
The Shanghai Private Economic Personage Ideal and Belief Education Base was inaugurated in Huang Yanpei's former residence

author:Xinmin Network

Xinmin Evening News (reporter Song Ninghua) In order to inherit and carry forward the feelings of home and country and patriotism of the Pudong sages represented by Mr. Huang Yanpei, today, the United Front Work Department of the Pudong New Area Cpc Committee and the District Federation of Industry and Commerce held the unveiling ceremony of the Shanghai Municipal Private Economic Persons Ideal and Belief Education Base and the Pudong New Area Private Economic Persons Ideal and Belief Education Work Promotion Meeting at Huang Yanpei's former residence.

The Shanghai Private Economic Personage Ideal and Belief Education Base was inaugurated in Huang Yanpei's former residence

Pictured: The Shanghai Private Economic Personage Ideal and Belief Education Base was unveiled at Huang Yanpei's former residence. Photo courtesy of Chuansha New Town

Shi Dengding, member of the party group and vice chairman of the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce, said that Mr. Huang Yanpei is a modern patriot and democratic educator in China, and the founder and theoretician of modern vocational education in China. In order to give full play to the role of the "Shanghai Private Economic Personages' Ideal and Belief Education Base", it is necessary to dig deep and enrich the ideal and belief education sites, continuously grow and improve the quantity and quality of the education bases, and strive to make Shanghai's ideal and belief education bases distinctive and influential, and display the work brand of the achievements of the ideal and belief education; it is necessary to do a good job in the construction of guidance points and demonstration points, give play to the role of gathering to lead a group of people and radiate a piece, form a situation in which chambers of commerce and enterprises strive to create guidance points, guidance points, and demonstration points, and lead and drive at all levels. It is necessary to vigorously carry forward the spirit of Shanghai businessmen with "patriotism, dedication, integrity, and enterprising" as the core, continuously deepen the connotation of education on ideals and beliefs, and truly build the "Spirit of Shanghai Businessmen" into a spiritual landmark and well-known brand for private entrepreneurs.

Zhang Feng, member of the Standing Committee of the Pudong New Area CPC Committee and director of the United Front Work Department of the Pudong New Area CPC Committee, said: The fact that the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce awarded Huang Yanpei the title of "Shanghai Municipal Education Base for the Ideals and Beliefs of Private Economic Personages" is not only a high affirmation of the status and role of the "sages" of the older generation in Pudong, but also a ardent expectation placed on contemporary private entrepreneurs to stimulate and carry forward the "Spirit of Shanghai Businessmen" and give play to the role of entrepreneurs as the main body, and at the same time provides vivid teaching materials and classrooms for the vast number of private entrepreneurs to study, inherit, and carry forward his spiritual qualities and fine traditions. It is hoped that the vast number of private entrepreneurs in Pudong, especially the representatives of the young generation of private economy, will draw nourishment and inspiration from them through on-site learning and on-site experience, and help Pudong build a leading area for socialist modernization.

Nearly 50 people attended the unveiling ceremony and work promotion meeting, including the Propaganda Department of the Shanghai Federation of Industry and Commerce, the Pudong New Area Federation of Industry and Commerce, the "Former Residence of Huang Yanpei" of the New District Cultural Protection Institute, representatives of private entrepreneurs in the new district, presidents, secretaries-general, responsible persons of party organizations and representatives of the Youth Chamber of Commerce of the New District Federation of Industry and Commerce.

The Shanghai Private Economic Personage Ideal and Belief Education Base was inaugurated in Huang Yanpei's former residence

After the meeting, the participating leaders and entrepreneurs of the Chamber of Commerce visited Huang Yanpei's former residence accompanied by the former residence docent. Everyone expressed that they should learn to inherit Mr. Huang Yanpei's deep love for the motherland and go all out to repay the hometown; learn to inherit his innovative spirit of exploring education to save the country and advocate vocational education; and learn to inherit his noble qualities of sincere suggestions and suggestions and carry forward unity and democracy.

In recent years, through the concerted efforts of the Pudong New Area Federation of Industry and Commerce and its affiliated chambers of commerce, the ideal and belief education guidance points for private economic personages have achieved 100% full coverage of the affiliated chambers of commerce. The establishment of the "Shanghai Private Economic Personages Ideal and Belief Education Base" will have a positive impact on driving private economic figures to extensively carry out ideal and belief education activities, relying on the "position" of Huang Yanpei's former residence, condensing the original intention and firm belief of the vast number of private enterprises and private economic figures, and inheriting and carrying forward the "Shanghai business spirit" with practical actions. At the same time, the establishment of the base will also promote the Pudong New Area Federation of Industry and Commerce to actively plan and gradually form a "1 (ideal and belief education base) + 38 (ideal and belief education guidance point of the affiliated chamber of commerce) + X (a number of member enterprise guidance points)" private economic people's ideal and belief education work system, and strive to explore a replicable and generalizable ideal and belief education work model for private economic people.

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