
Residents living in Heshan City, Guangdong Province, please note that tang guangzhen, who is the untrustworthy executor, please report it!

author:Heshan Municipal People's Court
Residents living in Heshan City, Guangdong Province, please note that tang guangzhen, who is the untrustworthy executor, please report it!

Judgment defaulter: Tang Guangzhen

ID number: 4407251965****0912

Gender: Male

Age: 56 years old

Address: No. 71, Tangwu Village, Popan Villagers Committee, Shaping Street, Heshan City, Guangdong Province

Case Introduction: In the case of plaintiff Feng Jinhua v. defendant Tang Guangzhen in the dispute over the sale and purchase contract, the (2020) Yue 0784 Min Chu No. 4847 Civil Judgment rendered by the Heshan Municipal People's Court on February 5, 2021 reads: The defendant Tang Guangzhen owes the plaintiff Feng Jinhua the principal amount of the goods of 51,327 yuan and the liquidated damages of 2,605.99 yuan, and after the judgment took effect, Tang Guangzhen has not yet fulfilled the obligations set forth in the effective legal documents.

Case filing time: April 2, 2021

Enforcement Case No.: (2021) Yue 0784 No. 1464

Enforcement Court: Heshan Municipal People's Court

Obligations determined by effective legal documents: 53,932.99 yuan was paid to Feng Jinhua and 709 yuan was to bear the case enforcement fee.

Performance by the person subject to enforcement: Failure to perform

Specific circumstances of the conduct of judgment defaulters: The person subject to enforcement refuses to perform the obligations set forth in the effective judgment without a legitimate reason

Contact the reporting telephone: The presiding judge: Judge Luo. Telephone number: 0750-8868722.

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