
To prepare the braised pork ribs

author:The breeze is consistent


500 g


3 tablespoons of oil 2 tablespoons of cooking wine 2 tablespoons of ginger slices 3 pieces of green onion 1 piece of rock sugar 1 grain of salt 1/2 tablespoons of salt 2 tablespoons of dry

Braised to be prepared

1. Wash with clean water, put cold water into the pot, add cooking wine, boil the water for one minute, fish out the ribs and rinse them with cool water for later

To prepare the braised pork ribs

2. Add a little oil to the pot, put some rock sugar, stir-fry until it bubbles, put into the pot to quickly stir-fry to color, put in the white onion, ginger slices, dry in advance with water soaked, continue to stir-fry, add boiling water, add, stir a few times, cover the pot and bring to a boil, turn the heat to low and cook for thirty minutes, stir two or three times in the middle

To prepare the braised pork ribs

3. When a small amount of soup is left in the pot, add a little white sugar, stir-fry, then add salt, stir well and then turn on high heat to stir-fry quickly, start to collect the juice, OK

To prepare the braised pork ribs
To prepare the braised pork ribs
To prepare the braised pork ribs
To prepare the braised pork ribs

Cooking skills

The sautéed sugar color has been low fire, to prevent paste, according to personal taste into the appropriate amount, but also made Orleans rice deficiencies are more inclusive, very professional

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