
Under the epidemic situation, how to build a psychological "epidemic prevention wall"? Nantong "Xinqing Plan" came to help

Under the epidemic situation, how to build a psychological "epidemic prevention wall"? Nantong "Xinqing Plan" came to help

According to the official website of the National Health commission, at 0-24:00 on December 12, 31 provinces (autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the central government) and the Xinjiang Production and Construction Corps reported 101 new confirmed cases. Among them, there were 21 imported cases from China and abroad, 80 local cases (74 cases in Zhejiang, including 55 cases in Shaoxing City, 14 cases in Ningbo City, and 5 cases in Hangzhou City; 5 cases in Inner Mongolia, all in Hulunbuir City; and 1 case in Shaanxi City, in Xi'an City), including 25 cases from asymptomatic infected people to confirmed cases (all in Zhejiang). There were no new deaths. There were no new suspected cases.

Nowadays, the epidemic situation in many places has been repeated, and various mental health service hotlines in Nantong City, Jiangsu Province, have gradually heated up. Recently, at an isolation point in Chongchuan District, the little girl Fangfang had an adverse emotional reaction during the isolation period. It turned out that she herself had depression, anxiety and other emotional disorders, and it was difficult to adapt to the tense and closed environment atmosphere of the isolation point. Fortunately, the isolation point has a professional psychologist to contact and always pay attention to the mental health needs of the quarantined personnel. After conducting simple psychological counseling and drug conditioning for Fangfang, the psychologist at the isolation point promptly consulted the psychological experts of the Nantong Fourth Hospital for more professional countermeasures. Experts suggest that Fang Fangduo video chat with family and friends. The isolation point is also for soothing the little girl's emotions, actively "doing what she likes", and providing the child's favorite diet.

It is reported that the Chongchuan District Women's Federation implemented the "Xinqing Plan", led the organization of nearly 20 mental health expert propaganda groups active in Jianghai, strengthened the management of the district women's and children's psychological counseling service center, followed up the construction of the community Xinqing workstation, and carried out the pairing of psychological counselor volunteers and women's and children's homes. Promote the in-depth integration of "grid + women's and children's rights protection + mental health services", strengthen the mapping of women's and children's mental health problems in daily visits by grid members, promptly report women and children with mental health tendencies found during investigation, and do a good job of psychological assistance, referrals and other services in a timely manner. Since the beginning of this year, personalized counseling has been implemented, and personalized family education guidance services have been carried out 48 times for the mental health problems of adolescent students, and nearly 1500 people have participated.

Author: Jin Chi, correspondent of this newspaper

Editor: Fu Xinxin

Editor-in-Charge: Fan Bing

*Wenhui exclusive manuscript, please indicate the source when reprinting.

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