
Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

author:Taste Diary

Seasonal fruits are cheap and fresh in our hearts, so there are always plenty of frequent purchases in the season. But there is such a fruit, people eat it in a different way, but few people buy it, yes, it is hawthorn.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

Hawthorn season is here again, speaking of hawthorn, the first thing that comes to mind is the rock sugar gourd sold on the street, sweet with sour, sour and some sweetness, holding a large string of rock sugar gourd walking on the street to eat not to mention how beautiful it is. There are many ways to eat hawthorn, such as hawthorn cake, hawthorn slices, fruit dan peel, sugar snowball and so on.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

Hawthorn is not only delicious, but also has a lot of effects. Hawthorn is known as the "king of pectin", as the name suggests the highest content of pectin in cultivated fruits, and pectin is a kind of water-soluble food fiber, with the effect of revenge and intestinal clearance, female friends eat more, can help eliminate skin stains, delay skin aging; children picky eating anorexia, eat some basically can open the taste buds, quickly appetizing; and adults eat too full, eat a few can also have the function of stomach digestion; for the elderly, hawthorn contains rich flavonoids, but also has the effect of softening blood vessels, It can play a very good effect of lowering blood lipids and lowering blood pressure.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

But how hawthorns are best eaten, do you know? Some people will say that hawthorn is a fruit, of course, it is best to eat it directly. That can be a big mistake Oh, the combination of tannic acid and stomach acid contained in raw hawthorn is easy to form stomach stones, and even cause stomach ulcers, stomach bleeding, and serious gastric perforation.

Sweet and sour hawthorn products are my favorite, especially hawthorn cake has been particularly loved since childhood, but hawthorn cake bought from outside will contain a lot of colors and additives.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

In fact, hawthorn cake has a long history, and hundreds of years ago, the practice of hawthorn cake was recorded in ancient books such as "Compendium of Materia Medica" and "Guangqun Fang Spectrum". In this hawthorn season, making your own hawthorn cake at home is the most suitable, delicious, healthy and save money.

In the large family of hawthorn, it can be roughly divided into hawthorn and north hawthorn. Hawthorn fruit is small, brown, sour taste, mostly flattened into medicine,

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

The north hawthorn fruit is large, red, and sweet and sour, and can be eaten directly or sliced into medicine.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

The fresh hawthorns sold on the market are generally north hawthorn, and the north hawthorn is preferably produced in Shandong and Hebei. When purchasing, try to choose hawthorns with no insect eyes and cracks in the outer skin, and choose hawthorns with fresh red and bright color, moderate size, correct fruit shape without deformity, and slightly hard hand feel.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

If you only sell packaged bagged hawthorn, you can buy a little more to come back in case there are bad results.

Soak the hawthorn with 1 kg of hawthorn in salt water for 15 minutes.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

Wash and set aside, then remove the hawthorn from the core,

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

After the core, the hawthorn is cut open and poured into the pot, and then poured into the water of not more than half of the hawthorn, boiled on high heat and boiled for 3 to 5 minutes, you can poke it with chopsticks, if it is soft, you can fish out the hawthorn, drain the water and put it into the wall breaker to beat the hawthorn mud,

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

If there is only a general blender at home, you need to add some water that has just boiled hawthorn, and then use a strainer to filter the hawthorn mud into the pot.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

The hawthorn cake produced in this way can be smoother. And the pot of boiling hawthorn mud is best not to use an iron pot, because the hawthorn mud boiled out of the iron pot may have a rusty taste, and then pour in 250g of rock sugar and 250g of white sugar, pay attention not to put all the rock sugar, otherwise the hawthorn cake will not be formed, and then squeeze in some lemon juice,

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

This can prevent hawthorn oxidation and blackening, can maintain the original bright color of hawthorn, and the color of the hawthorn cake will be better. Stir slowly and non-stop on low heat to avoid paste, cook on low heat for about 15 minutes until it is viscous, how to be considered viscous enough? It is to dig a spoon with a spoon, the hawthorn mud can hang the spoon, or the spoon crosses the hawthorn mud pattern is not easy to disappear, so that it can be out of the pot, the fried hawthorn mud is put out, and poured into the container with a layer of oil in advance while it is hot.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

Use a shovel to smooth the surface of the hawthorn mud, and then shake it a few times, let it exhaust, cool it and put it in the refrigerator for refrigeration, generally refrigerate for one night, the next day take out the refrigerated hawthorn mud from the refrigerator, when cutting, the knife is dipped in some water, so that it will not stick to the knife, and then cut into your favorite look, delicious hawthorn cake is ready.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

Take a piece of this 100% additive-free homemade hawthorn cake, the sweet and sour taste comes to the face, it looks red like cinnabar crystals. Hawthorn cake this alternative snack, untapped but not easy to gain weight, immediately tasted a bite, the sweet and sour feeling from the tip of the tongue instantly spread to the entire mouth, the taste of the bite is neither in the mouth, nor is it very chewy, but the feeling of non-chewing, I accelerated the frequency of chewing, I want to let the next bite of sweet and sour hawthorn cake quickly fill into the taste buds.

Want to learn to make sweet and sour hawthorn cakes? Come and see, zero failures

Homemade hawthorn cake retains the original taste of hawthorn, sweet in the wrapped sour, sour with sweet, rich sweet sour hawthorn taste does not need to rely on additives to further regulate, it is precisely because it has no additives, so it is not as long as the shelf life taken outside, to be stored in the refrigerator, as soon as possible to eat.

Edit: Some of the images from betty come from the internet

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