
After Liu Bang's death, Lady Qi was made a "human being" by Lü Hou, why was Lü Hou so vicious?

The ancient harem has always been the representative of open strife and secret struggle, and it looks harmonious on the surface under the emperor's imperial rule, but behind the scenes, there are many grudges and entanglements, countless noble concubines' calculations and mutual killing, which makes the palace have an extra layer of blood.

During the Han Dynasty, Liu Bang, the ancestor of Han Gaozu, died, and the successor Emperor Hui of Han was too young, and his health was not good, and his personality was weak, so he was put in power by Liu Bang's wife Lü Hou, who remembered the generals and palace ladies who had a grudge with her before he gained power, and what awaited these generals and palace women after taking power would be bloody rain.

After Liu Bang's death, Lady Qi was made a "human being" by Lü Hou, why was Lü Hou so vicious?

After Emperor Hui of Han ascended the throne, Empress Lü wanted to get rid of the general who commanded the army abroad and help Emperor Hui of Han to take power, so she found a courtier to discuss the matter, but was overheard by the general Li Shang, who quickly stopped Lü Hou, saying that the generals had a lot of military power, and if they did this, they would rebel, and Lü Hou gave up, which showed how much she cared about her son.

In the han gaozu Liu Bang period there was a Lady Qi, not only good at dancing, but also flowers and moon appearance, from liu Bang was beaten by Xiang Yu and fled, she followed Liu Bang, because Liu Bang liked music very much, and Lady Qi was also a woman who was very good at pleasing Liu Bang, so Liu Bang always took Lady Qi with her when marching, and Lü Yan, who was Liu Bang's eldest wife at the time, did not say anything, and then Lü Yan slowly took power, thinking that Lady Qi could not turn over any waves, so she did not bother with Lady Qi.

After Liu Bang's death, Lady Qi was made a "human being" by Lü Hou, why was Lü Hou so vicious?

Lady Qi had a son named Ruyi, and after Liu Bang's great cause of unification, Liu Bang also liked this son very much, because the eldest son at that time was very weak and did not look like himself, so he had the idea of making Ruyi the crown prince. And often in front of the minister said ruyi like me and the like, like the overflowing words, which also made Lady Qi have the idea of seizing power, so she blew the pillow wind in front of Liu Bang every day, let Liu Bang li ruyi as the prince, for a long time, Liu Bang also had his own careful thoughts, but this was all looked at by Lü Hou.

Lü Hou had already regarded Lady Qi as a small role, but lü Hou could not sit idly by when it came to the issue of the crown prince, although Liu Bang's attempt to make Ruyi a prince was later blocked by the political forces held by Lü Hou, but this feud was concluded.

After Liu Bang's death, Lady Qi was made a "human being" by Lü Hou, why was Lü Hou so vicious?

After Liu Bang's death, Emperor Hui of Han ascended the throne, and lü hou began to take revenge on Lady Qi, who was initially imprisoned in a small alley, dressed in worn-out clothes, and Ruyi was transferred to a foreign country to become king, while Lady Qi was imprisoned in a dilapidated and damp alley. However, Lü Hou was still angry and wanted to kill both Ruyi and Lady Qi, she first tricked Ruyi back to the palace from other places, poisoned her with medicinal liquor, and then Lady Qi was made into a human by Lü Hou, and Ren Yan was a kind of torture that turned people into pigs, cutting off people's limbs, digging out eyeballs, cutting off tongues, destroying people's vocal cords with poison, injecting copper into people's ears, making people deaf, which was a very cruel punishment, and Lü Hou also put Lady Qi in the stinking toilet to relieve the hatred in her heart, and Lady Qi finally could not bear the torture and finally died.

After Liu Bang's death, Lady Qi was made a "human being" by Lü Hou, why was Lü Hou so vicious?

Many people will ask why Lu Hou is so vicious? The struggle for power made Lü Yan lose his humanity, and Liu Bang's careful thinking made Lü Yan see clearly, if it were not for the rights and his son, Lü Hou would not have wanted to be so vicious. In ancient history, there were many frightening tortures, the most appalling of which was the human body, how many unknown open and secret struggles occurred in the golden and brilliant imperial palace, how many people were implicated, and died after being severely punished.

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