
Unable to be the king of Yunnan, but delusional to the king of Burma, the famous anti-Japanese generals repeatedly defeated but became the king of opium

Li Mi was a senior Kuomintang general. Although you are a graduate of the "Huangpu IV", the only thing worthy of praise on the battlefield is good luck. During the War of Resistance Against Japanese Aggression, senior generals were killed in battle, and Li Mi was given the position of commander of the honorary 1st Division.

The 1st Honor Division consisted of soldiers who had returned from wounded and disabled units, and their mission was mainly to fight guerrillas. In 1941, Li Mi was ordered to reinforce Yichang, and he said that he commanded the artillery to blow up 21 Japanese aircraft, which was widely praised by the people of the whole country, and regrettably there was no corresponding record found in the Japanese army data.

Unable to be the king of Yunnan, but delusional to the king of Burma, the famous anti-Japanese generals repeatedly defeated but became the king of opium

In the Battle of Songshan in 1944, the president demanded that He Shaozhou, commander of the Eighth Army, and Li Mi, deputy commander of the Eighth Army, must take Songshan before the "918" National Shame Day, otherwise they would be brought to justice. In a hurry, Li Mi buckled up his steel helmet and rushed to the main peak position with the special agent battalion.

Li Mi's strategy was very simple, that is, to organize a death squad to charge, but the Japanese firepower and terrain were absolutely superior, and the result was that he was beaten on his back. However, Zhao Fabi, commander of the 3rd Regiment of the Honorary 1st Division, under the guidance of American advisers, adopted the method of "tunnel blasting" to achieve the "Songshan Victory".

Unable to be the king of Yunnan, but delusional to the king of Burma, the famous anti-Japanese generals repeatedly defeated but became the king of opium

During the Liberation War, Li Mi was surrounded by the People's Liberation Army three times, but each time he was destroyed. In 1947, Li Mi's Eighth Division was surrounded by the People's Liberation Army during the Battle of Linqu. Li Mi took advantage of the torrential rain and successfully broke through with the help of Huang Baitao.

During the Battle of Huaihai, the Kuomintang's 300,000-strong army was besieged at Chen Guanzhuang in Yongcheng, Du Yuming was captured, Qiu Qingquan was killed, and only three senior generals escaped, and Li Mi was one of them. Li Mi disguised himself as a wounded soldier and ran all the way north to the Liberated Areas, from Jinan to Qingdao, and fled by boat to Nanjing.

Unable to be the king of Yunnan, but delusional to the king of Burma, the famous anti-Japanese generals repeatedly defeated but became the king of opium

After escaping, Li Mi was ordered to reorganize his forces and then marched to Yunnan. On the night of December 9, 1949, Lu Han, chairman of Yunnan Province, declared an uprising and detained Li Mi, commander of the 8th Army stationed in Kunming, and Yu Chengwan, commander of the 26th Army. The commander was detained, and the two men and horses immediately marched towards Kunming.

Lu Han telegraphed Erye to speed up into Kunming, and on the other hand, in order to cope with the attack of the 8th Army and the 26th Army, he released Li Mi and Yu Chengwan successively. Thus the two armies abandoned their offensive and instead retreated to Mengzi in southern Yunnan, while Li Mi and Yu Chengwan were taken by plane to Taipei.

Unable to be the king of Yunnan, but delusional to the king of Burma, the famous anti-Japanese generals repeatedly defeated but became the king of opium

During the retreat, the main forces of the two armies were basically annihilated, and only a few fled into Burma. They soon became entangled with the veterans of the expeditionary force who had recovered and remained in southern Yunnan and formed the "Revival Force".

Although this part of the remnant army has been repeatedly defeated in china, after all, it is a regular army that has experienced the baptism of the War of Resistance and the War of Liberation, and its combat effectiveness is by no means comparable to that of the troops and toast armed forces left behind in the Burmese colonial period. In the First World War alone, the remnants of the army overwhelmed the Burmese government army and attracted great attention from Taiwan.

Unable to be the king of Yunnan, but delusional to the king of Burma, the famous anti-Japanese generals repeatedly defeated but became the king of opium

The remnants of the army took root in northern Burma, undoubtedly opening up a second battlefield for Taiwan's counteroffensive, and Li Mi took the initiative to request to go to Burma to receive troops. Soon after, Li Mi flew to Thailand, made contact with the remnants of the army, and entered northern Burma. Li Mi brought a monthly military salary of 200,000 baht and his own $100,000 for the troops to rescue.

The remnants of the army immediately recruited troops and prepared to counterattack Yunnan. Subsequently, due to the sudden change in the international situation, he received assistance from the United States. In the summer of 1951, Li Mi commanded troops to invade 8 counties and districts, including Mengding, Yunnan, but only held out for a few months before losing Burma. The People's Liberation Army's fierce offensive made Li Mi realize that there was no chance of a counterattack on Yunnan, but he was reluctant to return to Taipei.

Unable to be the king of Yunnan, but delusional to the king of Burma, the famous anti-Japanese generals repeatedly defeated but became the king of opium

At the end of the Qing Dynasty and the Republic of China, Yunnan's opium was famous at home and abroad for its excellent quality, and the opium finance also fed great warlords like Tang Jiyao. Most of Li Mi and his men were from Yunnan and knew how to feed the army with poison.

In addition to harassing the China-Myanmar border with a small number of troops, their main energy was on armed escort and opium trafficking. Li Mi can be said to have created a precedent for the international armed drug trafficking of the regular army and laid the foundation for the "prosperity" of the Golden Triangle in the future.

Unable to be the king of Yunnan, but delusional to the king of Burma, the famous anti-Japanese generals repeatedly defeated but became the king of opium

Burma is an independent sovereign state, which will never allow foreign troops to be stationed in its territory, and has also cleared and suppressed the remnants of Li Mi's army, but all of them have ended in disastrous defeats. Myanmar's helplessness has encouraged Li Mi's arrogance, and he even boasted to the media: "To tell you the truth, it is not easy for me Li Mi to be the king of Yunnan, but it is easy to be the king of Myanmar!" The key is to see if I want to do it or not. ”

Li Mi's words stung the self-esteem of Myanmar, Thailand and Laos, which pressed the United States on the one hand and complained to the United Nations on the other. Eventually, under international pressure, Li Mi and his subordinates withdrew to Taiwan in batches, but some of them still did not want to live under the fence, and many of them later became famous drug lords in the Golden Triangle.

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