
Before Zhuge Liang died, he left 1 last word, and the 4 barmen did not comply, and finally they were killed

During the Three Kingdoms period, the most lamentable thing was the tragedy of Zhuge Liang's five northern expeditions all failed, and finally died of illness in Wuzhangyuan. During Zhuge Liang's last Northern Expedition, Sima Yi deliberately adopted a strategy of not being able to hold out, no matter how Zhuge Liang provoked Sima Yi, the Shu army did not get the opportunity to attack, so Zhuge Liang's physical condition became worse and worse. Before Zhuge Liang's death, in order not to let his grave be discovered, he specially left a last word to the 4 barmen who carried the coffin, and as a result, after Zhuge Liang's death, they buried Zhuge Liang's coffin hastily without authorization, Liu Chan was very angry after hearing about it, and beheaded 4 people on the spot, so what is the matter?

Before Zhuge Liang died, he left 1 last word, and the 4 barmen did not comply, and finally they were killed

It turned out that when Zhuge was critically ill, he not only arranged the major affairs of Shu Han, but also cared very much about the choice of his own cemetery. First of all, it was basically impossible for the Shu generals to escort their coffins back to Chengdu for burial, because then his body and coffin would surely decay quickly, so Zhuge Liang chose his own cemetery near Dingjun Mountain, which was very close to Wuzhangyuan and was inaccessible, and no one would disturb his purity after death.

Before Zhuge Liang died, he left 1 last word, and the 4 barmen did not comply, and finally they were killed

Therefore, before he died, Zhuge Liang specially called the 4 barmen responsible for carrying his own coffins to him and whispered: "After I die, you just have to carry my coffin around Dingjun Mountain, until the rope on the bar is broken, you can bury me there." The reason why Zhuge Liang thought this way was that he was worried that his fame in the Shu state was too great, and after his death, Sima Yi would definitely investigate the location of his tomb, so he chose such an insurance method.

Before Zhuge Liang died, he left 1 last word, and the 4 barmen did not comply, and finally they were killed

So after Zhuge Liang's death, the four barmen carried Zhuge Liang's coffin to the depths of the settlement mountain to walk around. But after a long time, they found that the rope on the bar had not yet been broken, and the 4 people were already exhausted and out of breath. So the 4 people did not heed Zhuge Liang's advice, directly cut the rope, casually found a place to bury Zhuge Liang's coffin, and then went back to liu Chan to resume his life.

Who knew that after Liu Chan investigated the truth, he beheaded all 4 barmen who knew the location of Zhuge Liang's burial and showed them to the public, on the grounds that they had violated Zhuge Liang's will before his death. After the death of these 4 people, zhuge liang's burial site has become a mystery for eternity, not to mention Sima Yi, that is, no one can find zhuge liang's cemetery now.

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