
The takeaway guy put the cake at the security office and was kicked away by the security guard! After the owner came down, the security guard immediately confessed!

author:Osmanthus cake

Have you ever been in such a situation? You are waiting for the takeaway at home, but what you are waiting for is the news that the takeaway has been handled at will. Recently, there was a shocking incident: a takeaway guy put the cake at the security office, but was ruthlessly kicked away by the security guard! When the owner went downstairs, the security guard immediately confessed. What's going on here? Let's take a look at the ins and outs of this incident.

According to netizens, the incident occurred in a residential community. At that time, the takeaway brother delivered the cake to the door of the community according to the order address, but because he could not enter the community directly, he had to leave the cake at the security office temporarily and notified the owner to come to pick up the meal. This was a routine operation, but who would have thought that the security guard would have a "black hand" on this innocent cake.

The takeaway guy put the cake at the security office and was kicked away by the security guard! After the owner came down, the security guard immediately confessed!

The surveillance video shows that after receiving the cake, the security guard not only did not keep it properly, but kicked the cake away! This scene was seen by other owners and quickly caused a heated discussion on the Internet. Everyone said that this kind of behavior is too much!

The takeaway guy put the cake at the security office and was kicked away by the security guard! After the owner came down, the security guard immediately confessed!

Soon, the owner of the cake arrived at the scene and saw that the cake he had been thinking about was miserable, and his anger could be imagined. In the face of the owner's questioning, the security guard, who was arrogant and domineering just now, immediately became submissive, and his attitude turned 180 degrees, which can be said to be "second cowardice".

The takeaway guy put the cake at the security office and was kicked away by the security guard! After the owner came down, the security guard immediately confessed!

This incident quickly aroused the attention and discussion of all sectors of society. Some people said that security guards, as the safety guardians of the community, should be responsible for the property of the owners, rather than wantonly destroying; Some people also believe that a more direct and effective communication method should be established between the takeaway brother and the owner to avoid similar incidents.

The takeaway guy put the cake at the security office and was kicked away by the security guard! After the owner came down, the security guard immediately confessed!

In fact, it's not just a simple incident of cake being kicked off. Behind it is the current attitude of society towards people in the service industry, as well as the loopholes in community management. How should we view such an event? And how can we prevent similar situations from happening again?

The takeaway guy put the cake at the security office and was kicked away by the security guard! After the owner came down, the security guard immediately confessed!

First of all, let's make it clear: whether it's a takeaway guy or a security guard, they are all members of society and should be treated with equal respect and treatment. Takeaway boys run around the streets of the city in order to make a living, and their work is hard and important.

The takeaway guy put the cake at the security office and was kicked away by the security guard! After the owner came down, the security guard immediately confessed!

As the first line of defense in the community, security also bears the heavy responsibility of protecting the safety of owners. The relationship between the two is not antagonistic, but should cooperate and respect each other.

The takeaway guy put the cake at the security office and was kicked away by the security guard! After the owner came down, the security guard immediately confessed!

Secondly, for community management, it is also necessary to strengthen the guidance and regulation of outsiders such as takeaways. For example, special takeaway storage points can be set up and monitoring measures can be strengthened to ensure the safe delivery of takeaways. At the same time, it is also necessary to strengthen the training and management of security guards to improve their professionalism and sense of responsibility.


Finally, as owners and consumers, we must also learn to be understanding and tolerant. When encountering a similar situation, you can take the initiative to communicate with the takeaway guy and the security guard to clarify the needs and expectations of both parties. Only by building a relationship of mutual understanding and trust can we jointly create a harmonious and safe living environment.

The takeaway guy put the cake at the security office and was kicked away by the security guard! After the owner came down, the security guard immediately confessed!

Although this incident of "the cake was kicked off" is infuriating, it also brings us deep thoughts. How can we improve the working environment in the service industry? And how to strengthen community management to avoid similar incidents? These are questions that deserve each of us to think about and work on.

The takeaway guy put the cake at the security office and was kicked away by the security guard! After the owner came down, the security guard immediately confessed!

Here, I would also like to hear your opinions: What do you think is the root cause of this incident? How can we prevent this from happening again? Welcome everyone to leave a message in the comment area to discuss, let us make suggestions for building a harmonious society together! In the meantime, if you think this article makes sense, don't forget to like and share it!


The time, process, and pictures of the article are all from the Internet, and the article aims to spread positive energy, and there is no vulgar and other bad guidance. If there is a dispute about the authenticity of this article, copyright or image infringement, please contact the author in time, and we will delete it.

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