
Mandarin can't listen to the sound, love Hangzhou to help dishes, hangzhou's most beautiful people have a foreign sister in the wall, masks can't stop her beauty

author:Qianjiang Evening News

Qianjiang Evening News Hourly News Reporter Sun Yan Correspondent Chen Qi

Today (October 5th) evening, in the most beautiful wall at the intersection of Pinghai Road in Hangzhou's Yan'an Road, a tall, fair-skinned foreign young lady appeared, which attracted the sideways glances of passing citizens and tourists.

Mandarin can't listen to the sound, love Hangzhou to help dishes, hangzhou's most beautiful people have a foreign sister in the wall, masks can't stop her beauty

The hourly news reporter found out that the younger sister's name is Laura, 26 years old, from Romania, is a volunteer at the International Station of the Civil Police Academy.

In the past four or five years of major holidays, Laura has almost always appeared in the lakeside area, and this year's National Day holiday is no exception. "I'm here when I'm free today."

Mandarin can't listen to the sound, love Hangzhou to help dishes, hangzhou's most beautiful people have a foreign sister in the wall, masks can't stop her beauty

After coming to Hangzhou, she decided to go to graduate school in China

At 5:40 p.m., Laura put on a volunteer red vest and patrolled the Lakeside Pedestrian Street with the women's patrol.

Standing straight, eyes looking straight ahead, patrolling like the little sisters of the patrol.

A passerby took out his mobile phone and began to shoot.

Laura and China were married in high school. At that time, the school invited Chinese teachers from the Confucius Institute to teach them. It was that class that made her fall in love with China.

Taking the university entrance examination, Laura chose to major in Chinese language and literature.

In 2016, Laura came to Hangzhou for the first time. After a while, she became more determined to come to China for graduate school.

The following year, she was admitted to Zhejiang University to pursue a master's degree in international business.

Laura and the Public Police Academy International Station met during the G20 Hangzhou Summit. She became the captain of the Hangzhou Foreign Language Volunteer Team.

After graduating from graduate school in August last year, Laura took a job selling at a company in Hangzhou.

Mandarin can't listen to the sound, love Hangzhou to help dishes, hangzhou's most beautiful people have a foreign sister in the wall, masks can't stop her beauty

"They may think I don't understand and can't speak Mandarin."

Don't look at her as a foreigner, today the whole time with the hourly reporter is in Mandarin, and the speech is quite slippery.

Laura's Mandarin proficiency has passed the highest level 6 of the International Standardized Test for Chinese Language Proficiency (HSK).

Most surprisingly, she speaks not only native Romanian, Chinese, and English, but also French, Italian, and Korean. "I learned at different stages, some may be better at speaking, some may be better at writing, and some may be weak in speaking."

During the epidemic, with friends from France, Laura can act as an interpreter and advise you of the precautions.

When volunteering at Lakeside, pedestrians often ask Laura for directions, "Where is west lake going?" "Where is the Apple Store?"

"You can go forward and see." Laura's voice fell, and some passers-by would react: "Are you a foreigner?" ”

Others simply didn't hear Laura's accent.

When I didn't wear a mask, some pedestrians wanted to consult with her, but when they saw that it was a white-skinned and beautiful foreign young lady, they flashed away, "They may think that I can't understand and can't speak Mandarin, so they walk around me, which is nothing." Laura said with a smile.

Volunteering at Lakeside on major holidays has become a habit of Laura in Hangzhou.

"Every holiday, there will be a lot of people in the Lakeside Yintai area, and we need to do walking guidance." She said that the main thing is to maintain the order of the pedestrian street.

"If you can't do big things, just do some small things and good deeds around you." Being kind to others, such as pulling open the door to let others in first, these small actions. ”

Laura said that when taking the subway line 4 a few weeks ago, she found a mobile phone on the side of the empty seat, "I did not pay attention to which passenger fell at which station, think about the owner must be very anxious, when the station quickly handed the mobile phone to the staff at the station." ”

"I especially like Hangbang cuisine, and it is no problem to eat spicy ones."

Laura is the only daughter of the family.

"Because of the epidemic, I haven't been home in the past two years." She laughed and said that she had let her parents in Romania install WeChat, usually typed and sent messages, and would call them when they came home at night, occasionally video. "Homesick is definitely thinking, but I think China's epidemic prevention and control measures are doing a good job, here I will be safer, mom and dad are more at ease."

After coming to Hangzhou for 5 years, she has been deeply in love with the city, at first she may have wanted to experience more of China's customs and customs, etc., but the more in-depth experience and understanding, the more she likes here, "There are more Chinese dishes than we have there, I especially like Hangzhou cuisine, and it is no problem to eat spicy." ”

In addition to going to work and volunteering, Laura also enjoys traveling. This year, she traveled to Yunnan and Gansu, qinghai and Chongqing during her work, and previously to Beijing, Shanghai and Guangzhou.

On her days off in Hangzhou, she would party with friends and join the English Speaking Club.

"I want to work and live in China, and I have no intention of leaving." Laura told reporters that the volunteer work will also persist.

In these two days, if you pass by The Lakeside Pedestrian Street, you may also meet this beautiful and kind little sister! "I go to work on the 8th and volunteer here for two days."

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