
Jiangsu Xuzhou Han famous spot - osmanthus hawthorn cake

author:Taste bud wonders

Brief introduction

Osmanthus hawthorn cake is a famous han ethnic spot in Xuzhou, Jiangsu Province, which is made of hawthorn, white sugar and osmanthus sauce. According to Xuzhou's "Tongshan County Chronicle", "The scholar grinds the hawthorn into the rice, and the food is known as the hawthorn cake." The third series of "Xuzhou Literature and History Materials" Yong Hawthorn Cake Poetry Cloud: "Red is like cinnabar, transparent as crystal, and the color is more lustrous like coral." Golden cinnamon fragrant fruit acid, taste back to the two cheeks of the liquid".



500g hawthorn


An appropriate amount of water 300g white sugar with a little osmanthus flowers

1 Hawthorn washed and pitted.

2 Place in a pot and add water.

3 Boil the hawthorn until soft.

4 Place in a blender and beat into a paste.

5 Filter again with a sieve.

6 The filtered hawthorn paste is very delicate.

7 Place again in the pan and add the sugar and osmanthus flowers. It is recommended to use a large point thick bottom stainless steel pan.

8 Stir and simmer.

9 When stir-fried until it is very viscous, the hawthorn is slightly blackened, and if you feel that the shovel has resistance, you can turn off the heat.

10 Pour the sautéed hawthorn cake in and let it cool to slice.

Jiangsu Xuzhou Han famous spot - osmanthus hawthorn cake

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