
Huang Jingwu: The son disguised himself as a father to help Huang Yanpei get out of trouble, and after being arrested, he broke his legs and was buried alive

author:History of Unitary

On June 3, 1949, the seventh day after the liberation of Shanghai, a news report entitled "The Bandits Killed People And The Patriots Were Buried Alive" appeared in the Ta Kung Pao.

  Soon, the news reached Beijing, where Huang Yanpei, who was preparing to attend the People's Political Consultative Conference, was in tears when he heard the news, for no other reason than him, and this patriotic who was buried alive was his second son, Huang Jingwu, and Huang Jingwu could be said to have died for himself.

Huang Jingwu: The son disguised himself as a father to help Huang Yanpei get out of trouble, and after being arrested, he broke his legs and was buried alive

  Huang Yanpei, a native of Chuansha County, Jiangsu Province, a famous educator in the Republic of China, entered Nanyang Public School at the age of 23, was known to Cai Yuanpei, joined the League at the age of 27, presided over the establishment of many schools, and served as the director of education in Jiangsu Province.

  As he grew older, Huang Yanpei began to seek a good way to save the country, he successively went to the United States, Japan, the Philippines, Britain and other countries to investigate, and after returning to China, he successively ran schools in Nanjing, Shanghai, Xiamen and other places, and after 918, founded the "National Salvation Newsletter" to publicize patriotic ideas.

  After the outbreak of the war of aggression against China, Huang Yanpei organized the Shanghai Citizens' Maintenance Association to do his best to support the Battle of Songhu, and in 1941, together with Zhang Lan and others, he founded the Chinese Democratic Political League and served as its chairman for a time.

  In 1945, after the victory of the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, Huang Yanpei and Hu Weiwen and others established the China Democratic Construction Association, and it was precisely because of Huang Yanpei's contribution during the anti-Japanese period and his call for democratic construction of the country that in July 1945, Chairman Mao invited him to visit Yan'an and personally invited him to dinner.

Huang Jingwu: The son disguised himself as a father to help Huang Yanpei get out of trouble, and after being arrested, he broke his legs and was buried alive

  After Huang Yanpei, who had seen the true face of Yan'an, returned home, he wrote what he saw and heard into the book "The Return of Yan'an", which made the people in the white area realize a new Yan'an.

  After the Liberation War broke out, Huang Yanpei called for a boycott of the civil war while rushing to various places to run schools, and he was very busy.

  Soon, the time came to May 1948, at this time, the Liberated Areas issued the "May Day Slogan", calling on all democratic parties, groups, and social elites to quickly convene a political consultative conference and establish a "democratic coalition government".

  After this slogan was issued, it was supported by democrats from all walks of life and went north one after another.

  After Huang Yanpei, then a member of the Standing Committee of the Central Committee of the China Democratic League, learned of the news, he immediately held talks with Zhang Lan and others and invited them to respond; thereafter, the Liberated Areas twice invited democrats from Shanghai and Hong Kong to enter the Liberated Areas, and by March 1949, democrats in Shanghai who wanted to go north to attend the Political Consultative Conference had basically left Shanghai under the cover of underground organizations.

  Because of the close surveillance of Kuomintang agents, Huang Yanpei was unable to leave Shanghai and could not participate in this grand event, which made Huang Yanpei feel disappointed.

Huang Jingwu: The son disguised himself as a father to help Huang Yanpei get out of trouble, and after being arrested, he broke his legs and was buried alive

  Huang Yanpei's depressed appearance happened to fall into the eyes of his son Huang Jingwu, so Huang Jingwu thought of a trick for Huang Yanpei and successfully helped Huang Yanpei leave.

  Huang Jingwu, the second son of Huang Yanpei, graduated from Tsinghua University and later went to Harvard University in the United States for further study, and after returning to China, he served as the director of the Salt Inspection Institute in Yuanling, Hunan Province, and was suspended because he was unwilling to communicate with salt merchants.

  After that, he joined the revolutionary movement and became the Democratic League and the Democratic Construction Association led by Huang Yanpei, and also worked as an interpreter for Premier Zhou for a period of time.

  At that time, he was the executive officer of the Shanghai Civil Construction Association, and his main task was to cooperate with the Tang Enbo department stationed in Shanghai to carry out a rebellion, and to organize the defeated Chiang Kai-shek to financially luck Taiwan with the financial fortune of the central bank treasury in Shanghai.

  For his second son, Huang Yanpei is extremely important, seeing that he has a way to get himself out of danger, Huang Yanpei immediately asked, and Huang Jingwu's way to get along is very simple, because he is very similar to his father's body appearance, he proposed "the son dresses up as a father" to let Huang Yanpei get rid of the shell.

  For this method, Huang Yanpei refused, because if he was discovered by the secret agents, Huang Jingwu could not survive at all.

Huang Jingwu: The son disguised himself as a father to help Huang Yanpei get out of trouble, and after being arrested, he broke his legs and was buried alive

  Seeing that his father did not agree, Huang Jingwu said: "Dad, this is a matter of loyalty and filial piety, you can promise me, only in this way can you and your mother get out." ”。

  In the end, Huang Yanpei could not help his son and nodded in agreement.

  A few days later, Huang Jingwu pretended to be Huang Yanpei and first lured away the agents, while Huang Yanpei quickly took his wife's makeup and left in a rickshaw, hiding in his daughter's home, and successfully escaped from Shanghai underground party members.

  Huang Jingwu, on the other hand, and his wife dressed as father and mother, often walked around the courtyard, and the spies who monitored him did not find out for more than a month...

  Originally, after Huang Yanpei escaped, Huang Jingwu had the opportunity to leave, but he refused, because he wanted to find a way to keep the finances in the major banks in Shanghai at that time, because these finances belonged to the people and the country.

  If Shanghai is liberated and only an empty city is left, then what will millions of people eat?

  In order to accomplish this task, Huang Jingwu united bank employees and financial circles to come forward to fight, and through friends in the industrial and commercial circles and the press, exposed the smuggling conspiracy, causing great pressure on the Kuomintang government.

Huang Jingwu: The son disguised himself as a father to help Huang Yanpei get out of trouble, and after being arrested, he broke his legs and was buried alive

  Unfortunately, the Kuomintang agents were also omnipresent, and the news of Huang Yanpei's appearance in Beijing reached Mao Renfeng's ears, and Mao Renfeng called Mao Sen, the nephew in charge of this matter in Shanghai, and bloodied the dog that Mao Sen scolded.

  How can a Kuomintang agent who has been teased give up?

  On the morning of May 12, huang Jingwu had just entered the office when he was arrested by the agents, and Wang Xinheng, the small leader in charge of monitoring Huang Yanpei, grabbed Huang Jingwu and shouted angrily: "Why do you want to pretend to be your old man?" ”。

  Hearing this, Huang Jingwu laughed loudly: "My son is like Lao Tzu, how can he say that he is impersonating?" Isn't Captain Wang, you're not like your old man? ”。

  Huang Jingwu's answer made Wang Xinheng angry and ashamed, and he actually broke Huang Jingwu's two legs...

  When the news of Huang Jingwu's arrest reached Chairman Mao's ears, Chairman Mao immediately summoned Premier Zhou and Li Kenong, the former "king of secret agents," and asked them to rescue Huang Jingwu at all costs.

Huang Jingwu: The son disguised himself as a father to help Huang Yanpei get out of trouble, and after being arrested, he broke his legs and was buried alive

  After a series of negotiations, the underground party members in Shanghai reached an agreement with the Kuomintang agents and agreed to pay a large amount of money to return Huang Jingwu, but unfortunately, at this time, Mao Renfeng issued an order to execute Huang Jingwu.

  On May 18, 1949, Huang Jingwu was buried alive, and nine days later, Shanghai was liberated.

  After the liberation of Shanghai, Huang Jingwu had not yet returned home, which made his wife panic and even said that her husband must have been killed.

  On June 12, Huang Jingwu's remains were found, only to see holes in the mouth, broken hands and feet, and nails falling off.

  Fortunately, Huang Jingwu completed what he said--loyalty and filial piety.

Huang Jingwu: The son disguised himself as a father to help Huang Yanpei get out of trouble, and after being arrested, he broke his legs and was buried alive

  Huang Yanpei participated in the Political Consultative Conference held in September 1949, and after the founding of New China, served as a member of the Central People's Government, vice premier of the State Council and minister of light industry, vice chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, vice chairman of the National Committee of the Chinese People's Political Consultative Conference, and chairman of the Central Committee of the China Democratic Construction Association, and continued to serve the country until his death in 1965 at the age of 87.

  Huang Jingwu, on the other hand, was posthumously recognized as a martyr and buried in his hometown Chuansha Martyrs Cemetery, enjoying the worship of posterity...

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