
Garlic belly brisket white eel, pepper cuttlefish fillet, scallion brown mushroom braised abalone garlic belly white eel pepper cuttlefish fillet scallion brown mushroom braised abalone


<h1>Garlic fire belly eel</h1>

Garlic belly brisket white eel, pepper cuttlefish fillet, scallion brown mushroom braised abalone garlic belly white eel pepper cuttlefish fillet scallion brown mushroom braised abalone

Ingredients &amp; Ingredients:

Pork belly, white eel, garlic, chili pepper, bean paste, cooking oil, salt, green onion, ginger, cooking wine


The white eel is cleanly processed, chopped into sections, and mixed with onion and ginger juice, salt and cooking wine to marinate

Preheat the casserole dish, heat up with the right amount of oil, sauté garlic, chili peppers, ginger slices, and shallots, and sauté the red oil with watercress sauce

Add eel segments and flakes over fire to cook in cooking wine, pour in the right amount of broth and cover with a lid and simmer

During the period, remember to use the spatula to push from time to time to prevent paste, after the eel segment is ripe, add salt to taste, pour in the starch and soy sauce, water mixed with the sauce to thicken

Garlic belly brisket white eel, pepper cuttlefish fillet, scallion brown mushroom braised abalone garlic belly white eel pepper cuttlefish fillet scallion brown mushroom braised abalone

<h1>Peppercorn cuttlefish fillets</h1>

Garlic belly brisket white eel, pepper cuttlefish fillet, scallion brown mushroom braised abalone garlic belly white eel pepper cuttlefish fillet scallion brown mushroom braised abalone

Fresh cuttlefish, peppercorns, green onions, ginger, white pepper, salt, cooking oil

Fresh cuttlefish is slaughtered to remove the film of internal organs and surface, the cuttlefish meat is cut into thin slices, and marinated with onion and ginger juice and salt

Marinate the cuttlefish fillets and grease until ripe

Leave the bottom oil in the pot, add peppercorns, green onion white, ginger slices and stir-fry, and pour on the cuttlefish fillets while the ingredients are hot

Garlic belly brisket white eel, pepper cuttlefish fillet, scallion brown mushroom braised abalone garlic belly white eel pepper cuttlefish fillet scallion brown mushroom braised abalone

<h1>Braised abalone with scallions brown mushrooms</h1>

Garlic belly brisket white eel, pepper cuttlefish fillet, scallion brown mushroom braised abalone garlic belly white eel pepper cuttlefish fillet scallion brown mushroom braised abalone

Abalone, brown mushroom, green onion, broccoli, shallot ginger juice, salt, white pepper, cooking oil, rock sugar, dark soy sauce, starch/

The abalone is slaughtered and hulled, and the meat is added with salt, white pepper, green onion and ginger juice, mixed well and marinated

The brown mushrooms are cleaned, the green onions are washed and cut into sections, and the broccoli is broken into small flowers and blanched in water for later

Heat the oil, add the shallots and ginger to fry until fragrant, add the abalone, brown mushrooms and broth and simmer to maturity, add rock sugar, old soy sauce to color, add salt to taste and then use starch water to draw the sauce

Preheat the casserole, add green onion and ginger slices to the bottom of the incense pad, add the braised brown mushrooms, abalone, add broccoli edges and heat slightly to serve

Garlic belly brisket white eel, pepper cuttlefish fillet, scallion brown mushroom braised abalone garlic belly white eel pepper cuttlefish fillet scallion brown mushroom braised abalone

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