of good family style, and family culture creation, so as to continuously promote the development and innovation of family education and guide parents to form a correct concept of family education.

Inherit the family style and family education and promote the traditional virtues In 2024, the "Loving Parents" Zhongshan District Family Education Inclusive Project will be launched

The launching ceremony emphasized that with the continuous development and progress of society, family education will also face new challenges and opportunities. It is necessary to keep up with the pace of the times, constantly update educational concepts and methods, and create a more favorable environment and conditions for children's growth. It is hoped that parents can master scientific education methods in family education lectures and provide better support and help for their children's growth.

Inherit the family style and family education and promote the traditional virtues In 2024, the "Loving Parents" Zhongshan District Family Education Inclusive Project will be launched

After the ceremony, Liu Guangquan gave a lecture on family education knowledge in simple terms from three aspects: the importance of family education, the factors affecting the healthy growth of children, and how to cultivate physically and mentally healthy successors, with the title of "How to Cultivate Physically and Mentally Healthy Successors", so that everyone could have a deeper understanding of the significance of family education.

Wumeng Xinbao reporter Luo Jing

Editor: Zhou Zhenming

First instance: Li Jiafeng

Second trial: Huang Wandi

Third trial: Liu Yunbing

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