
A bacon recipe that is simpler than smoked bacon is done in two simple steps, and the salty aroma is delicious and bright red

author:Ho Mama cuisine

Delicious food, make your own is delicious! With simple ingredients, make delicious home cooking! Here is The Lotus Mother Cuisine, focusing on sharing home-cooked dishes and three meals to broaden the taste of happiness in life with food! Enjoy my sharing, remember to follow yo!

Li Dong, teach you to make soy sauce meat at home, no need to smoke the color red, the recipe is explained in detail.

It's winter, and it's time for curing bacon again, because the temperature is relatively low, the meat is not easy to spoil, it is not easy to attract mosquitoes, and the climate is relatively dry, suitable for air-dried bacon. The most suitable season for making sausages is after the winter solstice, when the flavor is more durable and tastes better.

However, we in Sichuan basically make smoked bacon or wind-blown bacon, and we share the practice of these bacon. Some netizens left a message saying that can you share the practice of soy sauce bacon? So this year, I made some soy sauce bacon in advance, and after being marinated and dried, I already smelled the aroma. Especially when there is a sun, in the sun, the wax flavor is fragrant, and the fat meat is rosy and translucent.

A bacon recipe that is simpler than smoked bacon is done in two simple steps, and the salty aroma is delicious and bright red

For friends who have no way to make smoked bacon, this soy sauce bacon practice is highly recommended. Soy sauce bacon, referred to as sauce meat, salty and light is more appropriate, the flavor is the same as bacon, no need to smoke, just need to be marinated, put in a place where there is no rain to dry and dry. The soy sauce that comes out of this has a unique flavor and a long time to preserve, the focus is on the simple method without worrying, pickling and drying in 2 steps to get it done, the color is red and bright and fragrant but not greasy.

The best way to make soy sauce meat is between October and December in the lunar calendar, choose the weather of continuous sunny days, and the taste and taste of the sauce meat are the best. Friends who like to eat wax flavor, you can try this method!

Soy sauce bacon to be prepared

Ingredient Preparation:

5 kg of pork belly, 20 to 30 g of salt, 150 g of light soy sauce, 50 g of dark soy sauce, 30 g of sugar, 5 g of pepper, 1 handful of peppercorns, a few dried chili peppers, 2 teaspoons of paprika about 10 g, 20 g of ginger, 30 g of spring onion, star anise, cinnamon, grass and fruit, 5 pieces of fragrant leaves, 50 grams of white wine

Production process:

1, to make soy sauce meat is best to choose fat and lean pork belly, the finished product is not dry, not woody and not greasy. But if you like to eat a little leaner, you can choose two knives of meat, that is, we are talking about hind leg meat, after cutting the first knife after the second knife, this piece of meat is the best. The bought meat does not need to be cleaned, divided into small pieces, 1 to 2 finger width thickness is appropriate, it is easier to dry. Then the surface of each piece of meat is smeared with a layer of high liquor, which plays a role in sterilization and fishy, and the meat of the liquor is smeared aside for later use.

A bacon recipe that is simpler than smoked bacon is done in two simple steps, and the salty aroma is delicious and bright red

2. After the meat is ready, we will make a marinade seasoning. The main recipe for soy sauce is soy sauce, of course, some people put sweet noodle sauce, but we still make it simpler. I don't have soy sauce at home, so I chose to use raw soy sauce and old soy sauce together, the ratio is 3:1, if you like the color is lighter, you can adjust the raw soy sauce and old soy sauce, 5:1 or 6:1 can be.

In addition to soy sauce, the right amount of salt, sugar and some spices are added to enhance the taste, mainly ginger and shallots, star anise, cinnamon leaves, peppercorns and other more common.

Put all the ingredients in the recipe into the pot, turn on the low heat, slowly simmer the aroma, and keep the pot not boiling. Let the cooked soy sauce sauce cool before use.

Remember: Don't boil it over high heat, it will make the soy sauce bitter. Of course, if you add water, that's another way to do it.

A bacon recipe that is simpler than smoked bacon is done in two simple steps, and the salty aroma is delicious and bright red

3: After the soy sauce sauce is cool, add the pork belly and rub it thoroughly so that there is a sauce in each place to make it more flavorful. Place the kneaded pork belly in a large container, face down, press it by hand, pour the remaining spices and soy sauce into the container, cover with a lid or plastic wrap, and marinate for about 3 days. During this period, the noodles are removed every other day to avoid inconsistencies in the saltiness of the upper and lower levels.

Here is a point to note: if the room temperature is relatively low, directly indoor marinating, if the temperature exceeds 15 degrees, it is best to put it in the refrigerator refrigerated marinade.

A bacon recipe that is simpler than smoked bacon is done in two simple steps, and the salty aroma is delicious and bright red

4: Squeeze the soy sauce juice dry by hand so as not to pour in and drip. Then use a knife to empty, wear it with a hook or hemp rope, hang it on the ventilated balcony to dry it, if there is sun, you can also dry it directly outdoors, about 10 to 15 days, the meat can be eaten hard and hard.

A bacon recipe that is simpler than smoked bacon is done in two simple steps, and the salty aroma is delicious and bright red

Ho Mama Food Tips:

1, fresh pork after buying back do not wash, remember not to clean. After cleaning, there is moisture but it is easy to spoil.

2, the recipe of this soy sauce meat is also suitable for making chicken and duck and fish.

3. During the production process, the container should not be stained with raw water to avoid meat spoilage.

I am Hema, a mother who loves food, shares, and life. Thank you for your reading and support, more home-cooked delicious methods, please pay attention to "Lotus Mom Food"! If you like my sharing, welcome to like, favorite, forward to more friends. If you have a better way to share, welcome to comment and leave a message, learn from each other, and exchange cooking tips!

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