
Tangguang Junior High School in Chenggu County mourns the memory of Academicians Wu Mengchao and Yuan Longping

author:Chenggu Education

Surprised to learn that "the father of Chinese hepatobiliary surgery", academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Wu Mengchao and "father of hybrid rice", academician of the Chinese Academy of Engineering, and winner of the "Order of the Republic" Yuan Longping passed away, in the early morning of May 24, all the teachers and students of Tangguang Junior High School in Chenggu County took advantage of the flag-raising ceremony to mourn Wu Mengchao and Yuan Longping.

Tangguang Junior High School in Chenggu County mourns the memory of Academicians Wu Mengchao and Yuan Longping
Tangguang Junior High School in Chenggu County mourns the memory of Academicians Wu Mengchao and Yuan Longping

At the ceremony, Liu Bo, head of the moral education department of the school, briefly described the outstanding contributions made by the two academicians to the country and the people, and the teachers and students of the school collectively observed a minute of silence to express their deep condolences and deep remembrance for the death of the two academicians. Further educate all students to express their high respect for academicians with the practical actions of cherishing life, cherishing health, cherishing grain, and eliminating waste. I call on all students to set great aspirations and lofty aspirations under the spiritual inspiration of Yuan Longping and Wu Mengchao, the backbone of the country, to study hard, and to build the motherland into a more prosperous and strong country. (Text/Figure Jiao Zisu Liu Bo)

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