
Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

author:Hangzhou foodie

Innovative cuisine, sharing the Asian Games.

In order to better build the city brand of Hangzhou's "Digital Intelligent Consumption • Livable Paradise", based on the positioning of "China's New Era • Hangzhou New Asian Games", and promote the innovative development of Hangzhou catering, the "2021 Hangzhou Annual Recipe Selection Activity" sponsored by the Hangzhou Municipal Bureau of Commerce, undertaken by the Hangzhou Catering and Hotel Industry Association, and co-organized by Qianjiang Evening News was officially launched in early October.

Since the issuance of the campaign order, citizens and enterprises have actively participated. Up to now, more than 100 enterprises have submitted nearly 300 dishes to participate in the event; the Qianjiang Evening News hourly news background has received nearly 500 recipes recommended by the public.

Today will also usher in the climax of the event - 2021 Hangzhou annual recipe 100 dishes pk

From the four dimensions of "Hangzhou Gang New Taste", "Most In Grass", "Light Luxury Preferred" and "Asian Taste", what are the good-looking and delicious things on the scene? Follow the live reporter to see it. (Click on the image below to watch the live broadcast)

Hangzhou people have known how to eat and eat since ancient times, and have a strong tolerance for local cuisine, and integration and innovation have always supported the genealogy of Hangzhou cuisine. In recent decades, the rapid development of Hangzhou cuisine is not only due to the geographical environment and economic advantages, but also because of the open atmosphere of Hangzhou. It can be said that being good at innovation is the basis for Hangzhou cuisine to stand out in the country.

Ziwei Hall of West Lake State Guest House, Hangzhou

Song Sister-in-law Fish Soup Upgrade Song Sister-in-law Pine Leaf Crab Soup

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

Food is not boring, the neck is not tired of fine. This "Song Sister Pine Leaf Crab Soup" from the Ziwei Hall of the West Lake State Guest House is an upgraded version of Hangzhou's traditional flavor Song Sister Fish Soup. The dishes are made of pine leaf crab, ham, porcini mushrooms and shoots, which are beautiful in shape, silky and tender and lubricated.

Zhiweiguan Weizhuang

Longjing shrimp upgrade Longjing shrimp boat

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

The idea of this shrimp boat Longjing recommended by Weizhuang is taken from the "steamed egg of meat cake" that the people of Hangzhou like to see, and adopts the production method of Hangzhou's famous dish "Chopped Fish Ball", and the river shrimp with fresh and tender flesh and white color is made into a shrimp boat (舫: Here is a metaphor for the West Lake painting boat). Ingeniously conceived and nutritious, it fully embodies the concept of fine production of Hangzhou cuisine, tradition and fashion, just like the light makeup of Jiangnan ink, refreshing the spleen.

Hang Bang Cuisine Museum

Lion's Head Innovation Cod Lion's Head

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

Cod Lion Head is an innovation of the traditional famous dish "Lion Head", which follows the practice of Hangzhou's famous dish "Chopping Fish Round". The cod lion's head from the Hang bang cuisine museum uses two kinds of silver cod from different latitudes, from the Bering Sea coast and Chile, with different tastes and flavors, especially the silver cod produced on the Bering Sea coast in the northernmost ice region of the North Pacific Ocean, which is more white and pure, and the taste is more delicate, which is a good product.

Taste of knowledge

Dongpo Meat Upgrade Dongpo Beef

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

Dongpo beef is based on the traditional famous dish of Hangzhou Dongpo meat research and development, but also the continuation and development of Hangzhou 2016 g20 summit dishes, is not only local characteristics but also take into account the international mainstream ingredients, both modern fashion and historical and cultural heritage of the dish. It embodies the innovation, refinement and integration of Hangzhou cuisine. It is characterized by exquisite material selection and fine feeding. Simmered slowly, the original taste, the beef crispy but not rotten, sweet and delicious, the aftertaste is endless.

Gangnam Fishing Brother

Dongpo Meat Innovative Ink Fragrant Meat

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

This "ink fragrant meat" of Jiangnan Fishing Brother restores the ancient method, fat but not greasy. Hangzhou has a red and a black two meat, red is naturally Dongpo meat, and black refers to this piece of ink fragrant meat of Jiangnan Fishing Brother, which is the only one in the country. Legend has it that in ancient times, ink fragrant meat was added to the musk ink left over from the Qing Dynasty when roasting meat to entertain literati inkers. There is not much modern ancient ink, replace the ancient ink with cuttlefish juice, and create this modern ink fragrant meat with a method similar to Dongpo meat. After the pork is mixed with cuttlefish juice, there is a unique delicious and salty aroma that lingers.

In the alley

West Lake Vinegar Fish Upgrade West Lake Vinegar Yellow Fish

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

"West Lake vinegar fish" has always been a hangzhou classic dish that diners enjoy, after repeated deliberation and improvement in the alley, the traditional grass carp is changed to the meaty and tender yellow fish, after high temperature frying, the fish meat lace blooms, the outside is crisp and tender, the fish meat is plucked, the fish inside is like "garlic cloves", drizzled with a fragrant modified sweet and sour sauce, after a mouthful of sweet and sour accompanied by the garlic flavor, you can instantly feel the satisfaction of the tip of the tongue brought by the classic delicacy.

Old Duck set

Old duck pot Upgrade Yellow fish glue old duck pot

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

The "Yellow Fish Glue Duck Pot" produced by the light luxury version of the Old Duck Set is an upgraded product based on the traditional Hangzhou Duck Pot. 400 days of Shaoxing ma duck, full of gummy yellow fish glue, Xuanwei ham, dried prawns, Hangzhou fish balls, large pot simmer for 3 hours. Inspired by the taste of the ocean, freshness, fragrance and beauty climb together to a higher place, and every bite is the essence.

Hangzhou Cross Lake Tower

Dongpo Meat Innovation Yue Wang Dongpo Chicken

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

Hangzhou Cross Lake Lou Catering Co., Ltd. recommended this "Yue Wang Dongpo Chicken" is based on the Dongpo meat upgrading and improving. Fragrant and crispy, fat but not greasy. Chefs take 10 pieces of pork belly from 4 cm square meat, stir-fry the prepared meat raw and add spices such as sake, soy sauce, and green onions, and cook for 120 minutes. Then, remove the internal organs and feet of the chicken, wash it and use a knife to pat the whole chicken loose, put it in the pot, and then add the cooked meat and soup together and simmer it for an hour and collect the juice.

Outside the building

West Lake Lettuce Soup Upgrade Lianpeng West Lake Lettuce Sprouts

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

The delicate flesh of the West Lake silver carp is scraped into fish mushrooms, and made into a chic lotus shape, accompanied by pectin-rich, crisp and smooth native West Lake lettuce buds, after the soup is fresh and bright, the taste is rich in layers.

Good cafeteria

Dried Vegetable River Shrimp Innovation Inverted river shrimp

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

This "poured tuk tuk river shrimp" is the original dish of Ma Kunshan, the owner of the good canteen. The ingredients are the famous autumn plum poured tuk dish, the official website on a small altar (160 grams) will cost 99 yuan, and fried with river shrimp, will produce an extremely delicious soup. In fact, this dish originated from another dish in Ma Kun Mountain, the poured tuk crayfish. He tried to roast the authentic Hangzhou poured tuk dish with some hangzhou pepper and crayfish, but the effect was surprisingly good. This season, the lobster is replaced by river prawns, and after eating the shrimp, order a vegetarian noodle or rice cake to accompany it, and even the soup is freshly eyebrow-dropping.

Grand Hotel Hangzhou Provencal Western Restaurant

Japanese kombu puff pastry soup

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

It is an innovative delicacy that incorporates Japanese flavors, Western ingredients and Chinese techniques. Base with Japanese konbu stock and simmer for several hours with the main ingredients. Finally, it is put into a soup cup, wrapped in French puff pastry and baked until the skin is golden and crispy, not only fragrant, fresh and refreshing, but also full of high quality.

Takeshi and Ihara Sato

Wagyu beef roll foie gras

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

Zhuli Ihara-ri, with an area of 3,000 square meters, is an aircraft carrier-class Japanese restaurant in Hangzhou and even the whole country. This Wagyu beef roll foie gras is one of the first seven dishes of the meeting, which will be made in front of the guests, grilled Australian Wagyu slices, and rolled with fried foie gras, and radish puree, together with the full juice from the Australian Wagyu beef, the crispy aroma of foie gras, and the radish puree can also play a degreasing effect.

Mattel Thai Restaurant

Lemon fish crisp

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

Mattel Thai Restaurant was first opened in Baisha Quan, and today, it has four stores in Hangzhou. This lemon fish is crispy, the main ingredient is boneless sea bass, add the anchovies together, blanch the water and chop into small cubes of 1 cm. Add egg whites, breadcrumbs, corn starch and stir well, heat the oil until 6 minutes and fry until golden brown, then drizzle the seasonings. The deliciousness of fish and shrimp combined with the sourness of lemon juice and the spiciness of chili peppers can quickly awaken the taste buds of diners and make people addicted.

Carbon Xilan Yue Saigon Garden Restaurant

Yue-style mango shrimp paper rice rolls

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

This Vietnamese-style fresh mango shrimp rice roll at Sai Kung Garden Restaurant in Helan Yue is based on the description of Miss Huong Giang (Miss World Vietnam), a director of Helan Yue, mixed with carrots, lettuce, and other fresh vegetables, and wrapped with shrimp and brightly colored mangoes. Chef Helan Yue has added shag to the top with a chutney for a sweeter taste, making this one of the best authentic Vietnamese appetizers.

Carbon Motai Thai Thai Restaurant

Fragrant curry crab

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

The curry at Motai Thai Thai Restaurant is hand-made by the chef according to the taste of the Chinese, using the traditional Thai sauce method that has been followed for many years: the curry powder is first slowly fried for 8 hours over low heat, then left to sit overnight, until the next day, and then add fresh lemongrass, coconut milk and so on for 2 hours. The taste is naturally fresh and fragrant, and the richness is different from other places.

Golden Creek Villa

Double flavor crab balls

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

The "double-flavor crab ball" recommended by Jinxi Villa uses pike crab as the main ingredient to fully integrate crab meat and chicken mushrooms to make the chicken more fresh and sweet; secondly, fully use the umami taste and color of the soup boiled out of the pike crab shell to fuse into an additional taste, taste the umami taste of crab while tasting the curry chicken ball, so that the taste of the chicken ball is more varied and layered. The variety of dishes uses Southeast Asian flavor special curry as a seasoning, combined with Chinese cooking methods, the fusion of traditional Southeast Asian flavors and unique representative ingredients of Jiangsu and Zhejiang, pay attention to the cooking and nutrition of ingredients, closely related to the theme of the Asian Games, and convey the enthusiasm of the organizers.


Photo: Family of foodies

Edit: Tingting

Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs
Look hungry! Who said that Hangzhou cuisine is West Lake vinegar fish? After reading this recipe, I believe you will also fall in love with the innovative power of Hangzhou chefs

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