
Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

author:Foraging in the market

In October hawthorn is cheap, buy a few pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the original "pure hawthorn cake" is this taste

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

A sound of leaves and autumn, an autumn rain and a heavy cold. In the blink of an eye, it is late autumn, and every time you go out, you can feel that the temperature has dropped significantly, and the autumn atmosphere has become more and more intense. In such a season, people are particularly prone to hunger, hot pot, mutton soup these are irresistible delicacies, every time they see it, they can't help but eat specially, and quietly paste themselves with "autumn fat". Gluttony is refreshing for a while, but when eating these, we must also be careful to bring too much digestive burden to us. At this time, you need to eat more foods that help digest and appetize, and hawthorn is a good choice.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

"Cold autumn loves the red in the mountains, the trees are full of red lanterns", autumn is the season when hawthorns are listed, and the red hawthorns are like red lanterns, which is very tempting. Mention of hawthorn first thought of is the rock sugar gourd, in the past the rock sugar gourd is everyone's childhood favorite, sweet and sour every time can not eat enough, in addition to the sugar gourd, hawthorn cake and sugar gourd also have the same "childhood status", sweet and sour, Q bouncy and smooth.

As early as the Qing Dynasty, there were already hawthorn cakes, when the status of hawthorn cakes can not be ordinary, because the sweet and sour appetizer taste is loved by Empress Dowager Cixi, was included in the court pastry, and given the name "golden cake", autumn is a good time to eat hawthorn, it is better to buy 10 yuan, do 2 pounds of hawthorn cake, sweet and sour appetizer can also help digestion, the elderly and children like, no additive version of the "hawthorn cake" method to share with everyone, than the hawthorn cake sold on the street taste is much purer, with a strong fruity aroma, sweet and sour, sweet and sour, sweet and sour, After eating it, you can't help but sigh: it turns out that "pure hawthorn cake" is this taste!

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Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > hawthorn cake</h1>

Ingredients required: 2 pounds of hawthorn, 400g of sugar, 1/2 lemon.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

Step 1: Add an appropriate amount of water, salt and hawthorn to the basin, soak for 5 minutes, and then wash off the dust on the hawthorn.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

Step 2: Clean the hawthorn, use the tail of the spoon to dig out the flower buds of the hawthorn, the stems of the hawthorn do not need to be removed, the flower buds will affect the taste and taste of the hawthorn cake.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

Step 3: Add the right amount of water to the pot, add hawthorn, bring to a boil, turn to low heat and cook for about 1 minute, until the hawthorn skin cracks.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

Step 4: After the hawthorn is cooked, put it into cold water, let it cool until it is slightly cool, do not throw away the water that boils the hawthorn, pour it into a bowl and leave it for later.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

Step 5: After the hawthorn is cooked, it is soft and rotten, after cooling, gently drag the stems and tendons of the hawthorn out, and the core inside is also dragged out in passing, remove the stems, tendons and cores, leaving only the part of the pulp, so that the hawthorn mud is more delicate.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

Step 6: Put the hawthorn flesh into the juicer, pour a little water to boil the hawthorn, beat the hawthorn into a puree, hawthorn contains a lot of pectin, the amount of hawthorn is relatively large, you may not be able to finish it at one time, you can beat the hawthorn into mud several times, and the beaten hawthorn mud is filtered with a strainer, which can make the hawthorn cake more delicate.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

Step 7: Add hawthorn puree to the pot, squeeze in a little lemon juice, add 400g of white sugar, simmer slowly over low heat, boil until the hawthorn paste can hang on the shovel and it is not easy to fall off, the amount of sugar can not be too little, too little if the hawthorn cake is not easy to form, and the taste will be very sour.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——
Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

Step 8: Find a suitable mold, brush a layer of oil to facilitate demoulding, pour the boiled hawthorn mud into the mold, wait for a little cool, put it in the refrigerator for one night and take shape, you can cut into your favorite shape.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > — said the old well</h1>

1, in the hawthorn, its pectin content is relatively high, the amount of water added can make the wall breaker normal operation on the line, but should not add too much water, will extend the boiling time of hawthorn mud.

2, according to their own preferences to add half of the sugar, half of the rock sugar, if all the use of rock sugar, hawthorn cake is not easy to form.

Autumn hawthorn cheap, buy 2 pounds at home to make hawthorn cake, the taste is too good, no longer want to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake - Lao Jing said——

Limited cooking skills, more advice, eat fun, see you tomorrow.

I am a foraging record of the city, and I have been fighting with the world for many years, and I am still glorious and full of interest! Like to focus on eating, drinking and having fun in the city, updating recipes and food anecdotes every day, paying attention to me, enjoying food without getting lost.

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