
Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

author:Rabbits on the go
Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

In the cuisine of a region, the culture and history of that region are hidden. In fact, almost all local cuisines in each region have been formed after hundreds of years of circulation and development, and to some extent, they do represent the history of the region; and in the process of development, food is bound to be affected by local culture and its customs.

It can be said that if a city or an area does not have its own food, then its charm has already collapsed in half. When many people travel, they also tend to enjoy the local authentic food, rather than eating the fast food restaurants that are on their doorstep.

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

However, due to the different tastes of each region, the cuisine of one place is not acceptable to everyone, but Hangzhou has another scene, even locals are away from local cuisine, what is going on?

If all the cities in our country are likened to people, then Hangzhou must be worthy of being a beautiful woman. Paradise on earth, light makeup, smoke and rain, lakes and mountains... Countless words are piled on it, and it can be said that the beauty of Hangzhou is already unparalleled.

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

But because of this, many people will subconsciously forget the food of Hangzhou when they enjoy the beautiful scenery. In the impression of many people, Hangzhou is like a floating immortal, and "eating" this kind of thing that mortals need is not very related.

Looking at those cities where the cuisine is particularly famous, almost all of them are very grounded, and there is a pyrotechnic gas that comes to the face, in contrast, Hangzhou is more than enough immortal, and the fireworks are insufficient.

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

In fact, this is a misunderstanding of Hangzhou, Hangzhou's cuisine is not as barren as the desert, in addition to the scenery, Hangzhou's cuisine is also completely handy, not only that, Hangzhou's cuisine has a secondary division, divided into "Hangzhou cuisine" and "Hangzhou cuisine".

Don't look at it as just a word difference, the actual content is far from the same, this is like Morocco and Monaco, a word difference, but two countries thousands of miles apart, can not be confused.

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

When many outsiders mention "Hangzhou cuisine", the first thing that comes to mind is what West Lake vinegar fish, Longjing shrimp, flower chicken, Dongpo meat, but if you want to say to the old Hangzhou people that these are "Hangzhou dishes", 80% of people will be unhappy, because in fact, the two "signature dishes" used by Hangzhou to attract foreigners are not "Hangzhou cuisine", but "Hangzhou cuisine".

As mentioned above, the difference is a word, and the actual content is thousands of miles apart. For Hangzhou locals, they don't eat Much Hangzhou cuisine, nor do they like Hangzhou cuisine very much. Of course, this does not mean that Hangzhou gang cuisine is specially created to deceive tourists, in fact, from the perspective of Hangzhou bang cuisine can make a name for itself in the south of the sea, it is still in line with most people's tastes.

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

For tourists from other places, Hangzhou's Hangzhou's Hangzhou cuisine is a must-try, so why do Hangzhou locals have no such enthusiasm for Hangzhou's cuisine, and even do not eat much?

First, let's understand the different concepts of Hangzhou cuisine and Hangzhou cuisine. Hangzhou cuisine does originate in Hangzhou, but it is not an "authentic" Hangzhou dish, but on the basis of Hangzhou cuisine, it is formed by integrating the characteristics of other regional dishes, which is equivalent to the strengths of a hundred families and more diverse tastes, so it is easier to gain the favor of the public.

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

Just like Hollywood's commercial blockbusters, the audience is wide, there is no situation that cannot be understood; in contrast, as a subordinate member of Zhejiang cuisine, one of the eight major cuisines in China, Hangzhou cuisine is like a genre film, the audience is fixed, what you like is like, and if you are not interested, you will not go to see it at all.

Hangzhou cuisine is more in line with the tastes of Hangzhou people than Hangzhou cuisine, and it is a food that belongs to Hangzhou people "themselves". The number of Hangzhou dishes is less than that of Hangzhou, and the traditional Hangzhou cuisine is actually 36 dishes, but there are many more Hangzhou dishes in Haina Baichuan, which is its advantage.

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

However, for Hangzhou people, Hangzhou cuisine that conforms to the seasons and seasons is more in line with their appetite; if Hangzhou cuisine has pyrotechnic gas and is the "home cooking" of Hangzhou people, "Hangzhou cuisine" is more like a business card of Hangzhou to the outside world, very exquisite, but for Hangzhou people it seems to be pretentious.

In fact, this can also be reflected in another aspect, that is, the plate. Whether you have really eaten Hangzhou gang dishes, or search for pictures of Hang bang dishes on the Internet, you will find that the plate of Hang Bang dishes is always exquisite, very particular about leaving blanks, a large plate of dishes is concentrated in such a place, but also with a variety of small dishes decoration, like a freehand landscape painting, like a dish deliberately for tourists.

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

But in contrast, Hangzhou cuisine is much more casual, the dishes will be laid out full of plates, and do not think much about the problem of "good looking", just like eating at home, who cares whether the dishes on the plate are good or not? Delicious and you're done.

Compared with the foreigners eating is a "characteristic", a "mood", Hangzhou people are naturally interested in more daily, more simple Hangzhou cuisine, which is not to say that Hangzhou cuisine is not delicious, on the contrary, it is very successful, but for Hangzhou people who live in Hangzhou, it is more attractive to them than superficial kung fu, or real fireworks.

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

If you want to ask Hangzhou gang cuisine whether it is delicious, it is naturally delicious, and it is undoubtedly more in line with the taste of the public, if there is no special obsession, there is no need to deliberately pursue the difference between the so-called "Hangzhou gang cuisine" and "Hangzhou cuisine".

Just like those who watch commercial movies do not have to force themselves to watch literary and art movies, as if that can show that they are "cultured", the result is drowsy, waste ticket money, and leave an impression of "so mysterious" on literary and art movies, but what is the "literary and art film" doing wrong?

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

Watching movies, like eating, is to make ourselves happy, let us return to the most simple evaluation standards, good looking, delicious, and it's over.

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals? Hangzhou, not only "high value" Hangzhou people do not eat Hangzhou cuisine? epilogue

Hangzhou"Hangzhou", "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by tourists, "Hangzhou cuisine" is eaten by locals?

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