
Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

author:Winter solstice snowy night
Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

Introduction to this issue: Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the right sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

Pig body parts, ribs are the most popular, pig ribs in addition to containing protein, fat, vitamins, but also contain a lot of calcium phosphate, collagen, bone mucin, etc., but also for our body to provide calcium. Braised pork ribs is the most common practice, braised pork ribs is a classic home-cooked dish, but also a must-have dish for the New Year's Festival, adults and children love to eat.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

Don't look at braised ribs is a home-cooked dish, want to make this dish delicious, it is not an easy task, many friends in the cooking of this dish, did not do well in the restaurant, not the color is black, look no appetite, is the ribs eat fishy, not cooked rotten. Make braised pork ribs at home, teach you small skills, remember "use the right sugar, add two water", make the ribs ruddy in color, the meat is fragrant and deboned, the taste is not chai, not fishy, the following share the following method:

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

【Braised pork ribs】Ingredients required: 2 kg of pork ribs, appropriate amount of oil and salt, 1 piece of green onion, 1 piece of ginger, 3 cloves of garlic, more than 10 peppercorns, 1 large ingredient, 1 small piece of cinnamon, 2-3 slices of fragrant leaves, 1-2 dried chili peppers, 2 tablespoons of light soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of braised soy sauce, 1 tablespoon of cooking wine, 2 tablespoons of rock sugar,

Procedure steps:

1. When buying pork ribs, directly let the merchant chop the ribs into sections, and chop them themselves time-consuming and laborious.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

2. Add water to the pot, cold water into the ribs blanching water, ribs blanched water to add cold water, can fully boil the blood foam of the ribs, made of ribs eat not fishy.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

3. After the water boils, skim off the floating foam, cook for 4-5 minutes, fish out the ribs, wash with warm water, drain and set aside. The water of the ribs should be drained, otherwise it is easy to splash the oil when frying.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

4. Prepare the seasoning, do braised vegetables, need to fry sugar color, many people do not know whether to use white sugar or use rock sugar is good, the coloring effect of sugar color with rock sugar is better, and the taste and color are better than white sugar, the color of the dish is particularly red and bright, and the color will not become black, the coloring effect is lasting, and the color color of the sugar fried with rock sugar should be lighter, but its taste is fragrant and will not be too sweet.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

5. Heat the pan first, then pour a small amount of cooking oil, turn the frying pan around a little, let the oil cover the entire frying pan. Wait until the oil temperature becomes hot before pouring in the rock sugar, and quickly crush the rock sugar and break it up. Continue stirring the rock sugar over a low heat to allow the rock sugar to completely change into a liquid shape. Use a low heat when sautéing the sugar color, it will be slower to do so. Be sure to stir the sugar constantly when stir-frying the sugar color.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

6. After the rock sugar melts, first bubble, and then slowly become a yellow bubble, as the temperature continues to rise, the yellow bubble becomes a yellow foam, continue to heat, the color becomes date red, then you will smell the aroma of caramel, the sugar color will be fried.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

7. Immediately add the ribs and stir-fry, stir-fry the ribs to color.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

8. Add shallots, slices of ginger, garlic, peppercorns, large ingredients, dried chili peppers, cinnamon, fragrant leaves, and sauté until fragrant. Add cooking wine, soy sauce and braised soy sauce and stir-fry well.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

9. Add hot water, stew ribs to use hot water, the amount of water and ribs can be flat, ribs boiling time is long, water should be added at one time, if the water is not enough in the middle, also heat the water, boil on high heat, cover the pot lid, turn the low heat to stew for 40-50 minutes.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

10. After the time, add salt to taste, use the high heat to collect the juice, when there is a little soup left, turn off the heat, put out the plate, a plate of braised ribs with full color and flavor is ready.

Make braised pork ribs, remember "use the sugar, add two waters" the color is ruddy and not black, and the meat is fragrant and boneless

Tips: Make braised pork ribs at home, fry sugar color with rock sugar, the color of the dish is particularly red and bright, the coloring effect is long-lasting, and the color is not black. It tastes fragrant and not too sweet. When the ribs are blanched, use cold water, use hot water when stewing ribs, these two kinds of water should not be used wrongly, and the ribs made are not fishy or chai.

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