
"Sugar Fried Chestnuts"


I have eaten three kinds of chestnuts, the first kind of particles are large, light in color, crisp in taste, not noodles, not sweet; the second kind of particles are small, dark in color, pinched very hard, the taste is very noodles, the noodles are choking, not sweet; the third looks similar to the second, the taste is soft and sticky, sweet. The third is superior, the second is secondary, and the first is the worst.

I have eaten Hebei Qianxi, Jinan southern mountainous, Rizhao Wulian, Qianxi soft glutinous sweet, Jinan soft glutinous noodles, sweetness is small, Rizhao noodles, slightly sweet. Soft glutinous and sweet has a lot to do with time, freshly picked chestnut noodles, small sweetness, stored for a period of time, the starch in the chestnuts gradually converted into sugar, the taste is soft and sweet.

Chestnuts can be fried, steamed, boiled, and eaten, and can be used to make dishes and staple foods, such as: chestnut stewed chicken, chestnut porridge, chestnut noodle nest head.

Chestnuts are generally made into sugar fried chestnuts, when frying chestnuts, put sugar, so called sugar fried chestnuts, in fact, the sweetness of chestnuts has nothing to do with sugar, just let the chestnut surface oil bright, improve the appearance of only, peel this chestnut, the hand is sticky, there are also sugar fried chestnuts without sugar, the taste is no different from the sugared. Some sell sugar fried chestnuts, which are cooked and then fried, and the moisture is large pressure scale, but the taste is poor.

Eat sugar fried chestnuts, generally go out to buy, you can also do it at home, you can use the oven, microwave oven to make sugar fried chestnuts, I often use the electric cake bell to make sugar fried chestnuts, wash the chestnuts, cut a small bite (do not cut the mouth will explode, make a "bang, bang, bang" sound, chestnut kernels are broken, fried fly) put on the electric cake bell, cover the lid, open the switch, about 10 minutes, power off, simmer for 3 minutes, open the lid.

Peeling chestnuts can not be hurried, two hands pinching chestnuts, pointing upwards, pinching the middle of the chestnuts with thumb nails, to hear a very low "pop", a small opening in the middle of the chestnut, along the small mouth of the two ends, the gap on the chestnut is extended to half or more than half of the entire chestnut, you can break the skin to take out the kernel, otherwise, if the chestnut kernel is broken into two pieces, it is difficult to take out, it is best to use tools.

Chestnuts are on the market in autumn, and late autumn and winter are the best seasons to eat chestnuts.

"Sugar Fried Chestnuts"

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