
Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

author:Food dancing

来浙江‬杭州‬,少不了‬的‬就是‬逛‬美景‬,吃美食‬,杭帮菜‬肯定‬是‬要‬尝‬的‬,看看‬你喜欢‬‬吃哪‬几‬种‬呢‬? Since ancient times: "There is heaven on the top, suzhou and hangzhou on the bottom", this sentence has made everyone dream of Suzhou and Hangzhou, which shows that the beauty of Hangzhou is indeed unique. 杭州作为中国八大古都之一,它以其秀丽的湖光山色,和众多的名胜古迹而‬闻名中外,也被世人赋予“人间天堂”的美誉。 有美景‬怎么‬能少了‬美食‬呢‬?

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

In addition to its beautiful natural scenery, Hangzhou also has a long food culture, and has always been known as the paradise food house. 杭州‬菜属于浙菜‬,又‬为什么被‬称为杭帮菜‬呢? 杭州‬作为‬著名‬的旅游城市‬,以前面对‬的是‬本地帮‬‬客‬,后来‬面对‬全国‬,以及‬全世界‬游客‬,餐饮经营理念‬‬也随之‬改变,博众家之所长‬,形成了如今‬‬无宗无派‬的杭帮菜‬。 The taste of Hangzhou cuisine is mainly salty, slightly sweet, it is not as thick as its own "brothers and sisters" Shanghai cuisine, Suzhou cuisine is so sweet, it is easy to be accepted by people. A symbolic feature of Hangbang cuisine is "light".

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

Next, I will share with you the most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes in Zhejiang, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, see which ones you have eaten?

1. Dongpo meat

东坡肉是地道的杭帮菜,历史悠久,史记出自大诗人苏轼之手,是浙江省杭州‬市‬有名‬的菜肴‬。 其它地方叫它红烧肉,但两者是有区别的,东坡肉是炖蒸,红烧肉是炖,东坡肉‬比‬红烧肉‬更‬费时些,味道也是一绝,小火慢炖,然后再蒸,够火候的东坡肉里面所剩肥油已经是化的很少的了,出来的肉皮金红油亮,入口肥而不腻,软糯即化,表面一层胶质感,让你吃了还想吃。

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

Production process:

1. Ingredients: pork belly, rice wine, rock sugar, sugar, braised soy sauce, chives, ginger, salt;

2. After all the ingredients are cleaned, the pork belly is blanched and drained, cut into 4-5 cm large squares, the bottom of the casserole is covered with bamboo grates, a layer of chives is laid, the pork belly skin is placed in the casserole, and then the ginger slices are evenly stacked on the meat, and then a layer of chives is laid, add rock sugar, salt, sugar, braised soy sauce and rice wine, and the soup should be flush with the meat;

3. Bring to a boil over medium heat, turn to a low heat and simmer for 1 hour, then take out the meat, put it in a steaming bowl, pour the soup, continue to put it in the steamer, and steam for about 1 hour.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

Second, West Lake vinegar fish

West Lake vinegar fish, also known as "Uncle Sister-in-law Chuanzhen" is a representative dish of Hangzhou cuisine in Zhejiang Province, its age can be traced back to the Song Dynasty, can be described as a long history, according to the Qing Dynasty "Two General Autumn Rain An Essays" recorded, for the Song Dynasty famous chef Song Wu sister-in-law created, then named "Song Sister-in-law Fish". According to other sources, the name "West Lake vinegar fish" began in the Qing Dynasty. It generally chooses grass carp that is hungry for two days in the West Lake, the meat will be tighter, the finished color is golden red, the vinegar is fragrant, the fish is tender, the taste is sweet and sour, suitable for all ages.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

Production process

1. Ingredients: grass carp, green onion, ginger, rice wine, balsamic vinegar, salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate;

2. Blanch the treated fish with boiling water, scrape off the mucus on the fish with a knife, break the fish with a knife, cut a flower knife on the oblique knife of the fish body, inject water into the pot, put in the green onion, ginger slices, season with rice wine, salt, pepper, monosodium glutamate, boil the water into the fish, wait for the water to boil again and turn on the heat, cover the pot lid and simmer for 5 minutes;

3. Heat the oil in another pot, add the minced ginger to stir-fry, then cook the rice wine, pour in the soup of boiled fish, add balsamic vinegar, sugar and salt, after the soup is boiled, hook the water starch, put the fish into the fish plate, drizzle with sweet and sour sauce to enjoy.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

3. Steamed pork with lotus leaf powder

Lotus leaf tamales are a famous traditional dish in Hangzhou that enjoys a high reputation. This dish began in the late Qing Dynasty, when chefs in Hangzhou used lotus leaves from the West Lake to wrap the stir-fried fragrant rice noodles and seasoned pork and steam them, creating a nourishing dish that blended lotus and meat aromas. With the spread of the good name of West Lake, the reputation is growing day by day. If you sit on the edge of the West Lake to taste the food, sandwich a piece of oily tamales, send it into the mouth, tender and not squeamish, melt in the mouth, the teeth and cheeks remain fragrant, and the food and the beautiful scenery meet, this is the best taste in the world.

1. Ingredients: pork belly, lotus leaves, rice noodles, chili spices, rice wine, soy sauce, soy sauce, soy sauce, peppercorns, salt;

2. Wash the pork belly with skin, cut into small pieces, the size can be determined according to personal preferences, sprinkle salt and pepper, stir and marinate, pour rice wine, soy sauce and soy sauce into the marinated pork belly, stir well, add chili spices and rice noodles to mix well, wrap in lotus leaves and put them into the pot to steam, first steam on high heat for 10 minutes, then change to medium heat to steam for about 60 minutes.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

Fourth, Song Sister-in-law fish soup

Song sister-in-law fish soup is a traditional Hangzhou famous dish in Zhejiang, which has a history of more than 800 years and is a civilian dish that has been passed down through the ages. Legend has it that Song Gaozong took a boat trip to the West Lake, because Song Wujie, who heard the Beijing accent, sold fish soup by the West Lake, Song Gaozong ate the fish soup she made, and could not help but sigh, in addition to delicious, added a hometown feeling, gave her a lot of rewards. For a time, this matter spread in Hangzhou City, and since then, this "Song Sister-in-law Fish Soup" has become famous throughout Hangzhou City, and has been passed down to this day, and has been one of the representatives of Hangzhou cuisine.

1. Ingredients: mandarin fish, ham, rice wine, shiitake mushrooms, clear chicken soup, starch, green onion, ginger, eggs, pepper, vinegar, salt;

2. Wash the mandarin fish, remove the bone slices of meat, cut into shredded fish and put rice wine, salt and starch to sizing, then cut the ham, shiitake mushrooms, green onions and ginger into thin strips, pour a small amount of oil into the pot, first pour the ginger shreds into the chicken soup, shredded shiitake mushrooms, boil and add mandarin shreds, rice wine, green onion shreds, salt, hook thin mustard and then pour into the scattered eggs, slowly stir the soup, add some vinegar, pepper, chicken essence, ham shreds to get out of the pot.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

5. Longjing shrimp

Longjing shrimp is a must in Hangzhou cuisine and can never be eaten, and foodies call it like a fairy that has fallen into the mortal world. Longjing shrimp is a delicious dish skillfully combined by West Lake Longjing and shrimp, the tender white of the shrimp with the emerald green of Longjing, the appearance of the appearance will give people a bright, not to mention the taste, the fragrance of Longjing and the tenderness of the shrimp are combined, and it is simply too satisfying after the entrance. When US President Richard Nixon visited China in 1972, Premier Zhou Enlai hosted a banquet in Hangzhou and included Longjing shrimp on the state banquet menu.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

1. Ingredients: fresh river prawns, Longjing tea leaves, eggs, chives, starch, rice wine, salt;

2. Treat the river prawns cleanly, put them on a plate, add an egg white, an appropriate amount of salt, stir the starch well and marinate for half an hour.

3. Start the pot to burn the oil, put the pickled shrimp into the pot and fry until fragrant, then put it on the plate for use, restart the pot to burn the oil, add the chives to fry the oil first, and then add the shrimp to the pot, add the appropriate amount of rice wine and the brewed tea leaves, and then pour the water of the tea leaves into the appropriate amount, stir-fry a few times.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

Six, three wire knocking fish

Three-silk knocking fish is one of the top ten classic dishes in Zhejiang, and it is also a well-known Hangzhou dish. "Knocking fish" is a special cooking method of Wenzhou folk in Zhejiang, after using fresh yellow fish or sea fish to remove the bones, sprinkle with dry starch, knock it into fish fillets with a mallet, it is actually not very difficult to make, almost Wenzhou people are every family. This dish looks transparent and beautiful, smooth and white, and tastes delicious and unique.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

1. Ingredients: anchovies, cooked ham, shiitake mushrooms, cooked chicken breasts, green cabbage hearts, rice wine, refined salt, dry starch, clear soup, monosodium glutamate;

2. Take the bones of the fish with clean meat, cut into slices, and then put dry starch on the board, knock it into fish fillets with a small wooden mallet, boil in water, cook the fish fillets in the pot, fish in and out of the cold water, cut into strips, cooked ham, shiitake mushrooms, cooked chicken breast are cut into fine wires;

3. Put the fish fillets and vegetable hearts into a pot of boiling water and cook them, drain the water, pour the clear soup into the wok, add the fish fillets, green cabbage hearts, salt, rice wine, boil over medium heat, add shredded mushrooms, cooked chicken breast shreds, cooked ham shreds, MSG, drizzle with cooked chicken fat, and put it on the soup plate.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

7. Call the chicken

叫化童鸡又称黄泥煨鸡,是浙江省杭州市的一道传统名菜,属于杭帮菜,也是‬天下‬鸡肴‬之‬精品‬‬,叫化童鸡由来已久,至今已有300多年历史。 它‬是把加工好的鸡用泥土和荷叶包裹起好,用烘烤的方法制作出来的一道特色菜。 The skin color is golden orange bright, the meat is tender and soft, the aroma is rich, the original taste, rich nutrition and unique flavor.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

Production process:

1. Ingredients: Xiaoshan chicken, fresh lotus leaves, salt, pepper salt, soy sauce, onion monosodium glutamate, shan nai, sugar, pork shank meat, lard oil, Sichuan winter vegetables, Shao wine, wine mud altar, star anise, ginger, cooked lard;

2. Clean the chicken and marinate for 20 minutes with sake, soy sauce, green onion and ginger. Cut the chicken gizzard and liver into slices, cut the green onion, Sichuan winter vegetables and pork into strips, add soy sauce, rice wine, sugar, and MONOSG and fry the marinade and stuff them into the chicken belly. Then mix the minced green onion with lard and spread the whole chicken. Then wrap the chicken in lard oil, wrap it with lotus leaves, and tie it with rope;

3. Add Shaoxing wine and spices to the mud and wrap it in mud on the outside of the lotus leaves, seal it all, and then put it in the oven. It usually takes about an hour to bake at 200 degrees, and after baking, it is crushed and eaten.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

8. Rock sugar turtle

冰糖甲鱼,又名“独占鳌头”,给‬高考‬的学子们‬讨个‬好彩头‬。 是‬浙江宁波地区最著名的传统菜肴,相传‬100多‬年前‬,它‬是‬从甬江状元楼首创的,口感鲜美肥腴,有入口甜、吃来软糯润口、风味独特,也是‬一道‬很‬滋补‬的菜肴‬。

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

1. Ingredients: turtle, ginger, green onion, rice wine, soy sauce, rock sugar;

2. The turtle is killed and washed, the surface of the old skin should be blanched with boiling water, remove the fishy gas, add water and ginger to the pot, boil, put in the turtle blanch, fish up;

3. Heat the oil pot, add the green onion and ginger to fry until fragrant, put the turtle on medium heat and fry for a while, add rice wine and water, bring to a boil, cover and simmer for 30 minutes. Add soy sauce, rock sugar, salt, continue to cover and simmer for about 30 minutes, and then collect the juice on high heat to get out of the pot and plate.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

Nine, bad braised whip bamboo shoots

Braised whipped bamboo shoots belong to Hangzhou cuisine and are an important genre of Zhejiang cuisine. 相传‬杭州孤山的广元寺附近有一片竹林,寺内和尚很爱吃笋,但‬不善于烹调,只会烧烧煮煮。 When Su Dongpo was serving as the Assassin of Hangzhou, he had some contacts with the monks in the temple and taught them his "Sutra of Eating Bamboo Shoots". This dish is made by sautéing, stir-frying, braising, etc. with tender whip bamboo shoots, which is rich in flavor, very flavorful and full of characteristics. Braised whipped bamboo shoots have been passed down from generation to generation and have become a famous traditional vegetarian dish in Hangzhou.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

1. Ingredients: tender whip bamboo shoot meat, fragrant, wet starch, cooked vegetable oil, salt, monosodium glutamate, sesame oil;

2. Cut the bamboo shoots into long sections, pat the pine with a knife, put the fragrant lees into a bowl, add water and stir, filter out the slag with a fine sieve, leaving the bad juice for use;

3. Heat the wok and pour the vegetable oil to 50% heat, put the whip bamboo shoots into the pot and sauté slightly, add water, burn for about 5 minutes, put the MSG, pour in the juice, hook with wet starch, pour sesame oil out of the pot and plate it.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten


Babao tofu is a special snack in Hangzhou and belongs to Hangzhou's cuisine. 别小看‬它‬只是‬一道‬小吃‬,是很‬滋补‬的,它是‬经过‬建国后的一名杭州名厨的改良,在里面加入了很多补品,成品‬八宝豆腐十里‬飘香,引来‬无数‬食客‬,吃进嘴里滑滑嫩嫩,鲜美无比。

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

1. Ingredients: tofu, egg white, cooked lotus seeds, lilies, sea cucumbers, chicken, ham, winter shoots, mushrooms, rape, salt, ginger, green onion, monosodium glutamate;

2. Crush the tofu, add egg whites, starch, stir well, put cooking oil in the dish, lay the tofu flat, add lotus seeds, lilies, diced ham, diced chicken, diced sea cucumber, diced shiitake mushrooms, winter shoots, salt, green onions, ginger, monosodium glutamate, and then steam;

3. Top the steamed tofu, add rape, use chicken soup and drizzle on top of the tofu.

Zhejiang's most famous 10 Hangzhou dishes, fresh and smooth, very distinctive, what kinds of you have eaten

以上就是轻舞和大家分享的浙江‬最著名的10道杭帮菜,鲜香滑嫩,很有特色,看看你吃过哪几种呢? If you like it, please like it and pay attention to it.

#2021加油带头人 #

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