
Conquer your family's taste buds with this hawthorn cake

author:Bean and fruit delicacies
Conquer your family's taste buds with this hawthorn cake

by beartt is a bean than a small sun

Fresh hawthorn 1000g

Lemon juice 20 drops

Sugar 100g

Gillidine 30 g

Conquer your family's taste buds with this hawthorn cake

1. Pit the hawthorns! A little trick, if you don't have a nuclear device, you can use the thick end of the chopsticks

Conquer your family's taste buds with this hawthorn cake

2, add lemon juice into the pot grunt ♨️ After the water is boiled, keep on medium heat for 10 minutes, then fish out the meat and pour in about 300g of boiled hawthorn water, stir with an egg beater, and add sugar to the process using residual heat (you can keep some pulp Oh, so the taste is great)

Conquer your family's taste buds with this hawthorn cake

3: Pour back into the pot and re-boil, properly boil out the water [more viscous]. Then turn off the heat and pour in the soaked gelatin and stir well into the mold.

Conquer your family's taste buds with this hawthorn cake

4: Refrigerate overnight. It is recommended to lay oil paper in the mold, so that it is super convenient when releasing the mold.

There are skills in cooking delicious dishes, each of my dishes has a little trick, everyone search for "bean fruit" can directly view my recipe!

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