
Every child has a shining side, a child's childhood, please do not stifle

author:Ivan's World

See this title, if you, as a parent, open this article, it shows that you still attach great importance to the growth of your children and care about your children's education! Yes, parents are the first teachers of children, we all have a heart that hopes to become a dragon, we all pin our hopes on the next generation, hope that they will fly higher and farther, and hope that they will realize our unfulfilled wishes!

Every child has a shining side, a child's childhood, please do not stifle

As we all know, interest is the best teacher, children in a certain aspect, a certain discipline and even a special hobby of a certain behavior, if parents pay attention to discovery, it must be a hundred times stronger than the effect of deliberate learning, this is the child's talent! Especially at the stage of 6-12 years old, which is what we call the primary school stage, whether you belong to the Buddhist parents or the parents of the chicken baby, please be sure to give the child the free space and time to give full play to the nature at this time, do not let the child put all his energy into the textbook and homework, because the singleness and superficiality of the primary school textbook are far from satisfying a child's curiosity and exploration of the unknown world. This is also why when children are young, there are always so many ideas and questions, why... Why... Why... 100,000 whys, asked by our parents are speechless.

Every child has a shining side, a child's childhood, please do not stifle

Some parents should question how it is possible for children to go to primary school and not devote themselves to textbooks and homework without learning? Here I hope that parents will look at the problem dialectically, learning is the first, of course, it is important. But it is not necessary to be a point theory, the results of the primary school stage have a great deal of falsehood, because only rely on dead learning textbooks, rote memorization, the primary school stage can indeed get full scores, but in junior high school, the grades will decline rapidly, the more children learn about tired, the more they learn, the more they will not, it is precisely those primary school stage grades are mediocre, but the well-read, well-informed children's grades rise strongly, strike later, and have endless potential. This situation is even more serious in high school, and when entering society, when the ability to work is needed rather than a report card to measure a person's development, this differentiation is even more incomparable.

Every child has a shining side, a child's childhood, please do not stifle
Every child has a shining side, a child's childhood, please do not stifle

At present, the "double reduction" policy introduced by the state is to reduce the pressure of homework and the learning pressure of training institutions, we are not cultivating "brush problem makers", children's intelligence, like a seed, need conditions to germinate and grow, and this condition is to increase reading and brain-moving games, pay attention to children, especially children in this period of primary school. When they ask such and such questions, parents should guide their children to find answers from books, cultivate children's reading habits, and cultivate children's underlying learning ability.

I have a friend told me a joke, their children in a private primary school, different from public schools, there is no mid-term, final exams, all the results are based on the child's usual learning habits, attitude comprehensive evaluation, especially pay attention to the cultivation of children's interests, one of the children usually like to play mud, and then go abroad to study physics, and finally the work is to study the surface of the moon! [Cover your face] [Cover your face]

This is just a joke, but I don't know if parents have such a feeling, when we went to school when we were young, those so-called poor students who did not study well and were in trouble all the time, after entering the society, they are not worse than good students, and even some of them have soared! [Punch in the face] [Punch in the face]


Have you ever thought about such a question?

Every child has a shining side, a child's childhood, please do not stifle

The answer is: emotional intelligence determines the height of future development!

Where does emotional intelligence come from and how to cultivate it?

Being able to speak is only one of the manifestations of emotional intelligence, and it must also be able to speak, rather than speaking without covering, so children should cultivate logical thinking and language expression ability from an early age. Those introverted children, children who dare not speak, children who are not good at words, we parents should give appropriate guidance, deliberately give children the opportunity to "speak" in life, help children improve self-confidence, such as: simply help parents inquire about the price of vegetables; see classmates and parents take the initiative to say hello; take the initiative to help children invite good friends to play at home; actively participate in various school activities, etc., and also pay attention to finding opportunities and stages for children to show themselves, gradually adapt to the environment, and overcome psychological obstacles that dare not express. I believe that bad words are not that children have no thoughts, but once children really build self-confidence, you will find that children will not only speak and dare to say, but life and learning will have unexpected effects and gains.

Every child has a shining side, a child's childhood, please do not stifle

In addition, the second necessary condition for improving emotional intelligence is to continuously improve the cultural accomplishment and literary background of the individual, which contains not only textbook knowledge, but also to understand and learn the essence of China's broad and profound culture, read a lot of books, broaden thinking and vision, and establish correct values from an early age, which will affect the pattern of children's future behavior. "Reading thousands of books and walking thousands of miles", we must let children go out more from an early age, go out more to see the outside world, and lay the foundation for them to embark on a higher and broader stage in the future.

Every child has a shining side, a child's childhood, please do not stifle

Finally, the child's comprehensive ability, as I have just said, we do not want a small "brush problem", but to strive to train children to be a small "diplomat" with thoughts, connotations, patterns, and good expression, and really cultivate the child's learning ability at the bottom, you will find that the original bottom ability laid in the primary school era, after growing up, the gap is so large, not how important the "double hundred" is in elementary school!

Hello everyone, I'm Ivan. Founder of Fangji International Education, deeply cultivate the exploration and research of the three major areas of youth literary literacy, reading ability and oral communication, help the national youth public welfare reading promotion plan, pay attention to the healthy development of adolescents' physical and mental health, on the road of children's growth, I am willing to work with you to build a child's infinite future!
Every child has a shining side, a child's childhood, please do not stifle

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