
In autumn hawthorn is delicious and cheap, buy some hawthorn cake, no longer need to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake

author:A small dining table

An autumn rain and a cold, the outside is full of fallen leaves, the pedestrians on the road have put on woolen coats, and the outdoor basketball court has many fewer students. It is full of autumn breath, and in such a season, it is irresistible to see the roasted sweet potatoes sold on the roadside and the shabu lamb in the restaurant, which is what we say when the weather is cold. After eating these, you need to eat some foods that are easy to digest, and hawthorn cake is a very good choice.

In autumn hawthorn is delicious and cheap, buy some hawthorn cake, no longer need to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake

Hawthorn was also called "red fruit" in ancient times, and the Southern Song Dynasty poet Lu You wrote in "Travel" that "mountain children bear the burden of selling red fruits, and village girls pick green flowers on the fence".

In autumn hawthorn is delicious and cheap, buy some hawthorn cake, no longer need to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake

When it comes to hawthorn, the first thing that comes to mind is the rock sugar gourd eaten in winter, the favorite is the taste of childhood, the cold in the north makes the sugar gourd freeze very strong, but it is the best memory of everyone's childhood. Autumn is a good season to eat hawthorn, go to the market to buy two pounds, go home can be made into hawthorn cake, rock sugar gourd and hawthorn rolls, today's small dinner table to share with you is this sweet and sour, hawthorn cake with a strong taste of hawthorn fruit.

<h1 class= "pgc-h-arrow-right" > hawthorn cake</h1>

Ingredients: 2 pounds of hawthorn, 250 grams of sugar, 250 grams of rock sugar, 1 lemon.


1: Soak the hawthorn in salt water for 15 minutes, wash and set aside.

In autumn hawthorn is delicious and cheap, buy some hawthorn cake, no longer need to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake

2: Remove the core first, cut the hawthorn in half, then put it in the pot, pour in the water that has not half of the hawthorn, boil on high heat and cook for about 3-5 minutes to make the hawthorn soft.

In autumn hawthorn is delicious and cheap, buy some hawthorn cake, no longer need to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake

3: Use a colander to fish out the hawthorn and beat it into hawthorn mud.

In autumn hawthorn is delicious and cheap, buy some hawthorn cake, no longer need to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake

4: Pour in 250g of rock sugar and 250g of white sugar, squeeze in a whole lemon juice, stir slowly over low heat. (Do not use an iron pot, simmer slowly over low heat, stir more to let the sugar melt evenly, avoid the paste pot).

In autumn hawthorn is delicious and cheap, buy some hawthorn cake, no longer need to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake

5: Cook for about 15 minutes on low heat until it is viscous, dig out a spoon to hang the shovel and you can get out of the pot.

In autumn hawthorn is delicious and cheap, buy some hawthorn cake, no longer need to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake

6: Put the fried hawthorn puree out, pour it into the container while it is hot, let it cool and refrigerate it for one night. Take it out of the refrigerator and cut it into rectangles and then into squares.

In autumn hawthorn is delicious and cheap, buy some hawthorn cake, no longer need to go to the street to buy hawthorn cake

The hawthorn in October is cheap and delicious, buy a few pounds of hawthorn cake at home, and the taste of handmade hawthorn is not too good.

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