
The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

author:Du Rui cuisine
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The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

After the End of the New Year, the time is fleeting, the footsteps of the Spring Festival are becoming clearer and more real, and people are also preparing for the New Year. Whether it is the daily reunion banquet or the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve evening - Chinese New Year's Eve meal, the "chefs" in charge of cooking in each family also take pains to plan various dishes suitable for the New Year. As the saying goes: "the mouth is difficult to adjust", in addition to the taste to take care of the family men and women, children, the family, but also with the New Year is very compatible. Especially those classic dishes and big dishes that mean auspiciousness, you must take out a few dishes at the critical time.

The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

Today, I will recommend a classic dish that is particularly suitable for the New Year's reunion banquet and Chinese New Year's Eve meal to friends, and the detailed method of tamales means that the coming year is thriving, and the auspicious dishes on the New Year's family banquet. Tamales is a famous dish in Hubei and a classic of E'e cuisine, and now Xiantao City, Hubei Province, formerly known as Qiuyang City, is a famous steamed vegetable town in China, and has always had the tradition of no dish and no steaming. The most famous is the classic Chuyang Sansheng, which is a combination of steamed meat, steamed fish, and steamed vegetables. The tamales are the steamed meats in the three steamed steamed dishes, and the taste is soft and sticky, the sauce is rich and fragrant, and the mellow and pleasant taste is pleasant. China's folk have always had the tradition of eating auspicious dishes in the New Year, this tamales means "thriving", which is a classic dish especially suitable for serving Chinese New Year's Eve dinner table.

The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

Ingredients: refined pork belly or lean meat 750 g

Ingredients: 1 chunk of sweet potato, 150 g of red steamed rice noodles, 10 g of chives or coriander, 15 g of green onion, 10 g of ginger

Cured meat ingredients: 30 grams of light soy sauce, 5 grams of dark soy sauce, 10 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of curd milk, 15 grams of oyster sauce, 0.5 grams of pepper, 3 grams of sugar, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate or chicken powder (optional), 15 grams of pepper oil or vegetable oil

Others: 1 dried lotus leaf, 1 bamboo steamer (diameter 20 cm)

The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

1, the production of traditional tamales, to choose fine pork belly, about 750 grams, very little fat meat, "three layers of five flowers" is clear, is an excellent choice. If you really can't eat this little fat meat, then choose lean meat, which may have a certain discount on the taste.

The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

2: Cut the lean meat or fine pork belly into medium slices of meat about 0.3 cm thick and about 5 cm wide, and put them into the curing pot. Cut in 15 grams of chopped chives, 10 grams of thin ginger slices, 30 grams of soy sauce, 5 grams of dark soy sauce, 10 grams of cooking wine, 10 grams of curd milk, 15 grams of oyster sauce, 0.5 grams of pepper powder, 3 grams of sugar, 2 grams of monosodium glutamate or chicken powder (optional), 15 grams of pepper oil or vegetable oil, stir well repeatedly, marinate for 2 hours, completely flavored.

The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

3. Calculate the time when the meat slices are marinated and make overall arrangements. 1 piece of dried lotus leaf, soaked in hot water to soften, cut with scissors into a circle as large as the steamer, and spread flat on the bottom of the steamer. Dried lotus leaves infuse this tamale with a full lotus leaf aroma and are the finishing touch to this dish.

The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

4: 1 large piece of sweet potato, after cleaning, peel off the outer skin, cut into large pieces about 0.5 cm thick, cut into a semicircle from the middle pair, and place on top of the lotus leaves.

The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

5: Put 150 grams of red steamed rice noodles into the marinated meat slices, and mix them repeatedly to make each slice of meat evenly stick a layer of red steamed rice noodles on the surface. Rice noodles can not be glued too thick, nor can they be unevenly adhered, and it looks like a thin layer. Stack the slices of meat with rice noodles on top of the sweet potato chips and pose for a beautiful pose.

The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

6, pour enough water into the steamer, the steamer should be cooled into the pot, boil over high heat, adjust to medium heat. At this time, the timer is steamed for 1 hour, and the tamales are steamed. Garnish the surface with chopped chives or small pieces of coriander, and serve while it's hot. The delicious method of tamales and the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet mean that the coming days will be prosperous.

The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

1, curd milk is the red juice of bottled tofu milk, the color is mainly derived from red yeast rice flour, is a natural pigment, after the adjustment of the main role in flavoring, color, into the taste. If you don't have it at home, you can replace it with an equal amount of raw soy sauce, which cannot be omitted, because curd milk also contains a certain amount of salt, which is part of the source of saltiness.

2, this tamales are not mixed with salt, the salty taste is mainly derived from soy sauce, oyster sauce, curd milk. These seasonings contain a certain amount of salt, so remember not to add salt.

The delicious method of tamales, the auspicious dishes at the New Year's family banquet, means that the next year is thriving on the Chinese New Year's Eve rice, and the highlight of the Chinese New Year's Eve is the steaming day on the steaming day, and the precautions for the preparation of tamales are homemade steamed rice noodles

Now there are ready-made steamed rice noodles, which are also a good choice to make at home, and the production method is relatively simple. According to the ratio of 2 parts of rice and 1 part of glutinous rice, you can make 3-5 times at a time, don't make too much steamed rice noodles at a time. Place in a saucepan and sauté over low heat until slightly yellowish, leaving the heat when there is a strong aroma overflowing. Cool at room temperature, place in a kitchen cup on a household blender, cook into steamed rice noodles, and sift through. Coarse granules are used to make red steamed vegetables, such as tamales, steamed pork ribs, etc.; fine rice flour is used to steam white steamed vegetables, such as steamed fish, steamed greens, etc.

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