
Garlic stewed white eel

Garlic stewed white eel

Recently, the weather has been hot and there is no appetite for eating, and this garlic stewed white eel is a good dish.

Ingredients: about 1.5 kg of live white eel, 1.5 pairs of fire brisket, 5 gold of wet shiitake mushrooms, garlic, ginger, green onion, tangerine peel, two soups

Seasoning: fine salt, monosodium glutamate, sugar, soy sauce, dark soy sauce, oyster sauce, sesame oil, rice wine, pepper, cooking oil

Ingredients: minced garlic, ginger rice, green onion, fried garlic

Preparation method: First slaughter the white eel, wipe the glue clean, chop the pieces (each piece is about an inch long), marinate it for about 15 minutes with a little salt, sugar, monosodium glutamate, soy sauce, soy sauce, pepper and sake.

Heat the wok under the fire, burn the oil temperature to 180 degrees (the wok side sees green smoke rising almost), put in the eel and fry until golden brown. Add the garlic and fry until golden brown.

Wash the wok and heat the oil, put in the head of the material slightly fried, add eels, fire brisket, fried garlic wine, then add two soups, cover with a wok cover, slow simmer the glue, and finally add the green onion to serve.

If you have a better cooking method, you can bring it up. Come on

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