
10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup

author:Six Uncle Food
10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup


1 piece of tender tofu, 1 handful of green vegetables, 1 spoonful of salt, 1 spoonful of chicken essence


Cut the tofu into small pieces, add 1 spoonful of salt to water and soak for 15 minutes, soak the tofu in brine and let it use.

Wash the green vegetables and divide them into leaves, soak them in tofu-soaked brine for 15 minutes, rinse and drain.

Add water to the soup pot, heat over high heat until boiling, add the tofu cubes, continue to cook on high heat for 15 minutes and then add the vegetables.

Season with chicken essence and salt.

10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup

600 grams of blackfish head, 5 grams of salt, 20 grams of cooking wine, 20 grams of ginger, 15 grams of cooking oil

Wash the blackfish and take the fish bones and fish head, and cut the fish head into pieces

Pour in cooking oil and sauté the fish heads

Bring ginger, hot water and cooking wine to a boil and bring the soup to a milky white

Prepare a box of lactone tofu, open and blanch it in boiling water

Add to the fish soup and then boil, add salt, delicious fish head tofu soup out of the pot, simple no, you can also add mushrooms is also very delicious

10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup

50g shrimp skin, 200g tofu (north), 30g pickled fungus, 1 egg, 1 spring onion, a little salt, a suitable amount of water starch, 1 spoonful of cooking oil, a suitable amount of water, a little sesame oil

Prepare the required ingredients (cut the tofu into small pieces and soak in salt water for a few minutes, soak the fungus into strips, cut the green onion into green onions, wash the shrimp skin with warm water, beat the eggs and set aside)

Heat a little cooking oil in a pan and sauté the shrimp skin until fragrant

Stir-fry the green onion a few times

Pour in the right amount of hot water and bring to a boil

After boiling, add the tofu pieces and cook the shredded fungus

After cooking, pour the beaten egg mixture evenly into the pot

Allow the egg mixture to solidify and season with a pinch of salt

Add an appropriate amount of water starch to the sauce and drizzle a little sesame oil after the soup becomes viscous

10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup

3 tomatoes, 1 handful of enoki mushrooms, 1 piece of tofu, a little oil, salt, water, and a little chives

Wash the tomatoes and mushrooms, and cut the tofu into pieces of about 2 cm;

Cut the tomatoes into small pieces, if you want to peel, you can draw a cross flower knife on the top, blanch in a pot of boiling water for 30 seconds to easily peel the skin; the enoki mushroom cut off the old root at the bottom and divide into small handfuls;

Bring the mushrooms to water for 30 seconds and soften;

Stir-fry the tomatoes in another pot, pour a little oil, and stir-fry the tomatoes to make them thick;

Pour the right amount of hot water to boil, and then put the tofu cubes into the pot;

Cover and simmer for 5 minutes on medium-low heat, no need to flip halfway through;

Sprinkle with salt and mix well, then blanch the enoki mushrooms into the soup, stir slightly out of the pot, sprinkle a little chives to add color and flavor.

Enoki mushroom tomato tofu soup, delicious and calcium supplement!

10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup

1 crucian carp, 2 pieces of tofu, 1 piece of ginger, 1 handful of green onion, 1/2 tablespoon of cooking wine, 1 tablespoon of salt

The crucian carp is cleaned and scraped off the black membrane of the fish's abdomen. Fish eggs and fish bubbles can be washed and boiled together. Cut the tofu into small pieces, slice the ginger and cut the green onion into green onions.

After the hot pot is hot, pour the oil and stir-fry the ginger slices a few times.

Reduce the heat to medium and low, put the crucian carp into the medium-low heat and fry slowly.

Crucian carp is fried and then turned over. The advantage of this is to keep the skin intact, and the fish meat is cooked to keep the taste tight and not spread.

After frying the crucian carp on both sides, pour in the appropriate amount of boiling water. Almost the amount of water in the fish's body, turn on the heat and bring to a boil.

Add the tender tofu cut into small pieces.

Cook until the soup turns white.

Add the cooking wine.

Season with salt. Turn the fish over and continue to cook for four minutes.

Finally, add some green onions and cook for a while.

Finally, put onions and the crucian carp tofu soup is ready.


Crucian carp must be lightly fried on both sides, and the soup must be added with boiling water, so that the boiled fish soup will be as white as milk.

10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup

1 piece of tender tofu, 10g of dried dried shrimp, 100g of kelp knots, 50g of white mushrooms, 1 tablespoon of concentrated chicken juice, a little chicken essence

Bring 500ml of water to a boil in a pot, add a large spoonful of concentrated chicken juice and stir well;

Put the cut tofu cubes into the soup;

Bring to a boil over high heat and reduce the heat and place the kelp slices into the soup;

Add wash and drain the water is dried dried shrimp rice;

Then add the sliced white mushrooms and stir well;

Cook for 3 minutes over medium heat, add an appropriate amount of daxi chicken essence to taste

It is recommended to use tender tofu to make soup, the taste is more smooth and tender;

Kelp must be cleaned, otherwise the fine salt sand will affect the taste;

Chicken juice concentrate can be replaced with boiled broth for more deliciousness.

10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup

3 pork ribs, 1/2 carrot, 1/2 tofu, 1 handful of soybean sprouts, 1 cup of kimchi, 1 spoonful of salt, 1 heart of vegetables, 3 fish balls, 2 crab sticks

Wash the ribs and cook the soup. (If you eat it alone, you can cook a pot of rib soup at a time, even the ribs with soup into several sealed bags, freeze preservation ~ each time with a small bag can be, simple and super convenient!!! [So I'm just heating it up with the rib soup I've cooked before!] 】

Slice the tofu, peel the carrot and cut into hob pieces. Wash the bean sprouts and vegetables. Cut the crab stick into small pieces.

Take a small pot. First, put the carrot pieces and tofu on the bottom, stack them on the surface layer, and add the fish balls and bean sprouts. Put the ribs away. Finally, pour in the rib soup, not the vegetables.

After boiling until the soup is boiling for 10 minutes, add the kimchi and crab sticks and cook for five minutes.

Put in the heart of the dish, simmer for two minutes to turn off the heat,

The main ingredients are basically recommended to have [accessories] casually ~ you can put enoki mushroom lunch meat, you can also add a little sauce when the first step of hot rib soup, it is exactly like the taste of the big sauce soup. You can also add Korean hot sauce to make a spicy soup.

10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup

1/2 cabbage, 200g tofu, 80g crab mushrooms, green onion, salt

Stir-fry the green onion in hot oil

Stir-fry the cabbage over high heat, and the cabbage leaves can be left late for a while

Add tofu and stir-fry slightly, be careful not to crush the tofu

Finally, add the crab-flavored mushrooms

Add water to stew, like to drink soup, add more, add salt to taste before the pot

Light and tasty

10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup

300 grams of cod, 200 grams of tofu, cooking oil, salt, 1/2 teaspoon of pepper, 1 teaspoon of white wine, appropriate amount of coriander, a little green onion

Wash the cod descaled, cut into chunks and sprinkle with a pinch of salt.

Fry in cod cubes in a hot pan of cold oil.

Fry until the fish is slightly browned and sauté with ginger slices.

Cook in white wine to remove fishy.

Pour in hot water and salt.

Bring to a boil over high heat and simmer over medium heat for 10 minutes.

Add the pepper and chopped green onion.

Add the parsley and turn off the heat.

The soup is milky white and the fish is tender.

Do not move when the cod is just fried in the pan, and then turn it over after frying until the bottom is set, because the cod meat is very tender and easy to break.

10 courses of tofu soup method, autumn cooling more drink delicious tofu soup, brain puzzle, nutritious green vegetable tofu soup fish head tofu soup shrimp skin tofu soup gin mushroom tomato tofu soup crucian carp tofu soup kelp tofu soup kimchi ribs tofu soup cabbage tofu soup cod tofu soup spicy cabbage tofu soup

50g pork belly slices, 200g spicy cabbage, 2 green and red chili peppers, 50g enoki mushrooms, 200g of tender tofu, 3 spoonfuls of Korean hot sauce, water to taste, a little vegetable oil

First, slice the pork belly, wash and cut the green and red peppers, cut the tofu into small pieces, and wash the mushrooms to remove the roots

Heat a small amount of vegetable oil in the pot, sauté the pork belly and add the green and red peppers

Sauté the mushrooms in a pan

Add another 3 teaspoons of Korean hot sauce and spicy cabbage and continue to stir-fry, pour in the right amount of water (I added about 400 grams)

Place the chopped tofu cubes in the pan and continue cooking

Cook for about 4 to 5 minutes over medium heat!

Serve it with a bowl of rice and enjoy it!

If the spicy cabbage you bought back is not a small piece, you have to chop some! If you don't like to put pork belly, of course, you can leave it alone, and the taste is just as good!

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