
Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

author:Big Mouth Chef

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

When I was a child, children loved to eat a snack, that is, "Guodan Peel", which is actually hawthorn rolls, which taste sour and sweet, watching others eat, and they are constantly swallowing saliva. Hawthorn has the effect of stomach digestion, especially the big fish and meat eat more indigestion, stomach distension, the most suitable for eating some hawthorn

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

The weather is getting colder, many people like to eat more meat to supplement energy, especially the elderly or children with weak digestion ability, it is easy to cause food accumulation, you can eat some hawthorn, however, hawthorn contains a lot of acid, raw eating on the stomach is very stimulating, and contains but tannic acid will form stones with stomach acid, so try not to eat raw hawthorn.

Hawthorn is best eaten after cooking, which can remove harmful tannic acid and retain beneficial vitamins, which are beneficial to the body.

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

October is the time when hawthorn is listed, the price is very cheap, 3 to 5 yuan a pound, but it is not easy to save, put a few days is not dehydrated and degenerate, or rot and deteriorate, the best preservation method is to make hawthorn cake, can be saved for a month, eat and take, especially convenient.

Although hawthorn cakes can be bought in the market, in order to look good and keep them for a long time, merchants will add some additives, which are not healthy, so it is better to make a little by yourself. You may ask, it's hard to make hawthorn cakes, right? I want to tell you that the method of hawthorn cake is very simple, and it will be a look, and there will be zero failure.

Every year I make some hawthorn cakes, and the children eat a piece of it, which is particularly comfortable. Below I will share the method to everyone, friends who like to eat to learn, their own delicious and healthy.

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

【Hawthorn Cake】

Prepare fresh hawthorn, sugar and fresh lemon.


1, buy some fresh hawthorn, hawthorn is easy to grow insects, must be careful when selecting, pick bright red, no insect eyes, the texture is relatively hard hawthorn, it is relatively fresh.

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

2, use a tool to remove the core of hawthorn, only the pulp is needed. Pour the pulp into a pot, add some water, bring to a boil over high heat and cook for a few more minutes, then turn off the heat. Fish out the pulp drain the water, boil the hawthorn water do not pour out, you can add some rock sugar to stir up, can also help digestion, but more sour, can not drink too much at a time.

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

3, put the pulp into the wall breaker, pour some water into the boiling hawthorn, and start the machine to beat it into hawthorn mud.

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

4, pour the hawthorn puree into a non-stick pan, add the right amount of sugar, the taste is sour and sweet. Cut two slices of lemon, put them together in a pot and simmer slowly over low heat.

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

5, while boiling while stirring with a shovel, so that the hawthorn mud is heated evenly, not easy to paste the pot. However, after the moisture in the hawthorn mud evaporates, the fruit puree is particularly viscous and can be hung on the shovel without falling off the fire.

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

6, prepare a clean crisper box, brush with a thin layer of oil, or pad a layer of plastic wrap, can be anti-stick. Pour the boiled hawthorn fruit puree into the crisper box, smooth it with a spatula, and put it on the table to shake it, shake out the bubbles inside, cover the lid and put it in the refrigerator for 4 hours.

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

7, the crisper box upside down on the cutting board, with a knife cut into small pieces can be eaten, can not eat with the crisper box, put for 1 month will not be bad.

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

【Tips for making hawthorn cake】

(1) To make hawthorn cake, sugar should be added, not only to increase the sweetness, but also to make the hawthorn cake easier to solidify and form. But too much or too little sugar is not enough, the most appropriate ratio is sugar: hawthorn = 1:3.

Hawthorn big listing, 3 yuan 1 catty, buy a few pounds to make hawthorn cake, zero failure zero addition, delicious and healthy

(2) When cooking hawthorn, add some lemon slices, which can prevent hawthorn oxidation and blackening, and make the hawthorn cake more red and bright. It can also be used directly with lemon juice. Think my article is good, please give me likes, comments, forwards, favorites, follow, see you next time.

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