
In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

author:Food writer Wei Wujie

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Growing up is a process of gradually leaving home, we are like swallows, leaving the nest after the wings are full. In the vast fields, swallows learn to fly and prey, and we learn to survive and stand on our own feet in the sea of people. When the cold wind comes, the swallow will fly into the distance, but one day it will return to its hometown.

There is a swallow nest under the eaves of the restaurant that you often go to, and it is now the height of summer, and the swallows in the nest are already full of wings. A few weeks ago, the chirping of small swallows could still be heard, but now it is not common. When the thought of my hometown comes to my heart, I will order a bowl of shrimp skin tofu soup.

In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

This bowl of soup is a dish that Wu Ji used to eat when he was a child. Tofu has a history of nearly two thousand, and the sons and daughters of China have an inseparable taste memory of it. The fragrant shrimp skin is the favorite of wujie, when I was a child, my mother worried that I was deficient in calcium, and when I made this dish, the shrimp skin was always put in a special way.

The chef's craftsmanship is always a little worse than that of his mother. Therefore, I learned this dish myself and shared it with you today. If you are working hard outside, you should also take good care of yourself, let's learn this shrimp skin tofu soup together.



Shrimp skin / tofu / egg / tomato

Enoki mushrooms / shallots / salt / starch

In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

Step by step

1: Wash the shallots, remove the roots, shred the enoki mushrooms, remove the stems from the tomatoes, rinse the shrimp skin and tofu.

In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

2: Beat the egg liquid Take a bowl and beat an egg into it to make egg liquid.

In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

3, change the knife, peel and dice the tomatoes, cut the tofu into small pieces, cut the green onion into green onions,

In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

4: Stir-fry a little oil in a pan, heat the oil and sauté the green onion, add the tomatoes, sauté the juice, and then add a bowl of water.

In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

5: Add the main ingredients to the mushrooms, tofu and shrimp skin, add the appropriate amount of salt, and cook on high heat for about 3 minutes.

In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

6, add egg liquid When the soup boils and gradually becomes thick, add water starch, pour in the egg liquid, sprinkle in the green onion, you can get out of the pot

In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

7, out of the pot A fragrant and delicious shrimp skin tofu soup is ready.

In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

About the cuisine

Shrimp skin tofu soup is a delicacy for all ages. Tofu is recommended to use old tofu, its toughness is relatively large, and it is not easy to cook when stewed at high temperatures. While the bean flavor melts into the soup, the aroma of eggs, tomatoes, enoki mushrooms and other ingredients also penetrates into the tofu, and the compound taste makes you taste it for a long time with each sip.

The shrimp skin is finely broken, and it disappears in the soup, but its umami taste is indicative of its existence. Of all the ingredients, shrimp skin is the only meat, so its taste is particularly prominent. As an aquatic product, shrimp is not as greasy as pork, but has a strong umami and fishy taste.

But the shrimp skin is processed, so its fishy smell has been removed, and the aroma is more intense. After being boiled into the tomato soup, the steam of water wafting up smells intoxicating.

Everyone's memory has a delicacy, it carries a memory, a wave of missing emotions, when thinking of a certain place, a certain person, the tip of the tongue will always unconsciously touch, arousing the worm. When you're feeling down, let the food save you.


Tips for peeling tomatoes: Draw a "ten" knife on the skin of a tomato, then slowly pour it down with boiling water, blanch it for about 10 seconds, and then easily die when you take it out.

Before adding the main ingredients, you can cook the tomatoes for a long time, and then add the main ingredients to cook when the soup is thick. In this way, the tomatoes will become very soft and rotten, the soup will be thicker, the sour taste will be heavier, and the color will be more vivid.

【Interactive Awkward Chat Session】

In the memory of the shrimp skin tofu soup, delicious and mellow, drink a sip when you are homesick, super healing

How else do you like to eat shrimp skin?

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Author: Wei Wujie

Edit: yuan

Disclaimer: This article belongs to the original article of food writer Wei Wujie, reprint please leave a message in the background. Welcome to forward, unauthorized private reprint must be reported at the bottom!

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