
DIY yourself! Uncle teaches you chocolate sponge cake, fluffy and delicious, easy to learn, super delicious

author:Uncle went down to the kitchen
DIY yourself! Uncle teaches you chocolate sponge cake, fluffy and delicious, easy to learn, super delicious

Recently, my daughter's birthday has arrived, and this year I plan to make chocolate sponge cake, which is very popular. When I first heard the chocolate sponge cake, the uncle thought that it was probably an edible bar with chocolate or sugar on the cake, and then when I was ready to make it, I checked the relevant pictures, only to find that the crown on the original cake could not be eaten but could be worn on the head of the fake crown ~ there is to eat and have to wear, God, this is not what girls dream of! And the crown can be bought ready to buy directly on the cake I don't have to think about decorating it at all.

Recently found that friends around seem to have the need to make cakes, thinking that now everyone can only be locked at home, there may be new friends who want to make their own cakes, so this time decided to write a homemade cake primer, from the tool preparation to the steps of making sponge cakes have photo illustrations, although the tools mentioned in this article are specially prepared for the whole egg sponge cake, but basically make desserts In addition to baking molds, the final decision props that affect the shape of the cake and some specific tools, the basic tools needed for entry are listed here.

DIY yourself! Uncle teaches you chocolate sponge cake, fluffy and delicious, easy to learn, super delicious
DIY yourself! Uncle teaches you chocolate sponge cake, fluffy and delicious, easy to learn, super delicious

The weather has become cold, cocoa powder has become a must-have ingredient in our house, drink a cup of hot cocoa to warm up, suddenly miss the chocolate cake that has not been eaten for a long time, fragrant and delicious chocolate, it will really make people want to stop, if it is not sweet, I really want to eat several pieces in one go. Tonight's dessert after the meal, the child can't wait to eat a small piece after the cake comes out, and in the evening, Dad came back and specified that Dad can only eat the smallest piece, this super soft and delicious chocolate sponge cake, really meets the appetite of the whole family.

Sponge cakes made by beating whole eggs, because the batter has fine bubbles, can show a moist and soft taste after baking, collectively known as whole egg whipped sponge cakes. Because there is grease in the yolk, it's not as easy to whip the whole egg as it is to whip the egg whites alone.

DIY yourself! Uncle teaches you chocolate sponge cake, fluffy and delicious, easy to learn, super delicious
DIY yourself! Uncle teaches you chocolate sponge cake, fluffy and delicious, easy to learn, super delicious

Therefore, we usually heat the egg liquid to a temperature of about 37-43 degrees Celsius and then send it off. After heating through water, the egg liquid can be relaxed, and the surface tension of the egg liquid can be changed, which can make it easier to beat the whole egg. However, do not overheat the egg liquid, otherwise it will be easy to defoam after beating, and even the finished cake will appear rough, but it is easy to fail.

Ingredients: 80 g of low gluten flour, 5 eggs, 25 g of pure cocoa powder, 65 g of cooking oil, 100 g of sugar, 1 g of salt

1, the egg white and egg yolk separate, the egg white with plastic wrap cover into the refrigerator for later, after the oil is boiled (about a minute) off the heat, add sieve cocoa powder, flour and salt mix well, add egg yolks in parts until you can't see the powder, beat the egg white until the blister adds one-third of the sugar, then beat until the small bubbles and then add one-third of the sugar, beat for a while and then add the last remaining sugar, beat until the whisk pulls up the egg white tail end is straight.

DIY yourself! Uncle teaches you chocolate sponge cake, fluffy and delicious, easy to learn, super delicious
DIY yourself! Uncle teaches you chocolate sponge cake, fluffy and delicious, easy to learn, super delicious

2, dig the two large lynx protein into the chocolate batter with a spatula to mix well, and then pour the batter into the egg white and mix well with the same way of cutting and mixing, the baking pan should be spooned baking paper, pour in the batter, knock two times on the table to let the bubbles drain, and then use the tooth to remove the small bubbles on the surface.

3: Prepare another baking pan larger than the cake baking mold, fill the baking tray with hot water, and then put the cake baking mold in, preheat the oven for 150 degrees, bake at 150 degrees for 60 minutes to take it out

Uncle tips

1: The pan with the egg whites should not have water or egg yolks, and the size of the baking tray: 28 * 17.5 * 4.5 cm.

2, egg white and egg whites must not have any oil and moisture (including egg yolks), otherwise the meringue will not be beaten. I usually wash the shell and utensils of the eggs in the dishwasher, then dry them with a clean cloth, separate the yolks from the egg whites in a clean small bowl, and if the yolks are broken, the egg whites are not used.

3, when the granulated sugar is completely added to the egg white, the meringue begins to shine, every 10 seconds to stop and see, once it reaches the dry foam, stop the operation immediately, do not overdo it. Sponge cake is the basic cake of birthday cake, it tastes light, soft and sponge-like. As long as you master the skills of baking sponge cake, you can easily DIY different birthday cakes at home.

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